flowing hands

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Everything posted by flowing hands

  1. Ignorance is bliss who enjoy such a state
  2. Well the thread is about Mo Pai and that's what I'm trying to stick to. There's plenty a post on the site that will give you some insight about what I know of the spirit world. Another point about the rifle trick, the watcher does not see anyone pull the trigger, we only hear the sound of an air gun going off. A very easy trick to do.
  3. The Sage not acting for reward

    I think compared to some challenges I have, a relatively small one!!!
  4. How do you know it won't be pleasant, for a start an Immortal master can protect one from many things and I have experienced life saving incidences where power well beyond the realm of Chang was displayed! Don't be such a closed and blinded fool there are many John Changs around but you never hear of them or see them. Why, because the higher levels of power are not mean't to start off a religion or get people to be so blinkered and obsessed that their obsession is all they can see. When one gets to a certain level it is not about the ego. Chang evidently enjoyed the celeb dotage until his spirit master gave him a ticking off for showing off. He had over stepped himself and broken his code of practice. There was no reason for him to do this. Now you might say why I am I on a forum, made a film about a little of myself, that's because I was told I've got to do it by my Immortal Masters so that we have at least some hope of stopping mad religions from destroying the world in the very near future. If it wasn't for this the name Flowing Hands would never be known to anyone.
  5. John Chang and Mo Pai has become like a religion, people are becoming obsessed and blinded, this is the trouble with displaying your talents as Lao Tzu said so distinctly. I remember when Bruce Lee first came on the scene Kung Fu had really never been heard of before in the west all of a sudden everybody wanted to be like Bruce Lee and Kung Fu schools were opening up all over the place even though the Chinese had kept it to themselves for donkeys years.
  6. Well I don't like to boast but I have been taught by Immortals for over thirty years, an Immortal master is very different to a mortal master. An air rifle say .22 pellet fired out of a low poundage gun will not gain great penetrative potential until it has left the rifled barrel for a distance. A heavier pellet like a .22 as opposed to a .177 will be slower out of a rifled barrel with the same poundage. So what you have said supports what I am saying. We have no proof in the slightest at what poundage the rifle used by Chang was, or what the pellet size was.
  7. I don't think Chang knows what he's talking about, he should stick to what he does and leave the spirit world to people like me, who have been taught the truth.
  8. Well I'm sorry to say then your own experience and personal cultivation cannot be that good to say this. If I met John Chang he could not resist or withstand a blade strike if I used my own power. Of course there are many ways to disrupt and to disarm people with power I am not infallible myself, no one is. In martial art one specializes because it takes so much time to develop a certain technique, it is the same for energy. A lead pellet fired out of a rifle has not had time to gain momentum and therefore potency at the end of the barrel. If one was to look at the science of ballistics you will see that the potency of a moving object fired in the air has differing speeds and potential for depth of penetration, at different times along that trajectory. With an air rifle 20 yards away stopping the pellet going through the hand would be far more impressive. Neigong is just a beginning, cultivation of energy through meditation is just a beginning. Being taught the next stages are kept secret, only those of a tried and tested heart can learn the real cultivation methods.
  9. The Sage not acting for reward

    I am working on him to see the spiritual, but certainly not the religious!
  10. Teach for free? You can all go.....

    From my experience it is better to take on just a few students and teach them for free so to speak and leave it at that. You can quite easily wheedle out the ones that are not any good and devote your time to the ones who are treasuring what you are teaching. If you enjoy teaching and seeing people develop then there is great joy in it. Seeing loads of people not particularly getting a great benefit out of what you are teaching is discouraging, whether for pay or not.
  11. Well in essence one can cultivate both and one does, but then to be really powerful in one or other you have to specialize. Advanced cultivation is extremely tiring and altering of the body over time. It is advised not to over strain the body by doing too much and trying to cultivate both would be very over strenuouos.
  12. I looked at level 1&2 on SOTG's site and these are really very basic levels. I can't really see anything to get excited about. Cultivating energy through meditation has great limitations and is the beginner level. Mo Pai is just another system of energy cultivation there are many. John Chang has been developing his yang qi so he can influence material, but his yin qi is weak. I have been cultivating my yin qi, so my power resides in the spirit world and not so strongly in the material world. One cannot cultivate both to a high level at one time. Only when one becomes Immortal does one posses both. Ie one who has powerful yang qi cannot control the spirit world even though they can set alight paper etc.
  13. HELP: Seeking further textual reference...

    Actually a deep understanding of Daoism means: No rules No ethics No virtues The Dao has none of these all are invented by humans. In seeking the Dao one first begins to alleviate ones ideas about these things until one is completely open (like the Dao) It is only simple rules or mores that are required for humans likewise other life. The more rules and regulations the more the Dao is lost.
  14. A lot of questions

    Both these terms are completely misleading. Qi is passed on like a chain, like a chain of cells, they are neither post or pre heaven. The terms misleads and obscures a true understanding. All life is a link in this chain, the chain joins us all together, whatever life we are. The qi we have is all post settlement of the earth when the environment was right for life to form. The qi is post big bang. What we do with this and how we cultivate this afterwards is then another matter. The chain of qi is then passed on to another life by the chain of DNA. We do not acquire qi if we are part of the chain and all life is, we can only enhance what we have as part of that chain.
  15. new verses of the DDJ

    I will come to that in time.
  16. new verses of the DDJ

    Does this mean you can't count!!!! I'm sure they taught you in the army?
  17. new verses of the DDJ

    Why not? Just because you didn't agree with me about 'Jesus in his heart' doesn't mean anything to me in the slightest. You are welcome to comment on what I have written here as anybody else is, otherwise I wouldn't put it on here!
  18. new verses of the DDJ

    Verse 92
  19. Wu Wei 'non doing' meditation suggested in TTC? query

    My goodness as dawei says chapter 16 is all about it!
  20. In more answer to CT I'll give some examples here, I am aware of client confidentiality and posting things on a public forum for all to see is not the best thing one can do. So some years back one of my Kung Fu students came to me after the lesson and asked me whether I would see his partner as she had suddenly begun to experience mental difficulties. So this relates to entity clearing being mistaken for energy blocks. She came along to see me and she described what was happening to her. I begged the Immortal master to come and he told me that she had severe blocks in certain channels and needed acupuncture in two places. So I needled her in these two places and after a while I took the needles out. Two weeks later my student reported that she had fully recovered. A man came to me after being hospitalized for three days with severe pain, the hospital found no reason for his pain and sent him home. He could hardly move or walk, I did the same and the Immortal master told me where to put the needles. Two hours later he rang me up saying he couldn't believe how he had recovered. Energy block also, no entities. Middle aged lady, former model came to see me with a terribly swollen goiter. She had suffered this for many years. No western medicine could cure it. She came to see me three times and I manged to half the size of the goiter. Sadly she moved away, otherwise we would have had it back to normal. Energy block not entity. A man asked me about his hearing voices and was very desperate, he was convinced that he was being attacked by an entity. He wasn't, he was severely mentally ill, caused by all sorts of things, but certainly not an entity. Most entities faced with the real possibility of confronting a traditional shaman will not come any where near. So in actual fact, personally I don't see many people with real entity issues, if they are they are resolved quite quickly. Most people have problems that are about the way energy flows through the body, which can get very severely stuck. Most entities that I have to deal with are ones that people would not want to get near, shaman or not. So if I pop off a few nasties here and there its for the general well fare of all, but I do risk my own life with some of them they are so powerful.
  21. New Tao Te Ching Commentary

    I'll find that spiritual heart for you one day?!!!
  22. Actually alot of times many nasty spirits fancy their luck and have a go, they do harm and interfere with people. I went to a town where certain people were complaining about a spirit doing harm. In the night this spirit came and while I was asleep whacked me on the head. I had a giant sized headache all the next day. So I went ghost busting, caught the spirit and finished it off, job done. Normally though a Ba sin fu drawn by the Immortal master and placed on the body will ward off any spirit interference. Many people do experience difficulties which people will call entity issues, but are not they merely are energy problems and blocks. Full demon and spirit possession is very rare and so are spirit interference. Most of the time I do it from afar and without the person/people knowing; like a service to a community. If someone wants to donate something after they have been helped towards the upkeep of the temple then thats fine but normally the service is free for it is about the Holyman/Woman gaining spiritual merit.
  23. I don't think you are dealing with anything very serious. I've come across some seriously powerful spirits and without my Immortal masters fa, I would be off to the next life.