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Posts posted by hydrogen

  1. I was only in prison for 2.5 years...I won't be writing about myself in the book. It's going to be more of a instruction manual for living.



    Has your "instruction manual for living" been proven effective? Have you tried the "manual" on yourself? If you have, have it been working for you?

    • Like 2

  2. Great idea!


    I'm very interested in your own stories. How did you grow up? How was it like in schools? How did your parents treat you? How did your siblings fight? How did you end up in prison? How was life like in prison for five years? How did you get into spiritual path?


    It'll be an interesting read.

    • Like 1

  3. Good for you, becomethepath, I hope everyting works out for your liking.


    I grew up in extreme poverty in American standard. My dad wore his under shirt for many years that it took on the look of a fish net. Everything was rationed from food to clothes and shoes. Have you read the book "1984"? It was an accurate description of life in China under the old communist party.


    I had only ONE toy for my WHOLE childhood. There was no TV, radio, newspapers or books except the "red books" by China Mao. Both of my parents worked in the same factory. They'd leave my six years old brother to take care of me. He'd cook up some lunch for us sometimes. A few times, I fell down the concrete stairs. I couldn't get up and cried loud. It must be a frustration moment for my brother too.


    The funny thing is the effect of poverty on my happiness. Later on, when I comparing notes with my American friends about childhood. It seemed that we all had more and less the same amount of happiness and sadness.


    However, I wouldn't want my child living in old childhood "lifestyle".


    Since everything is an illusion, I demand less work, more salary, nice cars, and cozy house. Why can't we have everything?

  4. Im on 3 days.. I did five days before and felt great, but then i surcombeed to it.


    And when I say sugar, I mean crappy sweets, chocolate, ice cream, microwave meals, processed foods, even certain types of fruit (seem to be loaded with pesticides) oh and commercial fruit juice.


    I don't know if my case qualify as success story since I never have the junk food problem.

    I do have other addiction to battle with.

  5. minhart2.gif The Seven of Clubs Person
    The Card of Spiritual Knowledge


    All sevens are highly spiritual cards but it is up to the individual to manifest this spirituality and to turn negativity into accomplishment. The Seven of Clubs challenge rests in the negative aspects of the mind which are worry, doubt and pessimism. They have much inherent inspiration and insight, but when they don't follow it, Saturn's influence brings much despair and sometimes depression. They have power to overcome their problems and to attain the fame and recognition they secretly desire, but they must apply themselves diligently. They are likely to have large sums of money at different times in their life, but often they spend it as fast as they get it. All their difficulties in life can be traced directly to their thoughts. So the Seven of Clubs, more than any other card, has a great responsibility to maintain positive, healing thoughts. Any contact with spiritual thought or ideals is sure to have a positive effect on them and is highly recommended.

    Your Karma Cards are the:

    Eight of Diamonds - You owe something to this person and they reflect you in some way.

    Jack of Spades - This person owes you and you are their mirror in some way.

  6. Kids have the most active chi systems out of anybody - they should all be taught from a young age to harness their power and learn to love it, then forget it. They would become little Buddhas -


    They're not our kids. Their parents may have different idea about how they want to educate their kids. I don't think I know any better than their parents.


    Those kids might not want to be little buddhas. They may want to be ninjas. I don't think my idea is any better than their own.

  7. I don't know much about subliminals.


    If you think subliminals is a good tool to help you meditate, you should explore its potentials while learning some meditation technique.


    I don't think subliminals alone can take you all the way to achieve what you want.

    • Like 1

  8. I wasn't offended by Paula Dean's word. I was offended by her cooking.


    She is the queen of butter. Her slogan is butter always make things taste better. Well, it's true. However as a skillful chef, she sould be able to make something taste good without butter. Personally she has diabetes. I doubt her eat anything that she cooking on the TV show. Knowingly promoting something you don't believe in is a bigger "crime" than offensive word in my opinion.


    Sorry for throwing stone from my glass house. :)

  9. I don't know either. But if you have no ability to invision a better way of life wouldn't it be fair to say that, out of necessity, they are satisfied with their state? Sure, they have to beware of the tiger and lion but that's about as far as it goes based on my observations. That is, other than eating, etc., the things monkeys do.


    I highly recommend you watch a film about monkey life.


    It's a constant struggle for survival in the pack on top of food shortage. The males compete for dominance. The lost party can choose to be screwed in the butt literally or leave tha pack. The new leader of the pack would sysmatically kill every younsters in the pack. The females have to feed their cubs and defend them against being eaten by other monkeys.


    It's not a big loving family as you might have assumed.

  10. you sound quite definite about this.


    Cole Sear: I see dead people.

    Malcolm Crowe: In your dreams?

    [Cole shakes his head no]

    Malcolm Crowe: While you're awake?

    [Cole nods]

    Malcolm Crowe: Dead people like, in graves? In coffins?

    Cole Sear: Walking around like regular people. They don't see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don't know they're dead.

    Malcolm Crowe: How often do you see them?

    Cole Sear: All the time. They're everywhere.

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  11. The monkey is satisfied with being a monkey. Man wants to be god. Fail!


    The other day, I watched a documentary about money in wild. I felt so lucky to be human once knowing the hardship the monkey going through.


    Is monkey really satisfied with being a monkey? I don't know. I don't know what extra wisdom you have to draw the conclusion for monkey.


    Man wants to be god? again, is this your own ambition?

  12. Sounds like a form of sleep paralysis. You're in the in between of the transition.


    In your case, you have some muscle control, but not totally.


    When I played with lucid dreaming a few year ago. It's normal for me to be in that state, especially in the afternoon nap.


    From wikipedia.


    Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move. More formally, it is a transition state between wakefulness and rest characterized by complete muscle atonia (muscle weakness).


    Was Brandon telling the truth? Was his public outing of the CIA on Roswell a signal that we are about to get disclosure? Was Falcon actually on a high level UFO disclosure mission?


    Are they relevant to my life? Not at all. The mosquito bite on my arm demands more attention than that.


    They might be of great interests to some. I just think it silly.


    Again, can you tell us some good aliens story?

  14. So if he doesn't change it, that gives you a clue that it might be not that easy. Especially since he mentioned being depressed. You can't tell someone to stop being depressed.


    Flolfolil, stop being depressed. Sorry, I just did that. :)


    I believe Flolfolil has the capacity to rise above his own depression without help from anybody else.




    The skillful path is to have a positive effect on other people's lives when they can't help themselves without something external changing.


    Show me how it should be done your way. I might learn a few things.

  15. I accept anything that works for me.


    I still believe Christ is the best person/plot/story/design. He loves all and forgives all. He doesn't put any stupid rules on others.


    I don't trust anyone who doesn't believe in Christ. Why?


    Because if a person can't accept a noble person like Christ in to his word, that person for sure won't allow me with so many faults into his world.


    Please, no religious flame here. I'm talking about Christ, buhhda and Lao Tsu as individual person.

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