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Posts posted by Cockroach

  1. The first use ( chronologically) of the verb existere was to coming out from a place ( a house, a hiding place for eg), so the meaning is to manifest.It is still the meaning in use during the XVII century: Descartes would wrote talking about himself being in the world as if he was in a theatre : "in quo hactemus spectator existiti" which means 'I have appeared so far only as a spectator'


    In Medevial philosophy, existere was used to say ex aliquo sistere which means being/coming from something else. The emphasis went on the filiation of a being which contradicts the idea of "standing alone".


    Edit: My daily job is to teach Western philosophy and metaphysics and involves reading Latin texts.


    Ha! ha! Guess you won that one. You read latin!

  2. oh noes. He was calm and polite.




    He must have a superiority complex! Lets GET HIM.



    Hey. I was just asking.


    Ive been guesting on here for a time.


    Some of you guys want to share.


    Some of you just want to tell us what to think.


    I want to know how to get some good qi going.


    Not philosophy.


    Why are we talking Latin anyways?

  3. Hi



    I practice meditiation and qi gong.


    Great to find this site and look forward to talking to you all.

