Tom Lin

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Everything posted by Tom Lin

  1. Vegetarianism

    But the thing is spirituality puts into all account the physical, emotional and intellectual part of a beings energy. The beings spirit energy may have left after it is deceased but i feel like the physical emotion and intellectual part sort of stays when you kill it because that energy is part of this realm we live its not like its just going to dissipate out to nowhere. Its going to be within the system of that animal somewhere...for example within the DNA coding.
  2. Vegetarianism

    Plant-based diets are connected to spiritualism because just look at how badly abused animals are in the factories where they are killed. There should be no doubt in anyones mind that they are being abused, traumatized, and subjected into extreme fear for their lives. And think about it, they are killed in that state of mind and then later on you are consuming in "essence" that state of mind or their energy during that moment. It all just boils down too whether you believe in this type of pervasive spiritual energy.
  3. Vegetarianism

    i agree wholeheartedley
  4. Vegetarianism

    Hmmmm i do have veganism in my mind for the future if vegetarianism goes different is it being vegan then vegetarian, seems pretty drastic as well. What would i need to replace food items such as milk and eggs with if i were to go vegan?
  5. Haiku Chain

    to pursue; empty re-joice, with all that there is creating one within
  6. Vegetarianism

    Okay, thank you for all the responses! They are quite re-assuring ...=] I also heard that vegetarians get cold easier, how true is this? And how many meals do you guys have a day?
  7. Live Simply

    Reduce the most amount of unnecessary materials and physical, mental, and intellectual energy that you produce everyday. Love.
  8. Industrial Society Destroys Mind and Environment

    Sushis got the correct mindset.
  9. I am aware! Watch THIS!

    Darn, the youtube link got taken down.
  10. Coming to terms with DEATH!

    Great. Near death experiences are always so fascinating and just the idea of this overwhelming sense of love and bliss is just so reassuring that no matter what you will always be loved and accepted for who you are...because of spirit.
  11. Sometimes i do feel like meditation may be a hindrance to spirituality. I see it sometimes as sort of a structural way to remain calm (scheduling meditation, focusing on certain things) and i feel like your kind of forcing yourself to be a certain way during that period of time. Its almost like your body may rely on that meditation to stay calm and when you find yourself in a situation where say anxiety takes over and you cannot meditate on anything, then your in a sense screwed. All in all there are meditations that are made for manipulating the body....but is that actually helping going to help you become more spiritual in the long run? Or maybe life is like a meditation in which we are always aware of our thoughts and senses at every given moment. So meditating for a certain amount of time may actually be a hindrance because you may get used to meditating during that time you "practice meditation" and not being aware of every other moment in your life.
  12. The master of deception, ego.

    MMmm very interesting thread. I like.
  13. Ok thank you, i will keep breathing through my abdomen and just observe it, not try to control it or nothin'
  14. Mmm i see. In the past i was doing a breathing exercise which i basically forced myself to do 7 seconds of inhaling and then 3 seconds of silence, then 7 seconds of exhaling and 3 seconds of silence.... I see now that that is unnatural and bad for the body. So i will just go back to observing and letting my breath be itself. If anyone else has other comments on this that would be great, thanks.
  15. So are you guys saying for example that if one just "observes" the breath and not react, analyze, or change the breath while in meditation then it is useful?
  16. Nocturnal emission question.

    Its okay guys, ive been doing fine two weeks emission. and nah i have always usually slept on my back and sides.
  17. The Characteristics of the Sage

    Well the quote you replied to of Dorian Black's, i believe he was stating that a taoist sage transmutes his sexual energy so he does not waste his ejaculatory fluids and helps him grow spiritually. So it doesn't mean he feels guilty for masturbating, its that he wants to use it to better himself which, obviously, are not the same like you have already stated.
  18. The Characteristics of the Sage

    I dont think its a matter of "need", its if the person wants to cultivate their energy and use direct that energy towards positive/creative things. And i have not seen a topic on this board (maybe you can show me?) where people feel guilty and shameful about ejaculation, rather its usually again they want to save that jing and create something that will benefit them spiritually.
  19. The Characteristics of the Sage

    So you don't believe in transmutating sexual energy?
  20. The Characteristics of the Sage

    Lol that pretty much sums it all up. Not wasting his energy is basically putting all his energy into something useful; being compassionate and gaining wisdom.
  21. The Characteristics of the Sage

    Sounds the characteristics i look for in a wife I remember reading that article and all of his other ones. He provides some really deep insight about what taoist sages are like and what the scriptures say on how to become one with the tao.
  22. Reflection of Selfless

    I enjoyed that video, thank you
  23. What are you listening to?

    hahahah asking alexandriaaaaa you like metalcore?