flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Now beleive me or not, many years ago I begged Jesus to come to me. When he came he illuminated a thought that I never consider before. He said to me that he did not like the symbol of the cross used to represent his life. A symbol of torture and pain. He wanted another symbol to signify his life that stood more for what he stood for. He was a shaman also when he was alive. It is the church that has corrupted his teachings and humans who have used his name to do harm to others. Christian, Muslim etc. organised religions purport views of the world that make understanding and realization more difficult. I may call myself Dao but I have no name for what I really am and believe in, therefore I try to view the world from an open vision and an open heart. Therefore to understand the DDJ we need to look at it in a different way to really appreciate what it is really saying. Remember Li Erh said I call it Dao just because I can't think of any better word.
  2. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Well of course!! Do you really understand the DDJ? What I would like, is to take people to a different way of looking and then understanding and self realization by how they evaluate the passages from a different perspective. So its up to you, how open is your mind?
  3. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    I think you need to validate your reply; how is it philosophical and what parts do you feel are shamanistic and what parts are not?
  4. can anyone help me?PLZ....

    Another thought, it is Chinese new year on the 23rd I will be inviting the Immortal Master to come. I will beg him to see what I can do to help you other than what I have already done. If there is nothing more I will pm you and give you some advice. Sorry the first lot of energy did not help you. Sometimes it is like that, but don't give up there are so many ways in which you can find help and help yourself.
  5. can anyone help me?PLZ....

    Hello the truth, Don't despair!! I'll send you another 'fa' to see if I can help you, but you are a long way away from me and it would be better if you had the Holy water and amulets directly. I'll try again OK.
  6. Interesting topic! IMO the position that one takes up to meditate, to circulate energy, or any other practice does not make a damn difference! I beleive one can become enlightened by being 'shown' and given realisation which does not require any formal structure or training. I feel sorry for the the lady in the first vid., a typical woman who has never been valued by an unselfish male partner. If she had, she would have experienced what she is teaching long ago, so would many other women. Love thy body, love thy self and be whole. Female or male orgasm has very little to do with true enlightenment, but is more to do with the pychology and emotional state of the person concerned. That energy can be utilized and mutually shared. The experience though is depleting of jing when it is over done. Orgasms will eventually deplete the jing which in turn will deplete the qi. The jing is what we inherit from our ancestors through the process of evolution. As far as women are concerned it is about time us men valued in every way our female partners, so they felt equal to us. Orgasm wouldn't be such a problem. Sexual cultivation in Taoist practices is a very minor one, especially in terms of energy cultivation and shouldn't be allowed to become the major practice as it will not lead to any real cultivation.
  7. Kuan Yin from a Taoist Perspective

    Quan Yin Neung Neung is not part of the Taoist gods but is respected and believed in by Taoists, especially the Mao Shun sect, or 'Fu Family'. Her teachings are called 'The Pure Path Sect' I have communicated with Quan Yin on many occasions over the years, as one of my Masters was her student (Chi Tien Da Shen). Her Pure Path Sect has practices that help people to further themselves towards Bhudda-hood.
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think one has to begin to forget whatever you have read and learnt. In unlearning you can begin to understand, the mind left completely open, the heart also. What is 'male' or 'female' is lost to the whole. Some may say that shadow is yin and sunlight is yang, I would say they exist to be a whole and shouldn't be broken up. Once the whole is broken up, it is very difficult to find one's way back. Go up the mountain, leave the parts to be what they are and seek the whole, there you shall understand all things and not bother with small details that will distract you from understanding. All things are equal and made from the Tao; male,female are one and need to come together as equals as they were created.
  9. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    Those that follow Tao will always suffer. For in suffering there is understanding. In understanding there is realisation of ones self and others. Tao schools come from many sources and so does the religion. The Tao though is the core, but finding a way to it is so diverse and obscure that the task seems impossible. The 'schools' of Tao have a tendency to add to this great obscurity and tend to be devoid of the source using practices and ritual that most of the time take people away from a true understanding. All'schools' should really aim for the same thing and should have equal elements of various practices, but these have been changed and altered by many Masters over the years from the original. Now many are steeped in practices that are really unnecessary and are more to do with the "flowery" trappings of the Tao. Real power can only come from the lack of self and ambition to obtain it. When real power has been obtained the self has been purified and the need for it long forgotten.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think you've all gone off on the wrong foot!!!! The whole verse is about recognizing the primordial energy that exists and is the basis of the Tao and is ever present in all things. Don't get too hung up on words written by other translators. Li Erh existed at a time where deep shamanistic society was dominant. His words are about recognizing the inter relationship between living and non living things, the energy that exist and gives life to all things and the way those things are able to live with their surrounding environment. Mankind's path in this he describes also. The word "valley" does not exist in this verse or stanza, as it does not make any sense at all. This is what Li Erh told me when I was taught his true words, for I looked at other translations at the time and begged him to tell me about them. Believe this or not.
  11. Tao, Taoism, Motivation, and Reality

    1 How can one describe what is real as a philosophy? You can touch the earth, breathe the air and know that there is spirit. Intellectuals look at the DDJ as an intellectual exercise in thought process. David Attenborough has spent his life filming the Tao, that is real not in the head!!!Chinese thought was very much surrounded by shamanistic society in these times, it was the first form of belief in China. Li Erh was part of that culture and society and would have written his text with this as part of his belief and thought. 2 What you have was transcribed a thousand times to what you have today. Many transcribers used shortened characters and sometimes put their own 'flourishes' into the text, or transcribed it wrong producing the wrong meaning. This is why I have been given the true words of Li Erh. If you understand the DDJ, you will see that it is exactly what I have said. If you only have a superficial understanding then that's all you will know.
  12. Tao, Taoism, Motivation, and Reality

    The way is virtue is right in general in what he has posted at the very beginning.What I have said about the beginning of Tao is exactly what I have stated. Li Erh Xian Shi, then put these perspectives down and it is known as the DDJ. Shamanism was the beginning of Tao: an observation of the natural world its interconnection and energies that all living and non-living things share. Following that path is the Tao. Describing it and living it is the difficult part. I know a lot about how Chinese think, how do you think I know??? I have learn't the Tao from my Masters: I do beleive there is no greater substitute!!
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Hang on a minute, where's the valley? My masters verse of no.6 has no valley in it at all? The root of Heaven and Earth, can be found in its spirit. Search and feel this spirit, for it is ever present; the gateway to all mysteries. The spirit is the primordial mother of the ten thousand things. It is ever present and eternal. Why should just the valley have only spirit?
  14. Taoist magic

    Real Power, natural magic, can only be obtained through true enlightenment. This process will purify the heart, purify the mind and then the need of great power no longer exists. One can therefore be the keeper of great power and never use it. Ambition for real power will lead one away from ever obtaining it, because of the self.
  15. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    'Immortal' is made up of 'man and mountain'. Traditionally shamans and spiritual masters lived in the mountains. They cultivated the Tao and the creative forces. When these shamans died their spirits lived on and sometimes visited people in person as a spirit or as a person, or showed themselves in dreams. Obviously to me Immortals exist in their spirit guise. See lobby for some of my experiences.
  16. The mountain is high and the sea so deep

    But still the Way can be found. Many times the Way has been obscure; hidden between the Tiger and the Dragon, lost between the mountain and the great sea. But treasures given must be held and revered before the way is lost. I have given to you my Masters greatest treasure (Dao De King). He gave it to me some 24 years ago. He also showed me a vision of the world to come and told of events that will alter the world forever. Many things he has told me or shown me in my life as a Holyman, have come true. I see before me one has informed you of my site. I am, when approached with respect, willing to answer anybody who wishes to ask anything of me. The whole purpose of my life is to give the true words of Lao Tzu to people and to inform them of what is to come. We all have a choice,I can do no more. Daoist Holyman Flowing Hands
  17. The mountain is high and the sea so deep

    Hello Lienshan, I have done this!
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 25 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Ok, on Lienshan's suggestion I will try and explain this chapter. Le Erh Xian Shi (Lao Tzu)came every night to me and he honored me with his teachings until the last chapter was done. This was a great honor to me, as the shaman in the Temple said that Lao Tzu never comes to anyone; it is unheard of. So I treasure this, beyond any price. In some sense I got the feeling that he altered the meaning in some areas for the modern world now. He taught me this some twenty four years ago. Whenever I read it, I think to myself what a brilliant rendition it is. Remember this is from the horses mouth, 600bc it was also slightly different and there appears to be no equivalent English words for some descriptions. Le Erh also told me that they had different meanings for some words then, compared to now. So we have: Something mysteriously formed, born before Heaven and Earth. In silence and from within the void. Alone and constant, ever present and flowing. It is the Mother of the Ten Thousand Things. I do not know its name, so I call it Dao. For lack of a better word I call it great. Being great it flows. It nourishes the Ten Thousand Things far and away. From whence it came I do not know. Therefore the Dao is great. Heaven is great. Earth is great. The Ten Thousand Things are great. These are the four great powers of the Universe, And one of them is the Ten Thousand Things. Man follows the Earth. Earth follows Heaven. Heaven follows the Dao. Dao is what is natural. To start the ball rolling as they say, to answer Lienshan's question: Humans are made from the five elements of the earth, they are bound by those elements and the Earths environment, so they must follow the way of the Earth. (of course when humans don't that's when things go wrong) Earth is made from the elements and energy from the universe or heaven so the earth follows the influences of the universe or heaven (today we realize that more than ever). The universe is bound by the Dao, so it must obey the laws that have created it (we are learning more about this also). The Dao is the great creator of all things, so it is itself and is natural. Remember, like the big bang we can't really know why and how things came into existence although it was explained to me. There lies another discussion!!
  19. The mountain is high and the sea so deep

    Not in the slightest. I am certainly not here to expect everyone to agree with me.On another site they have been giving me a grilling!!!!!
  20. The mountain is high and the sea so deep

    Hello Lienshan I am not going to put the prayer onto this site. I thought about it more and it is a sacred transmission that is passed on to one holyman/woman to the next for invocation. There are a lot of people on this site who would not see this with value and treat it such, so I am sorry.
  21. The mountain is high and the sea so deep

    Hello Bahram, A spiritual entity is energy without a physical body. An Immortal is a energy entity that is extremely powerful. Cultivating this energy and a pure heart is the path to true enlightenment. This can be taught by an Immortal Master. When cultivating on this path a very long mortal life may indeed happen. Although some Immortals came to a untimely end as humans, but were given spiritual Immortality because of their great deeds or purity of knowledge etc. when they were mortals. One of my Masters Hau Tuo Xian Shi is a case in point. His life was ended by a corrupt official.
  22. Ch. 80, Taoist prophecy?

    My Masters version doesn't say this at all, you are being misled!
  23. The mountain is high and the sea so deep

    Of course a physical body is going to be more of a burden than one that is made up of spiritual energy. The difference between an immortal taking on a physical body and a mortal body is that the immortal's is normally temporary and is a body without fault. A mortal body has inherent problems and the spirit is bound by it. This is my understanding. A long living mortal body is not an immortal. An immortal is a spiritual entity that will live forever.