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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. Voidisyinyang

    They relocated 300,000 people to build the dam and sink the city.
  2. The Idiots Way

    The first quote was copied from an interesting thread a Dharma Wheel forums. Another one relating to your reply is below.
  3. The Idiots Way

    If it requires any form of effort to see it and maintain it in meditation, it is not it. Awareness of the totality of the NOW, it 'just is'. The 'just is', always is, effortlessly is, right now. It does not change, although its contents change.
  4. The Idiots Way

  5. More Unpopular Opinions

    I thought that was a method of safely raising it through the central channel.
  6. The Idiots Way

    Unchanging stillness that contains changing movement.
  7. The Idiots Way

    It's effortless. If you need to exert effort to maintain it, it's not it.
  8. It does not depend on anything, but is, in itself, everything.

  9. Voidisyinyang

    Is he still alive?
  10. Spotting a fake master

    What advice or tips would you give in order to help someone spot a fake master? Someone saying they're enlightened when they really are not? Is there anyway to actually tell?
  11. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    Its interesting I have heard stories of people being in the presence of great masters who induce an elevated consciousness and then people have trouble speaking.
  12. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    What did it feel like?
  13. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    I think its interesting to look at what is inside and what is outside. An interesting practice is spending time, looking to find where is the mind physically located. When a thought rises up in the mind, where does it physically appear. My own insights is thoughts appear in the same space of the mind that includes both inside and outside.
  14. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    I was driving home from work. I was doing just faster than the speed limit. A faster car came up behind me. I could tell they were impatient and angry I was blocking their way. They started to tall gate me to go faster, then flashing their lights. Normally I would pull to the side to let them through as its not worth the trouble but there was no safe space to pull over too. Like in the instance where I was blessed by the monk, and I could feel the energy of the blessing, I felt the negative energy from the driver behind me try to take hold of me. Our initial response to being assaulted is to immediately put up the defences and fight back in self defence. Luckily in the moment, I remembered my practice to remain as being and let the energy pass through without clinging to it. It amazes me now, that we are going through life and assaulting people with our own thoughts when we have negative emotions or are angry at someone. Be careful what you think of others as the thoughts are not just restricted to the space within you.
  15. More Unpopular Opinions

    I love it, keep it coming!
  16. The Idiots Way

  17. Have you ever been blessed by someone?

    Thank you all for sharing from the heart
  18. Discussion about those seekers of truth who develop an arrogance of the ego that they are, and their practice is superior than others. The same can be said for those who become self identified with the path, dressing in elaborate clothes, taking elaborate names, when all that is happening is the ego is changing roles to something else. This is a pitfall and should be watched for.
  19. Lama Lena Dzogchen Pointing Out Instructions

    Part 2 in 2 days time.
  20. Spiritual arrogance and it's pitfall

    Thank you for your kind words. I was inactive for many years but have been drawn back to get some perspective on a few things.
  21. Voidisyinyang

    How does one twitch their vagus nerve?
  22. I assisted a Thai Buddhist monk. While walking with him, I felt a beautiful energy come over me. It felt like he blessed me for helping him.

  23. I think I would have a hard time, as sometimes inner or outer for me it's the same voice.
  24. Spiritual arrogance and it's pitfall

    I admit, I am and have been guilty of spiritual arrogance.
  25. Lama Lena Dzogchen Pointing Out Instructions

    Reminder, live stream starts in just under two hours.