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Everything posted by Tibetan_Ice

  1. nibbana - cessation - the highest happiness, really?

    Gee, Jeff, Malcolm himself told you that the Lankavatra Sutra is not a reliable source and yet you persist and claim that it is "very accurate". http://www.dharmawheel.net/viewtopic.php?f=77&t=19231&hilit=Jeff&start=200 That is a very interesting link isn't it? Seems you can't get away with your bullshit over at Dharmawheel...
  2. Tibetan Rainbow Body

    Thanks! I enjoyed that! Wonderful!
  3. http://www.dharmawheel.net/viewtopic.php?f=77&t=19231&hilit=Jeff&start=200 You are giving TTB a bad name...
  4. I thought you were into kriya yoga but now I see that you are into Rupert Spira and Greg Goode, Neo Advaitists. Did you write that? What I have found with Neo Advaitists is that the first thing they do is lower the bar by enforcing the idea that realization is not accompanied by any siddhis or mystical powers. Then they have no practices to follow except philosophizing. It is a top down approach which leaves the seeker without a ladder to climb up. Stephen Wingate, John Wheeler, Rodney Stevens, Greg Goode, Rupert Spira.... What a waste of time. No thanks, not for me. If a spiritual teacher/master cannot appear to me on the astral plane nor demonstrate any abilities, I pass them by. from The Yeshe Lama: That is what the Buddha taught. Why settle for anything less?
  5. Are you saying that kinetic energy is no different from electrical energy or radiation? The first one smashes your bones, the second one fries your cells and the third one, well just wear allot of sun screen. The Holy Spirit is a pale white ball of light with two appendages that look like small wings. It floats in the air above congregations and shoot beams of pale white light down onto people's heads, whereupon the person whom has been anointed also looks like they have a small pair of wings on the top of their head. When you are anointed, there is first a loud popping sound and then there is the overwhelming sensation that a golden honey like liquid is slowly oozing down on the inside of your skull. It is very loving and peaceful and awesome. If you are blessed, you might even hear a voice telling you about a gift you've just received.. Kundalini is a pain in the ass. It hurts like hell when it breaks out of its shell at the base of the spine. This liquid light, as bright as an arc welder's torch is no laughing matter. Sure, it's ecstatic as hell, and burns you, leaves radiation burns and opens you up from the inside out. It cares not for you, and has a mind of its own. Best to have an authentic guru in your pocket when you activate it lest you fall victim to psychosis, mental disease or other catastrophe. And, oh.. I'm speaking from experience in both aforementioned cases.. If all energy was the same, then why would daoists identify chi, jing and Shen? Naw, it's all the same... Apparently you've never seen a hypnotist give someone the great swoon by touching someone's third eye. Yup, in church they call that laying of hands, but that is not transmitting the Holy Ghost. Nobody controls the Holy Ghost except Grace. There are many gradients of energy, from the coarse to the ultra fine. It is said that intuition is the doorway into the realm of non conceptual knowing. Imagine that, knowing something without thought. Something to strive for. Good luck.
  6. I guess Nisargadatta and Ramana were not advanced practitioners. They both died of cancer. Somehow you have bought the whole "purification" trip where the removal of energetic obstructions is key to realization. You probably caught that concept at AYP and have been parroting it ever since. Where exactly in Buddhism or Dzogchen (apart from the lesser vehicle of tantra), do they mention that you have to clear obstructions? The Kati channel is not blocked, it is never blocked. One just has to learn the mechanism to activate the Boddhicitta (as defined in Dzogchen, not relative boddhicitta). Again you are playing with energy. Without movement, there is no energy. In stillness there is no movement.

    Imagine your fingers are 7 inches longer. Now pretend to brush the excessive chi away with long brush strokes. Shake your hands after each brushing. Repeat.
  8. Since you like posing so much as a guru, expert in transmissions and accomplished master, I thought I'd quote something for you from the Dahammapada: Tell me, do you still claim to be from the lineage of John The Baptist? And perhaps you could explain to these good people how that makes you an expert in Doaism?
  9. So who said this? The tooth fairy? http://thedaobums.com/topic/31514-transmission-in-christian-mysticism/?p=474399 As a matter of fact you were calling he Holy Spirit "kundalini" back in 2009 at AYP and here in 2012: http://thedaobums.com/topic/25602-did-jesus-give-transmission-to-his-disciples/?p=377774
  10. I am not from a Christian background. I was raised catholic and learned at an early age how to skip out of church by grabbing the pamphlet to prove I had been there. I have never believed in the bible because it is a hodge podge of mishmash put together by people, edited and full of omissions. It is a tool that is used to suppress people, control them and justify mass killing. The bible has very little to do with Jesus, so please don't put me in the the same narrow mindset as you. I do not pretend to understand what is in the bible (as you do) nor do I appreciate you throwing quotes at me like I'd actually like it or something. If you want a relationship with Jesus look in your heart, not in some old piece of work that says "an eye for an eye". You yourself who continually insults the Holy Spirit by calling it kundalini, who channels beings and gives light transmissions (not heeding what is written in the bible), does not have the understanding of the karma that you reap...please don't insult me by quoting the bible at me. Now perhaps you could explain to us how refinement of energy translates into clarity which means wisdom. You know, anyone can quote shit from any source, but understanding it is another matter.
  11. Immortality means never dying, not taking a little longer to die...
  12. Perhaps you should have read the whole Dhammapada, or perhaps you read it but did not have the mental clarity nor the wisdom to understand what the Dhammapada is really saying. Here is another part of the same text: Now you claim that meditation is the refinement of energy, and that "increasing mental clarity is the same as increasingly refined energy". Perhaps you could explain that concept for us. Clarity, according to the Dhammapada is knowledge, it is wisdom, not some misunderstood metaphor of "refined energy". Quite frankly I'm surprised that you support that the body becomes more youthful and conquers old age. I would have thought that you would have brought up the rainbow body and the fact that the physical body shrinks and is consumed by its realization, not the other way around as you have stated. So perhaps you could explain and defend your point of view, because I see no support for it in Buddhism.
  13. Recommendations / esoteric exercises

    Infinite Mind, That is probably the most hard core book I have seen. If one were to master the exercises in it, they would surely be accomplished, beyond nirvikalpa samadhi. Have you tried moving the needle? Have you tried any of the pranayama practices in it? Are you looking for something to read or something to practice? Thanks for the book. For anyone else, here is the link. http://www.amazon.com/Concentration-A-Guide-Mental-Mastery/dp/0879800232 It is also in pdf on the net. For more along the same lines as the book you mentioned, you could try http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/nanamoli/PathofPurification2011.pdf
  14. Buddha did not teach how to reach immortality through "refining" as you have stated. Buddha taught to abandon desires, and the desire for immortality is still a desire and a hinderence. What business do you have pretending to support immortality, youthfulness and freedom from disease by quoting the Dhammapada?
  15. . You misrepresent Buddhism.Try reading the Anatta sutra: http://www.budsas.org/ebud/whatbudbeliev/115.htm Further, you imply in your first post that Buddhist practitioners can gain immortality and overcome old age, death and disease. That is not what the Anatta-lakkhana Sutta says: http://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/mendis/wheel268.html If what you imply is true, why did the Buddha get old, sick and die?You are talking out of your hat again...
  16. The Christian Tribe...

    what a waste of time this is
  17. So where is the kingdom?

    “Knock, And He'll open the door Vanish, And He'll make you shine like the sun Fall, And He'll raise you to the heavens Become nothing, And He'll turn you into everything.” ― Rumi
  18. So where is the kingdom?

    It is very simple. The kingdom is superimposed over top of this reality, like a 3D image. But you don't see it because you rely on the senses. The door to this dimension is inside you near the physical heart. Once the door is open a very bright white light illuminates the 3D landscape. The door's knob is turned with selfless love. Once you open the door, you see other planes, other dimensions, right here, right now occupying the same space as the physical, outside you and inside you. Beings are standing there, watching. The pastel colored clouds, sky and light is a "dead" giveaway. You can't miss it. You will never see this with the intellect. The intellect counters this display and calls you crazy, deluded. But after many times of opening the door, you realize that you can't run or hide from it. The ego starts to shrivel up.. It is right here, right now and has probably been forever and ever, call it what you'd like... It is so close that the second you start to search for it you've already missed it.
  19. Suffering

    You have oversimplified Ramana's teaching. http://www.arunachala.org/ramana/teachings/ So we see that the "ego" is the source of all thoughts, according to Ramana. Also, to Ramana, the Heart is not the physical heart. Tom, you never did answer my question about whether or not your breath has ever stopped during meditation...
  20. Acute healing and energy work?

    Go see a doctor. You may have torn something and may be bleeding internally. Is there any circulation in your penis at all? If you press on it, does the pressure point turn white and then back to red, or does it stay white? Do you have a kink in your bowels? Are you passing stool normally? Go see a doctor. Soon!
  21. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    Shen is a daoist term.Have you ever practiced any form of Daoism, Qi gong, mo pai or other recognized Daoist practice? If so, please state how long, who was your master and what your accomplishments are. Otherwise I will just assume that you are talking through your hat again and mixing in Daoist terminology into Hindu yoga teachings. Here is an excerpt from Yoganii about the ease with which the crown is open: http://www.aypsite.org/199.html
  22. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    All this talk by the cool cats in this thread reminded me of something Ajahn Brahm wrote:
  23. Does AYP give bad kundalini advice?

    Bump for Karl..
  24. Osho Rajneesh Cult Documentary

    To me, spiritual arrogance is claiming someone else has not "touched the divine (opened the crown)" as you have stated. And you have applied this diagnosis to "many guru types". Did you conduct an intensive poll? Opening the crown is very easy to do, you should have learned that at AYP with the hundreds of warnings to stay away from the crown.. But here you are claiming that Osho never opened the crown. Did you go back into the akashic records and look up Osho's spiritual accomplishments? How did you determine that Osho never touched the divine? And how do you relate opening the crown with touching the divine? The divine resides in the heart so why would you even have to go near the crown to experience the divine? Are you even aware of the implications of your statements?