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Posts posted by jacklantegi

  1. I see. Thank you! I hope I did not offend you with my comment, I was (understandably) genuinely curious, since this is tomorrow! Has your opinion changed since you wrote that? What do you think will happen?


    First, that was written in '98. I lived in Chiapas at the time, studying Zero. Not sure what you mean by "nowhere have I seen that it's going to be on May 20th.." ....if that meant "As for the speculation, in the mid-90's, Gregg Braden,..." that had something to do with the previous post (from the defunct discussion forum "SpiritWeb") and not meant to imply the Day of Purification would occur on May 20th.

  2. Interesting read... where did you get the idea that this is going to happen on May 20th, though? Is it just because of the temple?


    I ask because although I've read a lot about what you described will happen, nowhere have I seen that it's going to be on May 20th..




    Thanks for posting that link,...it collaborates with my own observations.




    Been waiting for this for 14 years,...and will be viewing it from the Jemez Pueblo in NM



  3. I agree 100%!


    Unfortunately, I have no idea how to approach getting an understanding of what it is. My inner faculties are not yet up to par for doing this sort of thing and for the time being, I am having difficulty looking at it as something other than simply a nuisance.


    In any case, today has been my best day so far. It is almost entirely gone. I worked on some blockages I had in my body. Turns out there was a major one in my heart area that I was ignoring. It took a lot of work but I got the energy flowing through again. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, though. BUT, if I were to attribute the sounds to one organ it would have to be the heart, so it makes sense.



    I mostly agree with deparadise on this. Except, I would add that hearing inner sounds could directly correspond to understanding of who and how we are and how we are coming into physical manifestation. It is something worth exploring and questioning.

    We are build on sound , sound is our first 'skeleton'that physical bone skeleton is bulid upon.


    By deeper practise one needs to learn to swim ,where shiczophrenics drown.

    It is a ride of a lifetime. How much you want to explore or when you want to have a break to digest is up to you.

    Everyone has a shizophrenic potential inside ,just that most dont notice it (just my opinion).

    Exploring inner dimensions requires developing clarity and courage which comes from soft loving,forgiving heart - sorting out ones mental and emotional house.

    I hear all sort of things and music too regulary for years. I listen to the sound of my body and can even hear hurt knee emiting different sound frequency to the other knee. Just letting you know that this things are not so unusual or as uncommon.


    Why not ask the person who thought you qigong about your expirience? That is what I did when just started meditating and have developed a friendly relationship that way with my teacher.

  4. Ah, yes. =)


    When I said "focusing" on that part of the brain, I meant in the sense of focusing my bodily awareness and energy, and not as much my attention.


    My logic is that doing so regulates or shuts down whatever is causing the sound to arise on a purely physical level. It's not an inner exploration sort of thing.


    I just put my awareness on that spot for a second and keep it there, and the volume goes down noticeably. I can do this while driving and it works.


    It sounds like you're handling it really well. Perhaps the best way to go is just to ignore it?


    You mentioned focusing on one part of your brain tended to reduce the sound. I thought perhaps the focus on something else was more important than the exact location of the focus...

  5. I'm actually quite surprised myself that I'm not going insane over this. Good thing I'm not, though because it would be WAYY worse if I did. I guess I just sort of know that it'll eventually go away.


    Regarding perception and attention- that's true! However, just like when you stop actively listening to something, your ears still perceive the sound, it's the same thing with this. It's still there even if I don't focus on it- in fact, I have learned to pretty much never focus on it, but it doesn't really help it go away...



    About the clairaudience, I wish! I don't see how this could be clairaudience... perhaps the beginning stages of clairaudience??


    You sound very calm & unflustered about this now - how about trying to apply as full as possible awareness to what you're doing (ie anything other than the sound)? After all, a perception needs a certain amount of attention to be sustained...

  6. Hey everyone!


    I have some updates on my situation. The following happened within about a 1 week span.


    -The "siren" sound subsided and a different kind of siren slowly crept up and took it's place.


    -I went camping in the middle of nowhere and the wildlife sounds truly come alive at full volume during the night, especially the loud noises the frogs make. When I woke up the next day and eventually got home, I noticed that whenever it's quite, I started hearing those very same sounds I heard during the night I was camping. So it seems that sounds sort of get "printed" and play back whenever it's quiet. These "nighttime wildlife" sounds subsided after a day or so.


    -I completely, 100% stopped doing all qigong and meditation, although it was particularly difficult because my body is so conditioned to them, that it starts doing all the motions as soon as I stop paying attention and drift off.


    -The (police siren) sound was about 90% gone after I stopped.


    -Today, I started doing qigong again and after just 1 session, that very first siren sound I was hearing in the beginning came back completely, 100%.


    -I made a discovery that if I focus my awareness on my left frontal temporal lobe (one of the areas of the brain which processes sound in the brain), the sounds diminish in intensity. This is the only way I've found to make them less prominent.


    -I also tested an atypical antipsychotic that I had left over from when I was having sleep issues for a couple of days and it had little effect on it. From my research, this is pretty much the only thing that would be prescribed as treatment should I see a psych, so I can rule that out right away.


    I want to emphasize that these sounds are absolutely not coming from an outside source like a TV or radio, since I hear them literally everywhere I go, and even when I plug my ears. When it is silent, I don't hear it much though, but as soon as some kind of white noise comes up, so does the sound.


    Well now I'm kind of stumped..

  7. Thanks for the great info about the "qigong psychosis".


    I'm not really worried about it, but it hasn't gone away yet.


    I think the onset coincided with the tremendous surge of energy I started feeling in my body a while ago. It feels like I'm plugged into an outlet or something, and it's becoming very difficult to control during qigong. I suspect it may have gotten trapped in my head and isn't going out.


    Anyway, yeah. I'm going to try stopping and see what happens.


    It's pretty fascinating what the brain is capable of doing.


    When going within, like meditators of various types do, parts of the brain that should remain inactive can become turned on. Auditory hallucinations are definitely a sign of something being abnormal.


    Try not practicing whatever you are currently and see if it goes away. Stop focusing on the phenomenon...don't listen to white noise, listen to music.


    If you are getting less than 8 hours of sleep at night, sleep longer. Try to decrease your stress in daily life.


    (The above suggestions are just from someone who knows nothing. What other people said about not listening to anyone at this forum, and immediately going to see a psychiatrist is probably better advice.)


    If it continues, talk to a psychiatrist. As well versed as you are in mental health disorders, you aren't qualified to self-diagnose.



  8. Hey guys,


    I need some help and I didn't know where to post this, so here it goes. By the way, I understand that the best thing to do is to go see a medical professional, but for the time being it isn't severe enough to warrant making an appointment.


    About week ago I started having very strange auditory hallucinations.


    It started with vaguely hearing music whenever there is white noise around (especially a fan). But when it's quiet, I don't hear anything and it's totally fine- so I thought nothing of it when it started.


    A couple of days ago I started hearing police sirens. I live close to a police stations so I just thought there was a lot of police cars driving around my area and dismissed it.


    Then I began noticing that I was in fact hearing a constant non-stop police siren. It's not a constant pitch. It sounds exactly like the real siren looping over and over just as you would hear it driving right outside your house.


    It gets worse around white noise and when I focus on it, and starts mostly later in the day (when I wake up it's gone).


    When everything is completely silent I can still hear it but not as much.


    Whenever I start to focus it, it sort of re-loops and makes the exact same woop-woop sound when the siren cuts to another to another loop before it ends. It's REALLY weird.


    I don't have ANY other auditory hallucinations other than this. I am a 32yo male in good physical and mental health with only a history of mild depression. I don't take any drugs or medications. I highly doubt it's any kind of schizophrenia (I'm fairly well versed in the spectrum of mental disorders)


    For now, I'm trying not to worry about to much and I'm hoping it'll go away on it's own, but quite honestly it's kind of freaking me out.

    • Like 1

  9. Well, I expected to find some advice in the last thread but I was sadly mistaken. That's 30 minutes of my time I could have spent with the moon damnit!


    There was a super moon last year. (there's a thread on it somewhere) It is closer during these events and thus the visible disc is larger ... but the main subjective difference is the luminosity. Last year it appeared striking bright almost like car headlights as it appeared over the horizon. It was very noticable and (to me anyway) impressive.


    The whole night sky has been impressive this winter with Jupiter, Venus and Mars all appearing very bright. There was a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus on 14 March.


    Found the other thread it was March 19 2011


    Super moon thread

  10. Hey guys!


    I've posted many times about how I had stubborn energy blockages in my back and a host of other strange issues.


    Well, in the past few days, after some close observation while meditating I discovered a couple of things:


    1) My sacral chakra is fucked (sorry for the crude language).

    2) My ida nadi is blocked.


    All these years that I have been doing chakra meditations, I have been doing them in the completely wrong locations for the first two chakras.


    Turns out I have neglected the exact location of the sacral chakra, and after having finally figured it out and started to work on it, the difference has been night and day.


    It literally feels like the entire energy of my body is stuck in the 2nd chakra, and when I start working on it, it starts THROBBING like a huge energetic zit that's about to burst out of my body. Small chunks of energetic "pus" started spewing out and flying up the sushumna as I started breaking the barriers I have created.


    The reason I have a blockage there is a very long story, involving drug use, stupidity, and sexual energy. It's probably not worth explaining.


    Likewise- the ida channel... I got a very very solid tangible feel for the two side nadis, like a hot electric wire running on both side of the spine and ending at the top of each nostril. It's not like I was "feeling them into existence", as merely concentrating on their end locations on each side seemed to "turn them on" with full force, and there was no denying what they were.


    Turns out there is a sort of "dam" halfway through my back on the ida nadi. The flow gets stopped, and only a small amount sputters up and on up to the left side of my top nostril. It's the same "energetic zit" as in my sacral chakra, and I was only momentarily able to increase the flow with intention and concentration.


    So now I have a good idea of what's going on there. Question is- what do I do about it?


    As a side note, I find it weird that none of the taoist qigong or neigong systems address the existence of the 3 main nadies. They get jumbled up as the "back channel" instead. So what happens when part of that back channel isn't functioning properly???

  11. What is this exactly? Could you provide some more information?



    Four steps project... :)


    1.Avatar A

    Anthropomorphic Robot Controlled Through a Brain-Computer Interface


    2.Avatar B (Body B )

    Support Systems for Vital Brain Functions


    3.Avatar C (Rebrain)

    Synthetic Carriers of Personality and Consciousness


    4.Avatar D

    A hologram-like avatar







    Jox, :)


    I've read all this guy's books and I'm familiar with most of his work... but I kind of lost interest quite a while ago.


    He started posting new videos on Youtube recently, which got me curious so I watched them all.


    This is his most recent one...


    I wanted to get your guys' opinion on the video, and something that I found very surprising: he says that no one will be able to ascend into the 4th dimension without having a working Merkaba.


    This sounds *so* shady.. especially for the fact that he is the (only) person that supposedly discovered it! Not only that, but there is so little information on the actual meditation online (anecdotal or otherwise) that leads me to believe almost no one uses it, or has never got it to work (I certainly wasn't able to, even after much practice).


    In the Q&A video, he read a question from someone talking about the "controversy" over the different types of Merkabas and their frequency ratios, etc.. except the thing is- no one is talking about the Merkaba anywhere in the first place! After doing a lot of searching online... there is very little discussion on it, and I didn't come across a single "debate" about it anywhere.


    Plus, if you watch all of his videos, he mostly talks about very trivial and random things and puts a lot of emphasis on these things to make it sound like it's important, while dodging the core of the issue (such as in the Q&A video). He also talks about some really far-fetched things as if they were just "fact" without going into any detail about how he actually knows any of this stuff


    Overall, he comes across as a good guy... but most of what he says doesn't seem of any practical use for the average spiritual seeker.... and I'm always left disappointed after I finish watching these.


    What do you guys think?

  13. Hey guys,


    I've posted before about how I had a sort of "blockage" in the left kidney area... possibly on the ida nadi, even.


    This happened several months ago, after I had difficulty urinating and the excessive pressure left me with some slight discomfort in the kidneys (I got checked by a doctor who ran several tests- everything is fine on that side of things).


    So it's not really a pain, it's more like a "swollen" or "numb" feeling in the kidneys (especially the left one).


    What this does is it makes moving energy practices such as the MCO and Kundalini Yoga very frustrating, as the energy tends to get sucked into the "blockage" like a black hole whenever it passes close to it.


    Now I recently the same problem with difficulty urinating, and again this made the kidneys flare up again. I can urinate just fine now, but it made my (energetic) problem worse.


    Now it seems like my back is covered with at least 3-4 of these "black holes" on each side of the spine, so when I direct energy upwards in my back area, it gets completely sucked in on either the left or right side of my spine, and forms a little "bubble" of stuck energy.


    It literally feels like there is a golf ball right underneath my skin when this happens.


    Then the bubble sort of moves into a random direction, getting smaller and smaller, and disappears.


    With conscious effort, I can move the trapped energy in any direction a couple of inches, but no more.


    I mentioned that the main blockage may be on the ida channel, as I can feel all 3 main nadis very well, but the ida nadi gets blocked off at that point, and I do not feel it going any higher. On a side note, it feels like my pingala channel is very swollen and overactive.


    I am doing tons and tons of stretching and massage exercises daily to loosen things up, but it's not really helping. Although it feels very physical, I don't think targeting the issue on that level would help.


    I also take many TCM herbs for rejuvenating and healing the kidneys and urinary symptom and I haven't noticed anything yet..


    So what should I do? My back feels like a real mess and it isn't going away on its own like I thought it would.

  14. You are feeling a strong desire to master your mind, are you not?


    What is making you do anything at all if it is not desire?


    You have a selfish lust for breathing air, do you not? How are you going to overcome that one?!


    if you cannot master your mind to the point that it feels no attraction towards food and sex, then do you have the right to say you have mastered your minds?

  15. Half of what you say are some vague open-ended ideas and theories asserting you have the ultimate answer, and the other half is you admitting you have no idea what you're talking about and need "advice". When advice is given you disregard it completely, even when quoting the comment, and start rambling about something else.


    It's getting incredibly annoying. I know I have the freedom to just not click on any of your threads but I feel I have a duty to call you out on your crap, especially when you start advocating fasting and indefinite semen retention, which is potentially dangerous.


    This guy is one among many. It's a very strange trend that sweeps TTB every week or so. I wonder what these people are actually like in person. It's mind-boggling to say the least.


    How should we transform Prison Planet Earth into Immaterial World of Neither-perception-nor-non-perception ?


    Where the inhabitants of these realms are possessed entirely of mind and they have no body?

  16. tulku, it's one thing to offer your opinion on something, but it's an entirely different order of things when you command people that they "must" do so and so.


    I'm not going to lecture you on why this is wrong, suffice to say, from reading your post history, I think you're closer to winning a Darwin award than actually attaining any kind of enlightened state.

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