Marius Tudor

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Posts posted by Marius Tudor

  1. Sorry Marius for not getting back on you faster.

    I was distracted back then.


    True Marius,

    but I think spontaneous can occur from external/internal stimulus and can occur as things are happening.


    Are there any more things you want to learn about religion.

    So We can put the discussion back to topic, now it's a debate about 'Natural and Unnatural'.


    No problem at all,


    When I was a bit younger I was quite a religious person and did not question even the most basic principles about religion however after a while I went to an extreme.I became an "atheist" and it was funny since at every religion class in school I caused a little mayhem about this subject.But again as the time passed I noticed that this is not enough.For instance emotions being just a chemical reaction to a certain stimulus was not enough and seemed too scientific.I noticed that you cannot dismiss spirituality totally and this always haunted me.What I can say now is that even if I want to go back to my "religious" state I simply cannot.My awareness grew and I must get to the next level if you will and learning about other phylosophical trends might help me a great deal.


    I while ago I heard about Tao and it really sounds very interesting and I'd like to focus our attention on it also.

  2. ^_^ Interesting statements you have there;

    just to further the questions...


    Living is natural, then why is death unnatural?

    Expansion is natural, then why is contraction unnatural?


    In Ten-thousands things,

    What lives but don't die?

    What expands but don't contract?


    If doing good is what is natural then why is it not normally learned?


    Tell me what's unnatural!



    Everybody has his/her brain wired to hold on life.When you feel pain you get signals which tell you that you should stop.When you face a situation which is life threatening your fight or flight instinct is activaded but I know you all know this.We have a hard time standing to entropy our bodies and also to other factors in our environment.However I don't know if it is natural to oppose it or the other way arround.Who can really tell what is natural or unnatural?For me it's like someone trying to be spontaneous is not natural since spontaneous means Performed or occurring without premeditation or external stimulus


  3. Science is a great tool which helps us in our daily lives or atleast the product of it, but I think you went too far.As I said a few days ago you make long statements about nothing and lately it has been really hard for my attention span.Please keep it simple.

    Btw et-thoughts you have interesting ideas which I actually absorbed but lately your comments repell me from further reading.


    this is a summary of the latest comments: the truth is that the truth is non truth that in religion you don;t need truth but science is truth which is proven ....and the truth is that the truth is the truth....bla bla bla atheist is non religion.......wrong


    Random question:How can someone believe with all his heart in something and does need to proof for it and get to live and act accordingly?

  4. PM me for a useful stop-smoking movement should you wish to give up.

    No judgement intended. I smoked cigarettes when younger but anything that might lead to addictive attachment hinders effective cultivation.

    Plus you'll have more money once you stop.

    As for that Jamaican dancing tobacco that some of the young people favour.

    That rubbish is for puny weak-willed-losers.

    Cigars in the UK are damn expensive but in my country are way cheaper :) You cannot even compare 15 pounds to almost 3 pounds here.

  5. It is aqward since people say that rolling a single dice you have a 1/6 chances to get the desired number.However if you throw the dice 6 times that does not mean neccesary that you will get one side for each throw.If the number of throws is increased the sides appear almost equally.However I think that throwing a dice is dependent on the speed of wind , weight of the dice,speed of the dice, and so on.If you can throw the dice with a certain speed and so on you will get the side that you want.

  6. I see that I had two busy days and couldn't take an eye on what happened in this thread and there are already two new pages worth of your insights.After digesting it all hopefully I will come with something englihtenining on the matter.I have some new questionts to ask but it will change the topic 180 degrees so I choose to rather not ask them.

    See you tommorow

  7. Wow I never knew that the story of adam and eve is shared by both christianity and islam.What about jewish religion?


    I never understood faith to be honest.It must be wonderful to have faith in something but for some reason I do not thing I ever experienced a full surrendering to a belief.What could be the cause of it?


    Anyway thank you for the post since it adds new flavour to the topic.

  8. I have deliberated and NOW will tell you what you requested ... - if I'm "right"

    hope you are smiling... - if I'm "right" - you are... if not well smile anyway its better than feeling sorry...

    Yes I did smile :)

    Forgive an old man. I am both slow and stupid.

    You make a good point.

    Help me out here guys please.

    Marius is haunted by Xtianity.

    We are trying to put him straight.


    There are some concepts which have been bothering me for as long as I can remember

    Btw.I sent you a private message yesterday and it was about the excercise routine you reccomended.Please check it out if you have the time and willingness, thank you.


    #What I did understand till now is that "truth" can only be aproximated when it comes to doing a rational effort.Language is precise and the truth is somewhat irrational.Take for instance number pi (π)=3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 58209 74944 59230 78164 06286 20899 86280 34825 34211 70679...etc.You can make an intellectual effort untill you go insane and you will still not be able to find all the digits.This is why I think the disscussion about truth was in fact in vain.You really complicated things instead of making them easier.On the tao bums forum I expect TAO answers and not those elaborated speeches with nice words and overuse of neologisms.Keep it simple guys.I myself noticed that as the years passed and I go to school and read stuff and try to explain certain concepts to myself I always get better and better at an intellectual level but I still make the same mistakes and find myself in the same patterns.I realize that what I did now is a display of hypocritical bullsh** but it was the best way for me to approximate my feelings. I hope you got the idea guys, and I hope that you will come again and say a thing or two about tao.


    Disclaimer:Please leave your "brain" at home next time.

    • Like 1

  9. Yes of course I did reffer to your latest post at time.When I said that I am sorry about not understanding I actually thought that just saying "I don't uderstand" would seem somehow offensive to you from my perspective.


    Now I see what you meant.True display of mental lazyness on my behalf.When I said "maybe someone can tell" it was me asking if there is someone which knows the rest of the anecdote since I forgot it.

    Yep I'd be better off know I would do something about my missunderstanding instead of being sorry for it.I'd like to blame my "english skills" but I would be fooling myself.

    Right or wrong is a product of our perception.Right or wrong do not really exist.There is something "right" and that is called tao?That "right" cannot be defined by contrast with anything.

    If I were the judge I'd treat each individually and not by contrast, even if many will see this outrageous.

    Nice example.

    Now deliberate and tell me if I'm "right"

  10. The thing is to make the first step and then the next and then the next... (ok thats meant for me more than for you)...

    Go where you consider you should go... flow with it... sometimes getting off-topic is a way to get unto the topic... from a slightly different perspective... I would like to share with you something a mentor shared with me... "Do focus on small things"... don't try to do it, just do it! Succeed or learn one of the ways not to succeed ... In other words eliminate the word 'try' from your vocabulary ... and while you are at it also eliminate the word 'easy' ... better yet keep them and never again use them...

    Yes thank you for the advice.I will keep a note.

    In my view, anyone who uses the term Abrahamic has missed the mark. Anyone.

    Who was Abraham? I take it that he was a prophet ...


    Anyway I kinda got the idea about "Abrahamic" religions, however what can be said about "religions" which don't need a god?I used quotes on the word religion since no other word popped-up in my mind.


    By the way, I read a while ago a short story about buddha.When buddha was walking with some followers of his ,he met a person who asked him whether if god does exist or not.And he replied not.After a short while he met another person which asked him the same question but this time he replied yes.After that person left his students were intrigued and asked why did he answer differently on the same question.The answer of buddha ....well, I forgot what it was...but maybe someone can tell.