Tom Lin

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Everything posted by Tom Lin

  1. Hi can someone enlighten me as to what exactly is spontaneous qiqong and what happened to the poster that created this? i am little confused
  2. Spiritual Bypassing

    So take an example of a person meditating: If the person is trying to do a "no-mind" meditation, would that be considered spiritual bypassing if the person is seemingly trying to "escape" emotional wounds? Also to further that, would the right thing for him to be doing is instead observing his thoughts during meditation as they come in, and by doing so he will have more clear, wholesome thoughts to treat those emotional wounds?
  3. What is Wu Wei?

    Mmm i agree, this is a great post. Some days i just wonder what life would be like if everyone dropped the desire for materialism/control and became "one with tao/nature"
  4. So my question is, what is the purpose of being able to do this?
  5. Connecting with Qi: No System Required

    Mmmm, so how does one exactly know when they feel Qi flowing?
  6. What do you dislike about yourself?

    Hmm i guess that makes sense in a taoist perspective because in taoism they say that you should just let the problem be and it will solve itself, because in reality there are no problems?
  7. greetings

    Welcome! From a fellow new member as well =]
  8. What do you dislike about yourself?

    What would you say about making positive changes to replace those "demons"?
  9. What do you dislike about yourself?

    I agree with this. Most people don't really contemplate about what personality trait about themselves they think is the best. If you have a personality trait that you think is the best, it may be the hardest to let go because you perceive that it is positive when in reality your so afraid to let it go that it becomes negative.
  10. Nocturnal emission question.

    Wow thank you for that. The book does seem very in depth with taoist alchemy. In the book it says when you meditate you should look at the tip of your nose. When i do that my eyes that what your supposed to do?
  11. Nocturnal emission question.

    Okay i will do just that, thank you again for the reply
  12. Dog

    Moo? Hello fellow noobert.
  13. Nocturnal emission question.

    Honestly i do not think i am doing it correctly because i am relatively new to qiqong. Could you explain how you do microcosmic orbit if you know? And yes i have been doing that and i will try my best to stay out of lust.
  14. What Brought you Here?

    Hmmm i started meditating a little bit over a year for anxiety reasons and began to feel more calm, which was a great help to me. Then the second semester of my sophomore year in college i actually took an eastern philosophy class and we covered confucianism, taoism, buddhism, and hinduism. I felt that i could connect to taoism the most even though it is the most "obscure" one to understand. Since then i began putting into practice taoism and also started opening myself up to spirituality and i think it has been a positive change.
  15. Nocturnal emission question.

    Yes, so i just did around 40 minutes of sitting breathing meditation and trying to circulate my jing as well as store it, i do feel a lot better! Is the sitting breathing meditation a kidney yang?
  16. Hi everyone

    Hello members of the Tao Bums. My name is Tom and I have been into Taoism for a relatively short time, less then a year i'd say. So in terms of spiritual cultivation i am a noobie. I recently began reading a lot of new and old posts on this site and have gained some valuable insights so i decided to join. Hope everyone is doing well!
  17. Hi everyone

    Thank you!