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Posts posted by Flolfolil

  1. Does anyone know if the BP from plastic is a legit concern..?


    noticable difference for me. i got glass water bottles and a brita pitcher and now sink and water fountains taste like crap to me. they make cool grippy glass water bottles, but after i bought them i realized i could have just bought a kombucha drink at the store and used the glass bottle for water and had a 2$ bottle. Reckon you could use any glass bottle from a drink, just check the plastic ratings on the caps as those are plastic. Then get a cloth thick water bottle holder with a strap and it wont break


    if you are gunna stick with plastic, make it one with a generally safer plastic rating and keep it out of the sun. i think the color of the bottle matters too, i stuck with dark colors when i did plastic. but like i said plastic sucks, tastes bad.

  2. slightly off topic but i dig hydrotherapy. every shower i take i blast the cold water at the end, and try to only use lukewarm to start with. tons of benefits, physical and psychological. read about it on a kudalini crisis site. it was talking about reducing victim mentality

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  3. never figured it out myself. i would like friends, but i rarely find them


    i kinda just watch things like a movie happening, and try not to let it get to me.


    then again i have a partner that gets me, so having other people isn't too much of an issue...


    was just talking with him last night after some stupid crap happened with trying to talk to a potential friend saying "how come people with similar interests never have a compatible personality and how come people with a compatible personality never have similar interests??"


    maybe don't listen to me, when it comes to not having friends i am kinda depressed

  4. Look what happened after his death...



    Uniting people you say?


    on one level i agree, revolutions tend to get violent. i don't think he advocated that though. i could be wrong, i just thought he preached anti-violence?


    in my opinion a violent revolution is just as bad as the people doing the original oppression. if you want to justify burning things to "send a message" whatever. i think those people are brutes though. do what you believe you gotta do i guess...

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  5. okay dude, i'm not a psychopath or totally apathetic. If i saw my friend getting their ass kicked, would i jump in and fight? Absolutely yes. If i saw a random person getting their ass kicked and i was absolutely sure it was just a stranger robbing someone and not someone getting revenge for some thing? Yes i would jump in it that situation if i felt it were in my ability to win a fight for them


    i will not however donate to crisis centers and start crusades against violence or patrol the streets looking for a fight


    Will i throw trash on the ground myself? No, of course not. Will i go around every day picking up other peoples' trash? NOPE. Because i know that caring about the environment is a change that has to come from within and the trash will just be there the next day.


    i think the concept of doing good deeds to gain merit is rooted in fantasy. i don't believe in karma in the way that it can be eliminated. Sure, i believe in every action has a reaction but i don't think that reaction will be delayed for years in most situations or carry with you to the next life.


    There is a huge difference between being reactionary and living on the edge of your seat on an adrenaline rush waiting for some shit to happen. i believe that if you live like that, you attract that kind of energy. Because i don't live like that i never attract situations like that, in my observation anyways.

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  6. i don't dig harsh asceticism. if the being alone happens it happens but i see self imposing it as being more damaging at least short term. As long as it stays at "i want to do this" rather than "i must" i see it as positive. i like how i am, but i don't fit in with cultural do's and do not's. i want to blend in and be more integrated with society. i also want to wear comfortable homemade rave pants and not cut my hair or shave. i feel like if i am totally comfortable with myself my small core group of friends is all i need

  7. suit yourself. personally i think its fine if everything dies. existence lives on. My way brings me peace, and yours brings infinite suffering. Nothing will ever be good enough for a material idealist. They make everythings life better a lot of the time, yes. But all of those they helped are doomed to die anyways