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Posts posted by MooNiNite

  1. eyesight is degraded by subtle devices. They are extremely advanced devices. There are places underground that never lost technology during disasters. There were a lot of disasters. Human has been around for at least 65 million years. A Malicious reptoid created human.


    ok your gonna have to go into more detail about these advanced devices and what ever else you wanna talk about haha



    What do you think all these advanced, but malicious, beings are gonna do about the rising in consciousness?




    the mass awakening going on to spiritual knowledge.


    I'm thinking once this knowledge becomes common place. well the game is basically over and another disaster will happen or something


    If I felt this was important in this thread I would question your dating system. Hehehe. But in this thread - fuck it!

    idk i don't trust "modern" dating for shit.

  2. Subtle people are even attritioning eyesight for secrecy instead of having some support. If I can see you then I could help you. Everybody is in the butcher's shop and it is in secrecy.


    can you explain this in more detail?

  3. Don Juan Matus described the work of living the warrior's life as sweeping one's tonal (the realm of one's rational awareness) so inconceivably spotlessly clean, one could take one's leave of the rational function whenever necessary and no one would be the wiser.


    Who is doing the sweeping?



  4. self refinement is removing yourself from conditioning. Conditioning that the mind imposes on a person at each and every moment.


    Will i spend my time in the kitchen thinking about my car, or take this moment of awareness to grasp the moment and cook with complete awareness.


    Karma is the most beautiful sickness, depriving the wicked of there most valuable asset: the present moment.

    • Like 3

  5. Understanding no self is not an easy thing. To many people, it doesn't hit them immediately. It's perhaps one of the hardest things to realize and truly understand.

    not really. just a tool to quiet the mind.


    All of these so-called "teachings" are trash and garbage.


    What about the teaching: Just Be.?

  6. The reason I prefer that those who are simply not up to the task of seeing reality not bother those who are (on my threads), is that you have only one interest, and that is to satisfy your personal intellectual habits.


    You all really have absolutely no part in the result of sober, nonpsychological self-refinement. Dropping off is accomplished by open sincere resolute selfless intent.


    There is no joking here, only a mob without a shred of the aspiration to enlightenment.


    You all pretend to believe there aren't many who do not let up the gradual non-anticipatory effort required by the aspiration~ even on this forum. This behavior isn't impersonal~ it is simply undisciplined …I am embarrassed for you all.


  7. Alone, cheri~ not lonely at all. Besides, your interest is circumstantial, and fleeting at that.


    Yet not one of you can speak of the principle.


    And with this rabble, not even I can~ hahahahhahhaa❤


    Your nature isn't you, stupid. That's the opening line of this thread. What a bunch of fucking morons!! ahhahahhaaa!!

    .... :/

  8. Wouldnt be suprised. Dont trust pharmaceutical for shit.


    The official account of how Bruce Lee died is that he took a type of pain killer for a head ache, which caused an allergic or bad reaction reaction in him and he died of cerebral edema (brain inflammation). Some people close to him at that time such as Chuck Norris have confirmed this account is correct, although Chuck Norris said the brain inflammation was actually caused by a bad reaction between pain killers Bruce was taking for his back pain and the pain medication he took for his head ache. I think that doctors at the time couildn't say for certain what caused the bad reaction, but cerebral edema/brain inflammation is reported to have been the cause of death.For example see this video for Chuck Norris's account (He starts talking about this at about 4:05):
    Ur profile pic confuses me btw. What is it?

  9. Good job tao bums. Victory.





    P.s. when you guys change the edit options again remember that the winning vote of "yes" is completely seperate from "some other option"


    None of this half way stuff

  10. Well a person who could leave there body.could easily verify C.T's response. But that person isnt me


    My previous teacher told me he was cursed while in Indonesia
    I was thinking something like this. Energy practitioners often become iv heard


    I dont think he was very advanced cultivation wise, but probably had huge potential

  11. Well he doesn't say that. He says revelations was written first. Then he posts some bogus link from doreal. But Genesis does have a lot in common with the sumerian creation myths, and the old testament does state that Abraham was from Sumer... I should pull out now though before zachariah stichen gets brought up...
