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Everything posted by Basher

  1. times I've had a few of those problems too. Often difficult to write outside the quote box.
  2. Hello - Interesting Forum

    Ha ha, that's really not a problem, sometimes I ignore my own posts. Hope you've found the Tao Bums Forums to be of interest.
  3. Hello! I am a student from 99 Iron Crotch Qi Gong

    I've definitely seen this Grandmaster on TV. Perhaps he was on Chris Crudelli' s "Mind, Body and Kick Ass Moves" ?
  4. Hi Tyler and welcome to the Tao Bums. We're a pretty laid back and easy going bunch here (usually), but we do have a few rules to keep things running smoothly and pleasantly for everyone. Kindly read the two posts pinned to the top of the Lobby, prior to posting elsewhere in the Forums. Basher
  5. Multiple Posting - Rules ?

    Ah, but choosing a random person like Arcimedes Half Crocus, his thread on the Chinese Noodle Reactor meltdown, would end up being one huge long post !!!!! Unless somebody interrupted him.
  6. Hi

    Hi Moon_Shine and welcome to the Tao Bums. If you haven't already done so, please read the two posts pinned to the top of the Lobby. Prior to posting elsewhere in the Forums. Basher
  7. Hello

    Hello and welcome to the Tao Bums, Cory. Please take the time to read the two posts pinned at the top of the Lobby and also take a look at our rules and terms We are a pretty easy going lot here, but these posts will let you know all that you need be aware of. Basher
  8. Hello to those who are reading this

    Welcome, unlearner. Presume that calmness under pressure and a steady hand are both required in your chosen profession Stay safe and be well. Basher
  9. fuck this shit

    Time to take the Garbage out ????
  10. Haiku Chain

    Donate my karma Or get me some Armour to see out this day Edit: To add "some" to comply with 5/7/5 syllabul rule.
  11. Livening up da bums! :)

    Feel Ya, Bro. Enlight'ment, upside yo head Anyone disageez, getz a cap in yo "bottom"
  12. Livening up da bums! :)

    WORD !!! LMAO Innit ?
  13. Hello, everyone.

    He anything like Ted Nugent ?
  14. Natural Law and Self-Preservation

    Maybe so, I just don't like Snails or Frogs Legs. (Sorry Deci)
  15. Natural Law and Self-Preservation

    Wellington & his British/Dutch etc Army would have been in deep doo-doo in June 1815, if it hadn't had the help of General Blucher & the Prussians. We'd all be speaking French !!! Sacre Bleu !!!
  16. edit timer?

    Can't we Edit this Thread ? All this Edit Kerfuffle is kinda boring now that it's been decided to return to the good Old way of doing things. (LOL)
  17. Could you guys test something for me?

    I see dead people, oh and logs. LOL
  18. Hello everyone and question

    Nice introductory post juliank, welcome to the Tao Bums. Please ensure that you have read the two posts pinned to the top of the Lobby. You should then be able to post elsewhere on the forums. Generally we're pretty easy going here, but we do have a few rules and regulations. To stop Trolls, Spam and Bots, etc. Enjoy your time here. Basher
  19. Hello

    Hello and welcome to the Tao Bums, Henaro. Please take the time to read the two posts pinned to the top of the Lobby. We are generally an easy going bunch here, but there are a few rules and regulations to try and stop Spam and Spybots, etc. Basher
  20. how did Bruce Lee die

    The man virtually single handedly, gave the HK Chinese back their pride / respect. They couldn't / wouldn't understand how a superfit guy in his early 30's, who many considered their hero, could die from taking a migraine tablet (equlgesic, I think, from memory). The actress Betty Ting Pei's (?) career amongst others, never recovered. Sure the guy was a bit wild in his youth and had a temper. But he was also a martial artist with fantastic ability. He was never still, always training or reading, or both at once. His books make interesting reading. Not so much the innovator, as some might think. As a lot of his sayings and techniques were borrowed from elsewhere. But the way he put stuff together was what made him really special IMO. Don't know anything about his cultivation stuff. But sincerely hope that his family aren't adversely affected by all the theories that have been circulating since 1973.
  21. Ancient Memories

    Intentweilder welcome to the Tao Bums. Kindly take a moment or two to read the two posts pinned to the top of the Lobby. Generally we're an easy going bunch, here. But there are a few rules and regs, to stop trolls etc. Basher
  22. I will remember you

    You had to go and mention the E word !!! LOL
  23. I will remember you

    Anybody here think they're a Goldfish.
  24. I will remember you

    Epic, Apech ?
  25. Syria

    Wild Co-incidence, do you think ?