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Posts posted by MooNiNite

  1. This workshop includes Inner Alchemy, sitting, standing & movement forms, and Taoist Medicine & Qi Projection (Wai Qi Liao Fa) Clinical Qigong techniques.


    Valid only for the first 3 NEW workshop participants (must be registered on TTB) who register:


    Register and attend the September 28,29,30 Stillness-Movement workshop in Springfield, Missouri and get free the full package of Gift of the Tao I, Gift of the Tao II Including Sequential Energy Center Activation, Balancing, & Dimensional Expansion, AND the Intro to Taoist Medicine DVDs (2).


    This is a close to $300 value, free!.

    Must register and attend all 3 days.


    Offer not valid to students who have already attended the workshop HOWEVER e-mail or call me for your very own special promotion.





    It would be a ten hour drive for me. I still might be up for it. I could maybe get a plane ticket also. Just want make sure u arnt planning any additional workshops near arizona,colorado,or cali first.


    Sounds like cool experience

    • Like 1


    you obviously have not studied "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality"


    Retention is the wrong intention.


    The generative fluid is burned - ionized - it's not even supposed to be created in the first place!!


  3. Meh. Most ppl dont understand the positive effects..


    Retention without sex isnt a good idea, you brain will begin to go haywire..


    Orgasm cleanses the nerves and energy channels, keeps ppl from being crazy..


    Your depleting a function of the body..messes with the trinity..

  4. Hello dear Bums


    I have had an unintended active Kundalini since January 2010 and gone through about 1500 hours for letting all kinds of kriyas occur naturally. The process has been very fascinating and challenging, but I don't seem to have changed much on a deeper level. I'm still the same person I was before the awakening. I have gone through some heavy mood swings but I don't feel any more overall calmness, happyness or deeper connection to anything.

    Isn't all the kriyas supposed to clear mental and emotional blockages? Does it take way more time?


    I have read that a Kundalini awakening can be a waste of time without proper cultivation, but on the other hand many also say it's dangerous to proceed with further sprititual practices? I tried some deep meditation and that seem to stir up some bad emotions, should I proceed or is there better and safer ways and methods for cultivation? I work a full time job so I don't have much time study and test everything. I would love to be able to live a relatively normal life while gaining some of the benefits of Kundalini, if that is even possible. I feel that my nervous system is a little messed up and that I have some old resentment that should be dealt with. Any good practices to handle that?


    Is KAP legit btw?


    I'm a little on the egde right now so excuse all the noob questions that have been floating in my head for the last days. Any tips and suggestions is very appreciated.


    you just walking the steps man. remember all the experiences are just things your ego is attaching to. know the truth you haven't awakened, don't lie to yourself...keep practicing and you will get there.


    There is even a step called "The false prophet"