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Everything posted by idiot_stimpy

  1. The Idiots Way

  2. The Idiots Way

    Its always here and effortless, So let things go their own way. Nothing needs to be understood, As everything has already been accomplished. The mind cannot bring you there, As it can't be improved upon. Relaxing through not doing anything, Nothing needs to be done. Unchanging stillness that contains the changing movement, If effort is needed to maintain it, it's not it. It is dependant on no thing, Yet is in itself every thing. Awareness of the totality of the NOW, it 'just is', The 'just is', always is, effortlessly is, right now. Recognising the unchanging nature of mind, That has always been and always will be, You just sit.
  3. Its true and in some cases there is multiple layers of meaning. A classic example is using a story to convey a certain idea. The idea can be taken exoterically or esoterically depending on the viewpoint. The exoteric view was given to the lay people, the esoteric was reserved for the priesthood.
  4. Question for discussion, is a nondual realisation equivalent to a kundalini activation? Are they both a means to the same end? A nondual seeing simulating the kundalini, or energetically stimulating the kundalini leading to a nondual seeing?
  5. When we think of both dream and supposed waking life, we think they are completely different. However they are different in stability but in actuality they are quite similar. I think analysing dream reality and uncovering it's rules helps us better understand waking reality. Those could say that waking reality is also dream reality just more stable. When we dream our minds projects a reality. Our 5 senses still work, we have a dream body. In most cases when we dream we treat the dream as real and experience suffering due to attachment as similar in waking reality. What's interesting is within a dream, when we come to the realisation we are just dreaming and all experience is unreal/illusion, our attachment to our situation is greatly reduced including our suffering. Looking into Dzogchen togal recently I couldn't help but question the current waking reality we exist in. Maybe just like in a dream, our bodies and dream is just a projection, in waking reality maybe it is no different. We are experiencing projections of our own mind, our body and senses are also projections. Maybe reality like a dream will have less of a hold on us if we start to believe it might not be as real as it seems.
  6. The difference between waking reality and dream reality

    The one taste of all things good or bad, the great seal of Mahamudra.
  7. Stages of Self Identification

    We may be using the same terms and using different descriptions here. It's very hard for me to explain. For me, when one rests in awareness, I mean resting in the 5 sense organs, but being undifferentiated so it remains whole. It is effortless to exists and rest in this nature and is what I believe the main practice of the cutting through our trekcho. We see through the fiction of the mind but still see the information provided by the 5 sense organs are being real. I believe the Buddha went beyond the 5 sense organs and saw them as Maya, illusion. The body and all that you are experiencing right now is not real. You are dreaming and don't realise you are dreaming. Your body is just a dream body, your thoughts are made up of dream language and the food and drink you consume including the taste is all part of the dream. In my opinion, seeing through the illusion of the 5 sense organs is what is seen in the leep over teachings of Togal.
  8. Stages of Self Identification

    Physical - I am the body, when the body dies I die. Mental - I am not just my body, but I am my thoughts. I am the thinker and the sum of my beliefs make me who I am. When the body dies my mind lives on. Causal - I am undifferentiated awareness. I see thoughts arising within the space of awareness. Awareness will be there when thoughts cease. I effortlessly exist. I AM. Unknown - I am the unknowable. The totality of experience is a changing illusion, including the 5 senses. Like the projection in a dream, the dreamer is dreaming the projection. The dreamscape itself is devoid of the dreamer. Like playing a video game, the character in the video game is not the same as the player playing the video game character, who is completely outside the video game world.
  9. Stages of Self Identification

    Garab Dorje states - The second part whereby one decides upon the one thing and one thing only is whereby self identity starts to transfer from the conditioned to the unconditioned. The decision is like an intent, no words are needed, a bit like an understanding or a knowing.
  10. Boaz and Jachin

    The pillars represent duality. To enter the temple one must walk between the pillars. The point between two poles is the centre point. To stay at the centre one must be in perfect balance. So to enter the temple of the divine one must be in perfect balance. Undifferentiated awareness available right now and effortlessly existing is by it's nature perfectly balanced. When one is led to follow the discriminating mind, labelling things as discrete objects within awareness we fall out of the centre and into duality.
  11. Blending the body with the environment

  12. The inner and the outer, when one sees without distinction, all has the same taste, all being appearance happening spontaneously.


    Interesting video on seeing life as a dream when we die we wake up.



  14. Transgender Q&A

    The mind is polarized and can swing any way you can imagine it to be. There is a saying, believe something long enough and it will be true.
  15. Transgender Q&A

    Excessive effort in one direction can lead to an equal swing in the opposite direction to compensate.
  16. Buddha Nature is always there, but in order to know it and experience it and see it is another thing. That's why pointing out instructions pointing with the words of form towards that which cannot be expressed in form is so helpful. The difficulty is for those who see the pointing with words and in an intellectual sense, hold onto the words of the pointing and not the experience. Most including myself, are heavily conditioned hold onto the words that obscures the pure seeing.
  17. Is 'just sitting' a post-enlightment practice?

    I've seen teachings when one falls into the dullness described, to take a large breath of air and when exhaling to project a loud thought form of the sound of 'PHAT', intently looking at the PHAT arise and then seeing it disappearing into the space of the mind.
  18. Is 'just sitting' a post-enlightment practice?

    This is a really good description thank you.
  19. Those who have not seen and experienced from the absolute viewpoint can only objectify it. But even those who have seen and experienced from the absolute viewpoint must objectify it to talk about it, as words are objects and as you describe " can never become an object."
  20. I think the two truths were needed for more clear discussion about the relative and absolute. Both show different viewpoints from the same place. Just an easier way to discuss things.
  21. Transgender Q&A

    I am glad you are suffering less.
  22. Transgender Q&A

    Yet if you believe in reincarnation, there is something that survives the brain at death of the physical body. During introspection within the mind, thoughts are born and die, just as in the gross physical, the body is born and dies. What I am getting at is, self indentification with the changeable, be it thoughts or the body will bring suffering. Yet there is something changeless within. This is not something that is born or dies, it's not of any gender or identity, it is completely free.