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Everything posted by Cosmo

  1. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    If everything is ten thousands, then over 9000 is pretty close
  2. To people who are less philosophically minded personifications of concepts often works better for them. Thats why you get a God for every concept in many Asian religions.
  3. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    Lao Tzu pretty much gave up on humans working together and gtfo of China. Make no mistake, these are the descendents of Mozi, the exact opposite to the will to perform rites.
  4. Chuang Tzu Chapter 2, Section A

    It sure is an interesting approach to taoism, eh?
  5. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    If youre trying to control youre only going to lose.
  6. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section C

    I imagine all is verbs.
  7. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section C

    The 1st and 2nd thing are the same. And so maybe the third. Bah. Zhaungzi would nod to all of those.
  8. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section C

    It all means the same thing. Different words for the same thing. Tao is no more accurate than God. They are both inaccurate. Because they can both be spoken of
  9. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    Feng shui
  10. herpdiderp

    durp derp di herp di derp di durrrpppppp hurr durr
  11. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Knowledge is infinite and we are finite. Pursueing the unlimited with the limited is foolish.
  12. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section C

    The subjectivity of what is inside of us.
  13. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section C

    Something that is useful is something that gets used. Something that is useless is something that does not. Usefulness and uselessness are the same thing.
  14. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    This seems to be jumping around a few different ideas. Will and Divine were not necessarily linked in my mind. But, the way you phrased, I would answer: If the manifestation of the will knows the will, acts by the will, and becomes one with the will, then no the manifestation would not be "divine". It would not be "the will". It would simply be in accordance with "the Divine" or "the will".
  15. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    A manifestation of a will and a will are not the same.
  16. Freeing ourselves from Tao

    Sansara is a mental process. The constant process of thought. Never ending. You are forever trapped. For the Hindu's this manifests itself in the belief of rebirth. Englightenment is liberation from this process. How to get there varies person to person and belief to belief. But since you are on Tao, I would read chapter 2 of the Chuang Tzu. If you are willing to look beyond Taoism, read the Bhagavad Gita. Look up Karma yoga. Etc.
  17. Freeing ourselves from Tao

    Using the order of things for our own benefit has gotten this planet to the disheveled state it is in now. Perhaps it is time to let nature use us.
  18. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section C

    The useless is useful. While the useful quickly becomes useless.
  19. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Use the word 'experience' instead of 'knowledge'.
  20. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    And you believe you can use your instrument better than the divine can?
  21. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    It says that I am an instrument in the hands of God. That our goal is to do everything within the present moment, which has been predecided, and without an attatchment to either our motivations for doing the action, or the outcome of the action. Why paddle against the river? One should strive to become an instrument of action. In our ignorance we feel that "I am doing". See it now?
  22. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section B

    I am an instrument in the hands of God.
  23. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Just as the quail, the conclusions that we make could be entirely different if we were within a different body. The conclusions that we make could be entirely different if we had a different past. The conclusions that we spend much thoughtful time deliberating on could be entirely different if we realized that there is always more truth of the matter to be realized.