Marius Tudor

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Everything posted by Marius Tudor

  1. Hello everyone!

    Well , what can I say , my name is Marius and I am new in this forum.I am interested genuinely in the development of the body and mind.Thereby, I came here in order to find some answers. My first problem that I would like to adress to the fellow forum users is about the mind itself.How can I live more in the "present" and not to be distracted 24/7 from the real "problems"? Why do I always think 100 times about a future situation that happens other way that I have expected? I also wish to be more motivated , to react faster in any kind of situation (mostly social).I am also concerned of how other people think of me, but I never get to gain other people's respect.But maybe the most important issue is that I have many goals to achieve such as having a great physical condition, and getting into a good college.Since I was young I were told that I have/had good potential.I grew well till now ( I am 18 btw) but at a moment I slipped.My marks got somehow worse in this final year of school which is crucial for my college admission.For instance at the IELTS exam (english test) I got only a 7.5 mark but I know that I could have done far more better and I've also failed at my drivers license exam because of emotions and lack of preparation.I genuinely believe that the only solution to fix my problems is just work/training hard, and the only thing to do so is to set my mind.Thank you for your time and excuse me for my bad english. ps I want to learn about chi and that emotional content that people speak about! Cheers!
  2. Hello everyone!

    I will check that topic...Btw I got your idea....YOU GOT TO HAVE SOUL, but I barely have right now :S
  3. Litlle problem

    Hello again guys! Yesterday I tried to meditate well in a different way that you suggested.When I were in bed be4 sleep I was listening to music ( it was dubstep ) and I just listened with minimal thinking.I just breathed and paid great attention to the beats.Unfortunately my "meditation" was pretty quick because I have fallen asleep in no-time. I have also tried to meditate today but I didn't feel anything at all.I managed to breathe slowly and be thought-less but I failed to concentrate properly since I couldn't feel my body as I wanted.The whole process was 10 minutes only! There are some things that I'd like to point out.Now I can be quite calm and stop the mind partially but I still need practice to feel for example my whole body and be basically more aware. Till next time!
  4. Litlle problem

    Thank you for your replies.That should be a great starting point.I will try today to meditate and tommorow morning I'll post my "result"
  5. Hello everyone!

    yes thank you! I will try to use those tips and then wonder in other parts of the forum
  6. Hello everyone!

    could you explain me how to do that or give me some directions ? thanx