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Everything posted by gatito

  1. .

    This approach was a stroke of genius from @Walker, especally as it can be applied as an antidote to any religion.
  2. Perhaps I can (usefully) respond to this in stages Dreambliss? Firstly, Buddhism encompasses many different individual beliefs (dependent also upon the particular sect with which an individual chooses to identify), as we've seen clearly on this thread over the last 7 years since you asked this question. It also seems (to me) that what lies at the heart of this question is some Christians' concepts of God & the belief that any concept of God is absent from Buddhism. However, I've encountered some Buddhists who are perfectly willing to concede that some concepts of God are not inconsistent with some concepts of Dependent/Interdependent Origination (or with some Hindus' concepts of Brahman or Indra's Net). Secondly, some Christians do not have an anthropomorphic/dualistic concept of God, so they do not subscribe to the dualistic notions of Heaven/Hell or Salvation/Damnation. Thirdly, in the final analysis, any concept/belief is just a thought & not a direct experience of Enlightenment/God/Mystical Union. Hoping that's useful to you? _/\_
  3. I noticed that too, although, back in the day it was a lot more intellectually stimulating (barring a couple of notable examples).
  4. Happy to have another go if anyone's still up for it?
  5. I've noticed that a substantial proportion of the posts here are by people who don't seem to understand the source texts from which they derive their quotes. Anyone here read/write/speak sanskrit? Anyone here interested in learning/teaching sanskrit?
  6. Sunrise, Sunset, Night.

    This Forum is Dead Earth to earth, Ashes to ashes, Dust to dust. The End Bonne Chance! Ciao Bums!
  7. Big Brother has arrived in the UK

    Nonsense! However, as I said: Just read (and understand) the documentation first. For example: if you're as paranoid as shortstuff is about hardware-compromised HDDs and USB keys (and some of the other issues he raises) then you'd just run Tails from a DVD on a second-hand laptop bought for cash from a random pawnshop. Some of the other issues are a bit more complex (e.g. downloading and verifying the iso).
  8. Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

    Exactly! That's why I'm also a Buddhist.
  9. Santa

    Belief in Santa could affect parent-child relationships, warns study CAUTION: this article contains sensitive information concerning the existence of Santa Claus
  10. Santa

    Yes. It can get quite interesting if origins of the myth are more closely examined. Although, I think that these origins can also be just as psychologically damaging as the modern religions to which you refer.
  11. Yogiraj SatGurunath Siddhanath

    рдЪреИрддрдиреНрдпрдорд╛рддреНрдорд╛ реерезрее Caitanyam─Бtm─Б ||1|| Consciousness which is omniscient and omnipotent (caitanyam) (is) the Self or true nature of Reality (─Бtm─Б) ||1|| Vasugupta (860тАУ925 AD) A simple starting experiment:
  12. How to cultivate without methods

    A good student is indeed a treasure, although I have somewhat different selection criteria.
  13. What caused the Twin Towers to collapse?

    ... combined with two aeroplanes and massive ignorance and stupidity.
  14. How to cultivate without methods

    I'm not worried. I'm a teacher in my own right but I choose to teach elsewhere (in person).
  15. How to cultivate without methods

    Exactly what I said to awaken: I think she probably understands what I'm saying - but if she doesn't, she strikes me as someone who would ask for clarification herself.
  16. How to cultivate without methods

    No. I certainly didn't say that.
  17. How to cultivate without methods

    Here's a clue:
  18. How to cultivate without methods

    Your getting warmer dawei. What do you think that awaken is transferring?
  19. How to cultivate without methods

    Think of it as an MCQ if that helps.
  20. How to cultivate without methods
  21. How to cultivate without methods

    awaken's move was wise, I think.