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Posts posted by Flolfolil

  1. I think its because they know stuff, secret stuff, the juicy bits and all, that standard agents dont, hence they become dangerous to 'lineage'


    if i knew some crazy secret stuff that could help people and it was within the scope of safety to teach them, i would tell everyone.


    So if anyone is trying to get famous or make money off of their teachings, don't tell me anything you don't want published everywhere anonymously. If you have a good point, i will tell other people. For free. Might not even give you credit, but say "i read this somewhere." Lol.

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  2. I am interested in how people do this?


    Have you found people also radiate the opposite to calming energy?


    Yes but most of the time when i am at unrest, it is because of my own mental crap.


    i find that people do it by being totally focused on what they are doing in the moment. When you see a person doing this, you feel no fear because you know they are so focused they couldn't possibly be judging you. It is all internal when you break it down though

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  3. It is basically that feeling you get when you feel safe. Or if you watch someone concentrating on something they like doing one pointedly. Whispering can trigger it, as well as certain gentle sounds.


    i get it when i am in a library, a place of respect where everyone has an unspoken agreement to be quiet. i also get it when i see mothers with their children, showing them new things.


    i'm fairly addicted to this feeling, and can almost conjure it up at will with no stimulus. But it is always more powerful when someone is causing it, it is like some people radiate calming energy which projects this feeling onto other people.


    Lots of videos on youtube that are made to trigger it, some better than others

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    not to promote my own youtube channel or anything, but my bf and i made this. It is relevant to the new age hippie garbage topic


    i actually advise against watching this or any of our other youtube videos if you are offended by anything, at all

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  5. Please keep this new-age hippie garbage from the Vedanta forum. This is precisely the thing that gives authentic Yoga a bad name.


    Wow. "authentic yoga". and here i was thinking other peoples' view of what is authentic didn't matter as long as what you are doing makes you feel good. Good thing you educated me :rolleyes: Brings up memories of when i first started practicing yoga and toyed around with different ways i could pick my nose to see how they made me feel


    Laughter is really good for the 3rd chakra

  6. You are fooling yourself if you think some foods are okay because they are lower in pesticides.




    Best way to go all organic is to write down everything you want to buy, then shop around at competing grocery stores.


    There's also preservatives to think about, among every other food additive. Basically google everything in the ingredients list. Don't eat anything refined like flour, sugar, salt or canned veggies.


    Then i hear there's high and low enzyme content food, eating seasonally, food combining, ph levels in the body, the containers you hold and cook your food in, the health of the animal the food comes from if you aren't vegan.


    And then there is water, which is a whole nother ballgame.


    Once you start cutting out everything that is bad for you for a while, your body will never agree with it again. i feel terrible every time i go to taco bell now. Your emotions towards the chemicals you know are in it start negatively affecting you as well. i just stay away from crap entirely because i know if i go to that hotdog stand downtown i can be prepared to have my teeth hurt, my stomach hurt, get horrible shits, and be consuming things that hurt just about every organ in my body. Once you develop sensitivity there is no going back. It disgusts me the things the food industry is doing to food.

  7. Well being a gay male i was asking about the man on man semen consumption. lol


    Yeah bringing up other fluids is a valid point, i figure people on this forum might know a little more than vampire fans though.


    i -maybe- feel more energized when i swallow, but it is probably from all the excitement i had doing the act. There, was that so hard? why can't a girl be this open too?

  8. i get it i get it i get it i get it. i already said i understand the it detracting from "real spiritual progress"


    The reason i want to know these things is because if i don't, then people who i am trying to tell about these things that don't believe in anything spiritual will actually know what i am speaking of. If i don't know these things, it is impossible to relate my experiences to other people. i get it, can we please get past the argument i keep saying i am trying specifically to avoid. Thanks in advance

  9. I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish with your practice


    knowledge of the self AND the body. i seek to unify the cosmic truth with verifiable science that can easily be related in words. If i can't explain something, i don't know it well enough.


    i don't need the "don't cling to sensations" talk. i don't care for it. i GET that sensations will come and go and not to want them or not want them. i get that by wanting to understand them, i am clinging in a way. This is my decision, and my path. i want to understand this type of thing. So anyone telling me to let it go can just not bother, i wont willingly be blissfully ignorant of anything.

  10. our brain interprets these sensations as such. The energetics can also make you feel happy, sad, etc. As in sensations, thus in emotions...


    yes but even then, this "energy" is causing chemical happenings in your brain that produce this happiness. Also, how can a feeling that i have never had before be just my minds way of interpreting it if i have never felt anything like that before?

  11. Is there any description for what different ones mean? Scientific or energetic explanations welcome, i would like both.


    For example, what does it mean when a part of my body turns cold, or hot, or numb, or tingly. These are all very different feelings, and i think there has got to be some reason that they each individually occur.

  12. A male body is yan. The jing is essence of yan. Once it has in contact with air, it'll be oxidized. If the same male or another male consume it orally, the effective agent couldn't be absorbed. However, female have special enzyme in their saliva to enable them to restore the xoidized jing. Since their body is yin, the essence of yan would be of very valuable to their etheral body and spiritual development.


    Also can we get a female perspective on this? Have you ever swallowed and felt vitalized afterward? Or is this just an ancient chinese secret to get your girl to swallow?