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Everything posted by hydrogen

  1. My great realization

    Before I taking up meditation, I did some lucid dreaming stuff. I had a OBE via lucid dream onnce. It was fun until a monster showed up. :-( Right now, I fucus on opening my meridian channels and erase any pain spot on my body. I think we're living in a "simulated" reality already. My goal is to "astral travel" in this "real" world. The astral travel is fun too from what I've heard. But I haven't found any reliable way yet. If you figure it out, let me know.
  2. My great realization

    Yep. I think it's a feed back system. The out put of one individual feeds into the surroundings as input. The output of the surroundings feeds into that individual. The unfilled desire is the fuel. If a guy feels sexually aroused, he then finds a mate to filled that desire, it's not a fule anymore to push the karma machine forward. If the same guy feels guilty about sex and try to control his desire by will power. It creates more chaotic karma patterns to deal with.
  3. My great realization

    I've had a few experience like that. It's strange. Pondering my experiences for a while now. I now question if the laughter from my surroundings generate my joy, or my joy produced the laughter. My theory is that my emotional body was so in tune with the surroundings, it automatically produce "correct" emotion automatically without my mind register. In my deluded mind that I think I play the game of "God", I believe that my emotion controls the surroundings. In actuality, I just observed the "cause" and "effect" at the same time as the budhists say. Since "time" is also a construct of "mind". My mind might have missplaced "cause" and "effect" intentionally according to my true "intent". The only way I know how to train "intent" is virtue. How To Slow Down Time http://news.yahoo.com/video/slow-down-time-dnews-200000247.html
  4. I think it's a good base to start with so long you enjoy the process.
  5. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    I followed the link in your post. The address on that web site indicated the hospital was in China.
  6. Is Sifu Jenny Lamb a legit healer?

    Canada is a large country. I live in Toronto. If you want to try some TCM here, I can come up with a few names. If Dr. Jiang Feng works in China today, I highly doubt you'll get free of anything.
  7. The secret of Golden Flower? I consider it the "bilble" of MCO for me. The utilization of eyes and ears to guilde the MCO is a lot easier than "visiualization" for me.
  8. Can you go deeper with your method? How long can you be that state in a session? How often can you be in this state? What's the side effect? Do you enjoy being in this state?
  9. I'd like to know your method to get into the zone please if you care to share.
  10. I don't understand why you bother with "lower" methods while you know how to get into the "zone" already.
  11. Breathing

    Good advice that I can use in daily life.
  12. Vivid dreams?

    In your dream, so long you realize that you're dreaming, you can control your dream if yout want. At very least, you can fly. In your daily life, I don't know how you can wake up from that.
  13. Learning forgiveness vs. holding grudges

    So far nobody has come to ask for my forgiveness. I don't think any body owe my anything in his/her mind. I'd love to get forgiveness from a few people. However I don't think it matters. If the glory belongs to God/Tao, the blame goes there too.
  14. ...

    Good plan. Don't pay attention to us bunch of crazy people. We see crazy stuff. We doubt our sanity. We desperately seek others to confirm what we've seen. If we happen to find another guy who's seen the same stuff, we feel better. If we find three, we form a secret club.
  15. ...

    Well, "real" life isn't a movie. I think Cat spoke in a popular budhist metaphor that we're sleep walking. My point is that we don't know for sure if we're awake fully at any given moment. We just have different degree of awakening. There are some sign post of different degree according to Taoist and Budhist text. The well known one is common in both. The sun is bright by day, the moon enlights the night, armoured shines the warrior, contemplative the Brahmin True. But all day and night-time too resplendent does the Buddha shine. I believe they are real. I don't know if all enlighted ones see these sign posts. But if you can see these, you're very high in the awakening degree.
  16. ...

    You don't know? How did you know that you took the red pill? The "absolute freedom" sounds fishy. How do you know it's not a trap to mislead you into another matrix?
  17. ...

    What does the "reality" look like after taking the red pill? The curious minds wants to know.
  18. ...

    Yep, back to "stay in the moment" again. There is no point to worry if I'm awake/insane/dead/enlighted. Whether I enjoy the moment is more important to me. I'd rather live in a good fancy "dream" than a harsh "reality".
  19. ...

    I have no idea when I'm asleep or awake if ever. How can you tell?
  20. I'm too lazy to get up in the morning to see the sun rising. The long day of summer provides me a chance to do some sun gazing after work.
  21. Hypothetical question

    Simple. I'd come back to be myself in this life again and again. If I repeat the same life over and over, I have a better chance to figure out the patterns, or find the glitches in the system. And so far, my life isn't that bad. I've had a good life.
  22. Great. Maybe you want a make over to sell more of your real cheese? I used to do wine/beer demo at local liqure store. The idea was not to sell the product, but to sell an image, a life style or a dream. If every thing else fails, sex always sells. I'd think something like this will sell "Qi Gong last longer and stronger". Or you may come up with something for office cubicle workers. With so many stiff necks, slouch shoulders and itch hands, it may sell well. Good luck.
  23. Energy Healing - Does it really work?

    Truth will set you free. Be the ture to yourself and othes, you'll experience less pain.
  24. Good idea. I guess you can pitch your video to that company to show case your real cheese.
  25. Wirathu: The Face Of Buddhist Terrorism

    I guess we can blame the whole thing on buddha himself since he didn't practice compassion himself. "Gautama Siddārtha blamed Devadatta saying that he was doomed to the Niraya Hell for his deeds, and it is reported that shortly thereafter he did in fact fall into Hell."