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Posts posted by Awen

  1. The Tao Te Ching lists 3 sacred qualities (i.e. sanbao/ 3 treasures) as Compassion, Simplicity/Frugality and Humility.


    Despite this any reference to compassion that I hear of seems to be coming from a Mahayana Buddhist standpoint (such as Liao Fan's Four Lessons) or the Chinese Folk Religion concept of accumulating merit/virtue.


    Is anyone on this forum aware of traditional Taoist Scripture(s) that focus on Compassion?

  2. Hi Michael,


    It's great to see you on the forum. I had often wondered over the years how we had not yet had the good fortune of your presence here.


    As we say around my parts:

    "One hundred thousand welcomes."


    I hope your stay will be a pleasant and productive one.



    • Like 1

  3. On 21/06/2020 at 3:48 PM, Awen said:

    A young gentleman that I have kept an enthusiastic eye on over the last few years is George Thompson and his teacher Master Gu. Very much Taoism-Lite, but his videos are uplifting, enjoyable and easily available for public viewing.


    His channel is here:



    George made a feature length "movie" which is on his channel that is quite enjoyable.


  4. Not if someone knows what they are doing.


    There can be contra-indications for some points, eg Spleen 10 brings on labour in pregnant women- so if you're trying to treat deep, toxic heat in a woman who is (or potentially could be) pregnant, do not go anywhere near SP10.


    Trained practitioners will know this and therefore it poses no problem.

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    Option 1:

    21 hours ago, Miffymog said:

    Lam Kam's book The Way of Energy can give you a good foundation in Zhan Zhuang. It gives clear practice instructions at the price of a very affordable book which includes a description of the 8 Brocades and is something you can stick at for years and still have things unfold. Most people will move on from it and diversify, but it's been the only thing I've used for a long time and I've no desire to try anything else 

    This is not a bad suggestion at all.

    The cheaper version is doing it for free based off his 10 day "Stand Still, Be Fit" video series that can be found on youtube- though there are many nuances that can be missed on the video. Here's day 1- and the other 9 days are on the YouTube channel. 




    Option 2:

    If you'd like to try Longmen sitting meditation maybe try 


    If you're in university preparing for an illustrious medical career, then a one off payment of $75 shouldn't be a challenge at all.


    Option 3:

    Back to freebies


    Xiang Gong


    There are a number of warnings with this style-chief amongst them is don't mix practising this style with any other- at all- EVER. However some people have practised it in parallel without facing severe repercussions. Despite this, the advice remains the same- just don't do it.


    There are some on the board that would also recommend against practising using this video without the instructions the style, as it can be just plain dangerous.





    There are many, many ways to the top of the mountain, but I am sure if you preserve that you will find yours.


    Best of luck!

    • Like 2
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  6. 12 hours ago, thelerner said:

    I'd a be a poor advocate since I don't know what they are and I'm not Christian

    Interestingly, there's nothing to convert to or advocate per se- just as there isn't in a group mindfulness session.


    "A leading" is an irresistible, internal impulse that pulls you to do, say or realise something- the rest of the time you're sitting waiting for it. Friends who see value in the meeting do not convert- they simply become "convinced" of its value and seek to become a member. Some Friends never join and thats just fine too.

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  7. The British Yearly Meeting is one of the more Liberal gatherings out there. Whilst still nominally Christian, there have been strong indications that at some stage in the near future all references to Jesus and Christianity may be removed from the Faith and Practice book, which is a summary of Quaker statements used as a guidebook for the community. That said, there is ample room and space given in the silence (and hearts of members and attenders) for both a Christian understanding of the Light (perhaps more consistent with the original message of George Fox), as well as newer, emergent non-Christian theistic or atheistic understandings that have increasingly been discovered to be held by Friends. For this reason, it would perhaps be quite different to many of the Conservative Quaker Meetings or Evangelical Quaker Churches that are also present in the more religiously diverse Quaker milieu of the US (and indeed more particularly Kenya- which has the highest number and concentration of Quakers of any country, but where Quakerism is usually expressed in a profoundly Evangelical Christian understanding and utilising programmed worship- ie a fairly standard evangelical church service).


    So for anyone interested in experiencing a Quaker meeting, just know that there are various streams. Someone rebelling against Abrahamaic religion may be uncomfortable in a church or find it off-putting when silence is broken to an exclamation that Jesus is Lord and King of Kings, the Good Shephard who enters the hearts of the faithful during the meeting. Similarly those of a more traditional christian perspective may find it difficult if someone else stands up and says that in the silence they were liberated from the need for an archaic concept of Godhead and it's attributed stern scriptural compositions of men. 

    However, usually meetings are nowhere near as polarised as the above, and you'll instead find a lovely bunch of Friends.


    Thats my experience anyway.

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  8. Welcome Tao-Pai,


    You're in luck! There is a whole forum for you to look through to learn about various styles of Qi Gong/NeiGong/etc- and decide which sounds the most "powerful" to you. Then obviously you can practice said style(s) and find out if they suit you energetically and your goals. 


    Other members will no doubt be only too happy to assist you- should you require it.