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Posts posted by Sonica

  1. Very interesting!!

    Actually the tale I translated is very metaphoric. It talks about "the art of the sword" and "the way of the sword". I think that you will find it interesting!!

    I'm making a translation of a book from the temple of White Cloud in Beijing. So the source text is very good :)

    I just need some days because I'm very busy at work!

  2. Hi everybody,

    sorry for my late reply but I was in Italy and I just come back to Beijing.

    First of all thanks for you suggestions. They are very helpful.


    For what concerns the term 灵宝 my questions was about his content and if there an english translation of the title.


    Thanks and have a nice evening!!

  3. Hi sonia =)

    I have my bachelors in philosophy and I am studying my second year of chinese right now at renmin university.


    Unfortunately I am not good enough to help translate those kinds of tales! (are they probably in ancient chinese, too? They have to be translated into contemporary mandarin with notes somewhere.....)


    I am more of a contemporary philosopher than a religious daoist... see my metaphysic here:



    but I am also still very much in love with the taoist philosophy. I am reading the dao de jing now, and practicing a sitting form of qigong.


    If you'd like to hang out some time at wudaokou or something, if you like. Do you like to smoke hash..?


    Hi Findley,

    thanks for you invitation. On friday I'm going to leave China for two weeks. I have to come back to Italy. After my return in Beijing we can arrange a date, also with Cameron!


    I would like to start with qigong and neigong. Is there somebody who can introduce me to teachers here in Beijing? I know that there are a lot of teachers but most of them are in the US.

    I'm planning to go to Wudang in June or July, but I think that that place now is too commercial and expensive.

  4. Welcome! Good to be in Beijing, especially if you like Bagua zhang.


    There is the 白云观, the most important Taoist temple of the 全真branch of taoism in Beijing. Their taoism is said to be the heritage of 吕洞宾. Some of them might know a little english and help you in your translations.


    Actually the book I'm translating is from 白云观.

    I also know that in this temple there's the most important center of Taoist studies. I will go there and ask some monk if they can help me :)


    Thanks everybody for all of your replies :)

  5. Hi everybody,

    my name's Sonia, I'm Italian and I've been living in Beijing since August.

    I have a Master's degree in Chinese Language and Culture and my degree thesis topic is about the translation of tales concerning the Immortal Lu Dongbin. I'm going on with my researches on Neidan and with the translations of the tales but since sometimes Chinese Language is too hard, I'm looking for somebody who can help and explain me the meaning of some terms. I would like also to meet anybody interested in this topic for talking and share our knowledge.


    Thanks everybody and have a nice day or evening whenever you live :)



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