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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Climate Change

    Encourage local restaurants not to print paper receipts for every customer.
  2. Climate Change

    remove government from the equation. Lower taxes. Allow millions of small businesses to thrive and innovate. The greatest environmental savers come in the form of innovation.
  3. It is kind of interesting how the Egyptians have a snake emerging from the forehead. Almost like the kundalini reaching the third eye.
  4. On a side note i think creating music is connected to the pineal gland activation (among many other activities requiring concentration and feeling/animal brain). So in theory, looking at musicians should give you some insight if cultivation leads to youthfulness. However, as my friend argues many musicians wear make up and have fake hair, so its hard to tell. Taka is 30 These guys are in there 40s
  5. My belief is that youthfulness is a result of kundalini. I would assume youthfulness should be some type of marker for pineal activation. Iv never heard of pineal gland transplantation. (Very interesting though, considering some believe it to be the seat of the soul) Many systems believe cultivation leads to youthfulness and to be connected with healing. Witch Doctor, Medicine Man, Healing Master, Buddha Healing. Buddhas are often compared to children so even their state of being is something like a child. Full belly laughing.
  6. Arnt the most "awakened" people in the deepest states of relaxation? Which ancient paintings are you referring to?
  7. The kundalini should be the greatest mechanism for stimulating and purifying the pineal gland.
  8. Teeth are directly related to jing and reflect physical vitality. Slave traders would inspect teeth to gain insight of health. I also use flouride free toothpaste. It took me a few months though before I could make the transition and my teeth feel fine now.
  9. According to Google: A male (♂) organism is the physiological sex that produces sperm. Each spermatozoon can fuse with a larger female gamete, or ovum, in the process of fertilization. A male cannot reproduce sexually without access to at least one ovum from a female, but some organisms can reproduce both sexually and asexually. So if a person cannot produce sperm are they still male? Notice the definition doesn't say "of the physiological sex" it says "is the physiological sex."
  10. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    Nice photo. Socialists usually dont think they have anything to lose though, because they dont have anything anyways and dont have the resolve to obtain it.
  11. the wall, part of trumps insanity

    All you need is an angle grinder to get through Trump's wall, which is not hard to get.
  12. Water above Fire

    i dont get it.
  13. Water above Fire

    Jing, the vital life energy, is a liquid. If you are ever able to feel it, it is a hot liquid. Fire in alchemy generally is what cooks the jing into more subtle forms of life energy.
  14. Defining the Left and Right

    i think you mean "feel" like them. They will throw any amount of money necissary towards Ideals that align with their feelings and heart even if that money mostly gets swindled and perpetuates the suffering of the upper middle and lower class.
  15. The idea of escaping the 40 hour work week is more and more evaporating from the youth and society. Organizations of high echelons perpetuate the philosophy of danger, plight and abstruse. They own both sides of the same coin, (left, right, repulican, democrat) and imbalance and rebalance only to disbalance. It is now highly democratic it is gauranteed to flip sodes after making a full revolution. Only to perpetuate again. They want you to work with hopelessness ever shrouding.
  16. Is it really arguing politics?" Are these protestors really protesting for more funding and fewer charters? Or is that what they want you to think.
  17. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    Both of the definitions use the word sex which is defined as: "either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions."
  18. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    Tapatio' please.
  19. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    Definitions by definition or concise and make something definite. "the act of defining, or of making something definite, distinct, or clear:" definite: "clearly defined or determined; not vague or general; fixed; precise; exact:" Notice the not vague or general part. ( Definitions, by definite, are meant to be exact. You are talking out of practicality without any sources.
  20. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    Source? The definition of a definition is about being concise. Source:
  21. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    No the array of materials themselves don't vanish. Only their collective scientific reference changes.
  22. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    I see your point. And I probably agree with it. But there is a certain assumption that is made. Maybe we should look at what it means to define something: "a formal and concise statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, etc" Key word here is concise. For example, as quoted above, your broken car does stop being a car if it no longer fits the definition of a car. If a car is defined as something that can use gas and go 60mph, then your immobile piece of metal isn't a car anymore by definition. Just because you know it once was a car, doesn't mean it still is. The real definition of a car: "A car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation." If we take the wheels off, is it still a car? Not by definition. "A male (♂) organism is the physiological sex that produces sperm." Concise: "giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive."
  23. Physiological Sex Based on Fertility?

    I am talking about how these words are literally defined.