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Posts posted by Nikolai1

  1. I think a person can have real psychic ability and use it to be a showman. And I think the same person will use cheap illusion tricks in order to back up failure. I'm nor saying Uri Geller is a saint, but he as demonstrated extraordinary abilities under controlled conditions. But the main point is that the existence of these abilities are radically world changing the moment we admit to their existence. And that is what most cannot do. The CIA docs are as good evidence as you will get, but they will be ignored.

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  2. Geller claimed to have siddhis and was investigated by the CIA, and they agreed. I'm just aware that for the average man on the the street, as well as for our chief intellectual leaders, siddhis do not exist and those who claim to have them are charlatans. This evidence is as strong as it gets, straight from the classified archives.

  3. Whatever Geller has done in other contexts and whether some of his shows are magic tricks...This isn't.


    Nungali's post is the usual response of the inner CIA. Talk instead about where he was dubious as a person. If we focus on this it lets our minds not dwell an the momentousness of the CIA investigation.

  4. So the CIA released 13 million pages of classified information and amid the usual betrayals, and assassinations, and humdrum daily acts of cynical realpolitik, something rather interesting emerged. The CIA privately investigated the psychic powers of Uri Geller and concluded that he had 'demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner.'


    The existence of the telepathic mind, that is, the notion that we have perceptual organs that can read another's thoughts or see objects at distance or out of view, is a world-changing thing to contemplate. It is strictly not something that humans or animals are supposed to be able to do. Most of us just dispose of the extraordinary cognitive challenge that these studies pose by denying such powers exist. They make the human being an entirely different thing to what we thought.


    I don't know why the Geller investigation was made classified, but even now it is in the public domain, there is no possible way that the public themselves can cope with the information. It will be as if it never happened. Though we all read it in the newspapers yesterday and today, our minds will classify the information. We each judge that it is best if we don't know too much into these things. 'Better to stick with the narrative,' so says our own inner CIA.

    I love these stories, though. They expand the mind. They feel liberating to read!


    • Like 6


    As certain of the higher vehicles are engaged and relatively clear the energy is little influence by absinance - at least it has been for me considered of little significance. If I were to masturbate daily it would have little effect on my general energy - as an experiment it could be above the indulgence of distraction and I am certain it would be no big drop.


    Yes, but you would never go on some sort of masturbation binge - it's just not something you would ever do or feel the need to do.  It's all very well to talk about 'ifs' but when we look at your actual life - you are celibate and sexual release is something that is unwanted/unnecessary.


    But for me, it is still feasable that I go on some kind of binge and so the energetic highs and lows that ensue are facts of life.  


    You, perhaps rightly, resist the engineering talk, and yet your very life seems to be an example of what happens when we outgrow the need to 'ground' ourselves through sex.


    I think my main point is that we need our energies to be in balance.  Sex can be used to ground those energies; or it can be used to raise them by turning sex into a kind of yoga.  This is why there can be no no proscribed view on the spiritual harms or benefits of sex.  But one thing that is true is that we reach a point where we stop using sex as a way of modifying our energetics. I think when this point comes then sex becomes something irrelevant - we know in advance that it serves no purpose for us.  It no longer grounds us or raises us.  


    The purposeless of it becomes very obvious when fear of babies becomes a part of sex.  One wonders: why put up with unnecessary fear.

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    Since Awakening I am what I consider Celibate though I have a wife and 9 year old son. But my wife and I have no sex of any kind - and we do not engage in any "play".

    You're basically saying the same as I've been saying.  Although I don't recomnend the deliberate pursuit of celibacy - it will naturally become a feature of our lives as we awaken.  I'm in a situation where two developments have naturally converged:

    1) My partner and I feel an acute desire not to conceive any more children.


    2) I no longer need the pleasures of sex in my life anyway.  While I enjoy intimacy as much as ever, intercourse seems unnecessary and a bit ridiculous - undignified even.  The orgasm is still a pleasure, but sometimes I experience almost equivalent bodily pleasures spontaneously and I enjoy a subtle background pleasure day in day out, which it seems to me that too much sex would dissipate.


    I understand that for some people, sex - like meditation - is understood as a powerful spiritual practice.  I think if you have these views then it is unlikely to strike you as ridiculous or unnecessary.  But for me, I've never attached that much spiritual significance to it, so it seems it is time for me to let it fall by the wayside.



    It is this last thought that brought me to choose the quote above - the idea that "spiritual practice is all about the capacity to contain energy" - it is perhaps the opposite of this.

    Perhaps contain is the wrong word - the 'capacity to sustain energy' would perhaps be better.  One thing I've noticed is that when I go without sex I experience a strong feeling of buzzing energy.   Within about a week this becomes so strong that I am no longer able to drink coffee as I am left feeling too 'wired'.  If this feeling gets too strong I start to feel quite unpleasant and I need sexual release in order to feel more grounded.  My body, in other words, is unable to tolerate the high vibrational frequency that celibacy produces.


    But, the opposite is also true.  With too much sexual release I start to feel too grounded - heavy, lethargic and sluggish and some form of retention is necessary in order to restore the feeling of vibrancy and equilibrium.


    When it come to spiritual practice there is a definite direction.  Over time, the equilibrium bar gets higher and we are required to ejaculate less and the vibrations we feel comfortable with grow higher and higher.


    There are other ways of noticing this change in basic energy.  We find that we no longer need heavy grounding foods ( eg meat) as much as once did, and we don't need other energy lowering substances (like alcohol).


    Over time we naturally fall into a pattern of vegetarianism, tee-totalism and celibacy.  This is not a deliberate ploy - it naturally occurs and we wish it because it feels more wholesome to us.


    But this can never be turned into a moral code.  If a person cannot tolerate high vibrations, they should not attempt celibacy.  They will either fail (thus leaving them feeling bad) or they will resort to other compulsive frequency lowering techniques.  As many of these teachniques are behavioural/emotional the person may need to lower their energy through mistreatment of other people, or through involvement with situations that they could have avoided by a more judicious attitude to the pleasure of sex.


    The monkey in a cage is accumulating energy that the animal has not been prepared for.  Masturbation is crucial and necessary for equilibrium and well-being.


    The average human also lives in a kind of cage - incarcerated by their fixed patterns they see in reality.  Frequent need for the grounding power of sex is one of the defining traits of the human condition, but is one that the liberated have freed themselves from.

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  7. I am not opposed to birth control per se. I recommend non-invasive and non-abortive methods. We can talk about that more, if you are interested.



    The beauty of non permanent birth control is that people can enjoy a sexual relationship, even though the timing isn't right for them to be conceiving children.  But for a person of 40 who already has three children, such a person may feel like their days of conceiving children are behind them.  This is a distinctive emotion - and thus a person can feel a dread at the thought of conception that they never felt when they were younger.  And therefore a fear can start to spoil our sex life that wasn't there  - even in the days when we were less emotionally and financially stable in our relationship.


    Obviously the vasectomy is a solution to this problem, but I think a lesser solution.  Surely the solution is celibacy?  That way our bodies and reproductive system are left as nature intended them AND we are free of the fear of conception.


    Fundamentally it seems to rest on one question.  Is it natural and desirable that people continue to have sex when their desire for children is over? Some say yes, some say no.  I guess speaking personally, I wonder what else sex has to offer me - even if it is free of fear.  Sex is so much a part of human culture that it seems impossible to think of life without it.  And yet to me it still falls in the same category as drink, drugs, fame, wealth and all the other substitutions people use in place of the joy of pure being.


    Anyone who has tried celibacy will report that there are compensations.  We feel more stable, confident and more content.  But it seems that the energy that is released by celibacy can't be contained by the body - we are set on edge by the energy - and it seems the only way back to balance is by sexual release.


    For me spiritual practice is all about developing the capacity to contain energy. Celibacy becomes easier as we grow more used to dealing and channeling what is left over.  If we are sedentary or uninspired then that energy will become uncontainable and so celibacy is out of the question.  Put a monkey in a cage and masturbation becomes absolutely necessary for his well-being because his energy levels become unmanageble.


    The question of sex and the importance of sex in a relationship reminds me of the question of meditation.  There comes a point where sitting meditation falls to deepen our insight.  We are called to integrate meditation into our daily life and develop the ability to stay centred even while outwardly active.  Sex is like deliberate meditation.  But if we are able to express the love and intimacy in each moment, then the concentrated session, becomes unnecessary.  This is why i think that the move towards celibacy is natural at some point in our path.


    I don't yet know whether I am personally ready for celibacy, but one thing is sure : I certainy see it as being my future and it is the future I wish for myself.

  8. See I don't think this koan is about sex. It's about living by the codes of the world when you are in need of the world. It is a reminder that we must be grateful to the gifts that are offered to us. The monk thought he could accept some gifts and not others - this was in skillful of him.


    But anyway, Michael, you don't seem to like vasectomy but are you an advocate of other types of birth control?

  9. I've never had kids, so I am more and more interested (though not attached) in having one....however, I have considered it in the past, and I believe that it is give and take....having a child can certainly impact your ability to undertake cultivation, but only in a certain mindset...24/7 meditation (which involves the most intense non-attachment) should have no problem with having children.

    Yes, those with children must follow a certain type of practice and their path will be more bhakti in nature.  From the moment the child is born the parent must quickly learn to put their own needs and desires second.  The parent must yield to the needs of their child and very often the needs of their partner.  


    You have to learn that deep sense of OKness, even when things aren't going exactly how you want. In the early days, the lesson is very strident and direct.  Your whole being is wanting sleep, but when the baby cries, you must put the baby first.  Doing this, you learn to access the deep resources which others learn to access through meditation.  Yes, meditation is made much harder with children in the house - mostly because of time constraints - but parenthood is also spiritual practice.

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  10. First off, in light of the views I shared above, I'm glad to hear that you have decided not to do this.


    However, I feel that now you are throwing out the baby with the bathwater.


    The way I see it, sex is not only meant for procreation, but also a spiritual activity that deepens the energetic connection with your partner.


    You may be "receiving messages that sex is no longer appropriate for you", but what about your partner? Are you sure she is okay with that?


    Are you considering an alternative to "normal" sex?

    I'm not saying that its the end of intimacy, but maybe the end of the specific act that is intercourse.  For me, I can't see a way around this.  If you have intercourse, then babies may come.  And this seems especially true for us, who have always conceived very easily.  But let me know what you think?

  11. BTW I agree that a vasectomy wouldn't interfere with our senergetic / spiritual development.  For me the main problem woud be the unwillingness to consider life without sex - even though there are strong messages from life that sex is no longer suitable for you.  So the person who has a vasectomy would be limited not by the medical procedure, but by the attitude that made them seek out the procedure.

  12. Thank you all for the viewpoints.  I suppose I should say more about my own thoughts.


    I think first of all, I've decided that I won't consider a vasectomy.  For me the strong Conviction that you won't father any more children is a kind of milestone in our development.  And silent thunder is absolutely right - once that Conviction has struck you, then sex can't be enjoyed with the same abandon.  There is a kind of fear surrounding the subject - like you are playing with fire.  With three young children in the house we are tired and financially stretched and another child would make this situation a great deal worse.


    But still, to fix this situation with medical surgery seems false - seems to go against the Way. It seems a solution that is not holistic. To me it shows a stubborn attachment to sexual intercourse, and an unwillingness to imagine how life can be lived without it.  I guess for me, if you are happy to have sex then you should be happy to deal with the consequences of sex - this is a holistic situation.  The Conviction reveals to us that we are no longer willing to deal with the consequences of sex.


    So, for me, the thing to try out with resolve and conviction is to try and live without more children and without more sex. I wonder if this might start a new phase in our pasychosexual development - the post-sexual phase.  All the traditions have pointed out the role of celibacy, but I think that it is less often talked about as a natural response to the circumstances of life.  For a 40 year old man with three children to go celibate is quite different to a 21 year old doing it out of a strong willed desire to boost his energetics.  For me it is arising from a specific threshold that has been crossed, and I think this makes celibacy seems rational, natural, appealing and perhaps easier.


    Broadly speaking, it is one of my major insights that the pleasures of life are often preparations for deeper, more enduring pleasures.  I wonder if celibacy can bring a more deep, stable sense of well-being than the orgasm can provide - though both types of well-being are of the same fundamental nature?

  13. I'm nearly 40 with three children and my partner and I are certain we don't want any more. I've noticed that friends in the same situation are starting to have the vasectomy.


    For me there seems something unnatural about this solution. Be really interested in hearing your opinions?

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  14. Certain places have wah; a feeling that pervades them.  You find it in nature.  There are individuals that give off certain wahs, of peace and equanimity or go in the other direction.  


    So a person is like a kind of church, or sacred grove?  Something has accumulated where they are?



    I'm not Christian but many churches have some sacred geometry built into them. 

    I like this! Beautiful architecture is to stone what yoga is to the human body.  

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  15. What do you mean by "feeling of church?" exactly? Vibratory, electrical current in the body?



    Yes I call it peace, but I feel it as a pleasant buzzing in the chest.  The atmosphere feels charged and meaningful.  Perceptions are sharpened.  There is a strong tendency to fall into silence, perhaps close the eyes.  This is the Church Feeling!


    But like I said, for me it seems very important that we discover that this peace can descend upon us anytime - no church required!

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    Is it apropriate to say that this person needs it? Or maybe is it choiceless... Like attracts like. 

    I think an important part of spiritual growth is that the feeling of Church can also happen spontaneously within so that, as Jesus said, our bodies themselves become our temple.


    A person who is only capable of religious feeling while in a physical Church must surely be stuck?

  17. the Holy Spirit will work through any and all types of forms possible, 

    And it can felt as being out there and in here:


    'The chapel was holy ground; but it was my holiness within that recognised and responded to that.'


    'I am holy, and my kitchen was sanctified by my presence; or even my humble kitchen is holy ground like the chapel.'


    The holy spirit is made within or without by the act of interpretation we make.  Idolatry is when we refuse to accept that the chapel is a humble spot like my kitchen.  It is not holy because all do not feel it as holy, just like my kitchen.