flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    What a wonderful use of words you have, is English your first language? "you ain't that important", and its up to our dear mods as to whether they think you are personally attacking, not you.
  2. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Trouble is that God doesn't give a damn , (he's too busy practicing Wu wei), for we are all born sinful according to the Bible, so we might as well get on with it and have a jolly good time and rip each other off and enjoy the fruits of our sin ! No I won't mention the snake and the apple I promise!!!
  3. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I think if one was very ill and looking for hope to solve that illness or problem and one gave their last $1,000 to a fraudster as above and one found that actually they'd been had, one would feel rather disparaged themselves don't you think? I once was nearly killed, I spent two months in a hospital in one position. I had to learn to walk again and by the time I had got home I then suffered PTSS to add to my trauma. I had little money and If I had believed in God and gave my last money to a fraudster in hope that I would feel better, that would have been an even worse disaster. What makes this sicker than big business ripping workers off etc is that this man is preying on the most vulnerable and those who mostly can ill afford to add to his $23 million profit he made in one year alone. Better to know what the world is like and what people do than bury one's head in the sand or be ripped off in the name of God, or in the name of anything else!
  4. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    And a little more for your delectation
  5. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Here's Peter Popoff, exposed time and time again on his many, many scams!
  6. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    And now for a little light music
  7. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    This of course could also be perceived as a personal attack!
  8. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Of course you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not me and you only know me from my writings on this forum. Writings of course are easily misinterpreted, because we have differing perspectives. My path is very different to yours I would think. My Masters are divine, I have had no human master and yet, I have had great respect from the martial art community for the martial arts I used to teach as very genuine. So I come from the old school of martial and spiritual practice this is not an easy path and the level of achievement I have attained was won by self sacrifice and overcoming that ego you talk about. But alot of people are not very honest or straight forward, I would say one of my faults if it is one, I am both straight forward I have no side or dishonesty. So if I say one of my masters is Lao Zi, I am merely being honest. Many people including yourself have a problem with this due to their own perspectives and ego centred problems of self worth. I don't, I am just being honest. When I was a child I used to see 'Sky people', I thought this was very odd, When I was accepted as an adult to become a shaman/medium etc I knew somehow this was my destiny. Then some years after that I read a book about world shamanism and one of the things that occurs in most shamanism is that as a child the shaman to be, will see 'sky people' and so their destiny will be fixed and however they try they will not be able avoid it. So when I went into the temple in Malaysia, burnt some incense, knelt on my knees and begged for the Immortal Master to draw the fa fu, I didn't even know the names of those divinr masters, but he came to me in a very short time. The medium in the temple couldn't believe his eyes/ totally shocked, a white man (devil man) being able to draw the fa fu, fa shui in an incredible short time and so powerfully. Some would say to me what the hell are you doing on a forum and they have done very often, I might add, forums are full of all sorts of people who smoke screen themselves to be this and that and have all sorts of problems. I say, I am a traditional shaman, there are not many of us still around amongst the plastic, my work is to show what the true teachings of the divine are, and to help people if they need help. If this brings me into disrepute with others, then so be it. I am also human, lets not forget that and making mistakes is part of being human and of a growing evolving experience. So if you have a problem with my honesty I think you need to look at your own reasons for that.
  9. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Well he's certainly creative and I'm getting bored now with this thread and I'm going to do something more positive than being scrutinized for being a Dao Holyman I never take money
  10. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I am not caught up in any emotional upset. You are doing what you are saying I have done. This is half the trouble people don't see what they are actually doing themselves. Whether you agree with what I have to say is your choice. If you disagree with my understanding of the DDJ, you are simply missing probably the most unique experience there could be involved in that major Dao work. The author has been my teacher for 37 years. That is of course down to your belief and perspective.
  11. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Actually, peoples choices are very much influenced and controlled by others. Step outside yourself for a while and see what your thinking is, what you buy and how you live for starters. When you've really done this and seen that actually we are manipulated on a grand scale you can see that other people can manipulate you take your money and rights and you can do it willingly. Self protection is no guard against it, but personal understanding of the whole psychology of using position, power and in this case the use of theatre to manipulate, will make you aware and wary of what people are doing. Making people aware is a starting point and is not naive thinking, but a path to thinking more deeply about things and not accepting things on face value. My point on this thread, like Phil Collins wrote his song about the American Christian preachers who ask for money to pray for miracles for people, but they are just as bad as a criminals themselves. My point here is the same, using false identity (the use of the words of 'sigung' Grand Master) and titles and knowledge, theatre and costume to fake genuine practice. Many people like those Americans looking for healing gave a great deal of money to those Christian preachers. Its happening all the time and all over the world, people are being manipulated by politics, religion and power for position and money. Knowing that this is what is happening is half the battle.
  12. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Now I begin to understand.... Married to Jonesboy who has been on my threads and presented contrary and provocative arguments at anything I might have said, and you, using your position to suspend me for questioning your motives. Hang on I can't see that in the rules, nor can I see looking at people's posts and seeing where they are at, as an offensive procedure against the rules. We are talking about the rules that govern all of us on TDB's are we not? We can all see what we say and post, there's nothing covert or wrong about this. If you look at mine they are 98% in the DDJ section. One would conclude that I am very interested in Dao writings? You will never see me posting on the New Testament or the Bible in general or other religions because of many reasons. So........ But undermining my title and position is and as explained by using words like "self ascribed", "self proclaimed", "na.. Holyman" is belittling and is just as bad if not worse than calling someone an "i...t". Basically your saying that according to your 'supreme' judgement, I'm not what I say I am; is this what you are saying? I might add that the term "i...t" means a person of low intelligence. So tell me, if I said he was a person of low intelligence that would be acceptable would it? I can also see that politics come into this; I have openly critizied Trump and judging by posts that both you and Jonesboy have put up, you appear to be Republicans? If this is true then here is a source of aggravation towards me. If I was an American citizen (living in Arizona, which I have visited) I would be a Democrat. Religous Dao followers are normally towards helping the poor and not themselves so would vote for a socialist based political party. They would also want to help other living things and the environment. Republicans are basically capitalists and don't really give a damn about other people (they brought slavery to America) of a lesser fortune or social scale, nor the environment as a whole and as long as the money machine keeps going the environment can go to hell and so can the poor. We have a similar right wing government in my country and its just rubbish for anyone who is poor. More people are now living from food banks and living rough than at any time since the second world war and we live in the 21st century and yet the rich are still getting fantastically wealthier on the backs of the poor. Still the government cries 'this policy creates jobs and opportunities and investment'. Na ...huge lie. Before I leave, I would like to see some appropriate answers.
  13. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Interesting.........let me get it straight; You are pulling me up about my calling a member here an "idiot", but your quite happy about calling me a "self proclaimed Holyman"! Trying to undermine who I am. That's ok is it, because you're a mod? I have been through all your post on TDB's and 'Living Unbound' and really you don't appear to know nothing of the Dao De Jing! You have virtually done no posting on the threads at all that involve this major and central work to Dao thought and practice. I wonder why..........? But its ok for you to call me a "self proclaimed Holyman", so you're being snide and belittling; that's fine isn't it!???? Daoist.. nah? You are to me a 'nothing' with Christian overtones, who dabbles here and there, who thinks that being a mod on a Daoist forum gives you the right to undermine my genuine practice, which looks to me like you have none of, just read a few books, but obviously not the DDJ, or any other major Daoist book. I am a Baptized, not "self proclaimed", witnessed by others, accepted and fully trained Daoist Holyman, whether you like it or not (which obviously you don't, some prejudice coming out I think). I think if you don't even know much about the DDJ, it is definitely you who should be going else where, because you have insulted me by calling me a "self proclaimed", and your not even a Daoist. For your information: during baptism, when we are taken over the 'Bridge of life' and then baptised, we make a vow to the Heavenly Immortals. The bridge which we physically walk over behind the wu (Shaman) who is in a trance of an Immortal, takes us from being bound by earthly things to that of spiritual things. To you, it may be that to challenge openly that which is evil or wrong is not right, but to us it is our job and we are bound to do this whether it is political, social injustice, abuse of other living things or whether like this thread it is someone who is blatantly abusing their position and using falsehood to hoodwink others. I might have wrongly used the term "idiot', to many this is very mild to what they would call your precious member. My strong advice to you is to take your own medicine and stick to the rules yourself, or keep your thoughts to yourself.
  14. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    What sect are you from and who is the deity that you believe in? Are you from Malaysia?
  15. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Many sects have sadly gone from the Dao path and taken on some Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. So one sees now the offering of incense and fruit etc. If one understands the DDJ, it is your heart and faith that are important, not incense. Modern Dao religion is not like it was many years ago it is more like a folk religion that constantly evolves as people take on various practices that they see others do.
  16. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    As a genuine Holy man, one of my jobs is to protect the innocent, to expose that which is corrupt; that would lead to the abuse of others. This man denigrates the good name of many practitioners and abuses the name of many of the Immortals in Heaven. All for the sake of making money and furthering his ego. Some food for thought, If you are really happy about this, and are offering him protection under officialdom, then I feel very sorry for you and I think you need to think about what sort of character you are and what you are doing. (the man in question will happily use the F word constantly to describe all manner of things). Perhaps you should be finding in yourself the spirit to fight evil in whatever guise it forms. Give evil power and you in fact will become just as bad as it. The man in question is an i...t; he abuses the practice of Daoism in all its aspects for the sake of money and ego and it is not as if he is offering anything that is actually genuine from a genuine sect, he made it up himself. Your comments are also "self ascribed", other than being a mod what qualifications have you got to make comment on others yourself and their standing? Please let me know and others here a cv of your training and under what master etc. so we may see where you are coming from. Thanks
  17. There really is no difference between a belief in the Dao and Immortals and an understanding of the Dao De Jing; they are intimately entwined.
  18. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    Sorry to say you must have very little understanding yourself! What he's saying is complete nonsense. The only thing that's right is his pronunciation of 'Dao', "Do". The rest is just rubbish. Ever seen a Dao practitioner salute like that? Look at the hand he is holding. Most genuine sects either have left hand over right fist or if they have some influence from Buddhism, palms together. Look at the alter, genuine Dao sects have no fruit or offerings and I don't even recognise the figures he's put there. He never used to have any figures, but as he gets more info so he alters to try to be ahead of the game. He calls himself a "Si Gung" (Grand Master). Most genuine sects of religious Dao have an Immortal as the head of the sect. So the head of my sect is Hua Tuo Xian Shi. So the three Immortal Masters that I follow are the source of the power and teachings that I use. They always come first, are always invoked to do the healing etc. and more importantly are the head of the sect.
  19. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    This idiot learns things from others, incorporates it into 'his' sect and then tries to explain how it works. Of course he doesn't really know and so changes things as he gleans more info from the web etc. He removes any negative comments from his youtube videos that might show him up as a charlatan. He works by bombarding the web with video's and ceremonies that he invents and makes up based on some that might really be true. He has almost hundreds of videos with virtually meaningless content. Someone should really close him down and his fan club that are all in it to rip the general public off, just like Peter Popoff did, but in a different way.
  20. Climate Change

    Hey guys, this thread is going backwards and forwards between those that believe in climate change and those that don't. In 1985 the Immortal Master told me what was happening and how human activity would result in loss of species and alter the pattern of the weather bringing about environmental changes, changes that would affect all of our lives, then and into the future. For the sake of debate on my original post, I am not interested in the scientific evidence, it is always contradicted either way, as we have seen in the last 19 pages!!!!!!. But I am interested as always in how people who are interested in the Dao respond in their own lives and deal with being able to live a more simple life that is sustainable that the great Dao Master Li Erh talks about in the DDJ. Perhaps we can spend the next 19 pages talking about that, although I have found many of the posts very interesting and I thank you for your time and contributions.
  21. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 81

    Sorry Jeff this may be your interpretation but it is not what Lei Erh was saying. A wise person remains empty, empty of preference, emotion, material possessions, etc and so is like the Dao, because he remains empty he can embrace all peoples and all things. The more he gives to others the greater his emptiness and self cultivation becomes, and so nearer he is to the Dao. The way of Heaven is to single out those people and life forms that are 'special' and so use them to help the world and its people. It remains with those life forms it has chosen to help the world. A wise persons work is to self cultivate into non action, seeing the world turn and evolve at its own will.
  22. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    He has no spiritual power (fa) so he cannot do anything. The Immortal Master gives you spiritual power when you begin to learn through Fa Fu and Fa Shui which one ingests. This builds up in you over the years and as you learn it grows and grows through self cultivation. Without spiritual power it is then dangerous to try and deal with any spirit of any substance. Many earthly bound spirits wish to 'live again', so will inhabit humans, who enjoy mostly a better life than animals. Some people are more susceptible than others. Mentally and physically sensitive people are vulnerable.
  23. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    They are all like this, I can't believe that he would put this up for public viewing
  24. Tin Yat Dao Sect

    I find it unbelievable! I watched his vid on the DDJ .....I couldn't believe what I was hearing.