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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Trump talk

    I don't think a lot of people are aware that education can be tax deducted if it applies to a small business you own. It is a definitely cumbersome, but a person who works a regular job can create a small business related to the education they want to receive and deduct their education related expenses.
  2. Trump talk

    Trump doesn't speak in the most compassionate manner, but his policies make more sense than his opponents who are preaching naive socialist measures. Lets look at what his democrat opponents are offering: Higher taxes, we prefer people who are illegally here over people who come here legally, we prefer both of those groups over people native born, and war with Russia. This is why Trump will most likely be reelected. It's also why democratic nominee Hickenlooper says in the democratic debates that the democrats need to change their stances or they have no chance vs Trump 2020.
  3. Trump talk

    I just strongly dislike undocumented workers not paying taxes when everyone else is. Also if they get free healthcare from us, they better be working and paying taxes.
  4. Trump talk

    Let them come in and work. who cares. dont give them citizenship though atleast not immediately. The only underside of this is the few we let in that are murderers and crime lords. And I say few, because as a world traveller I have fostered the opinion that most people are good people just trying to get by. We technically dont need a wall. Just a better way to regulate businesses from hiring undocumented workers.
  5. Facebook Should Be Shut Down!

    facebook is dying. there is no need to shut it down. Instagram however is on the rise..
  6. Climate Change

    Thorium reactors cant melt down like nuclear reactors.
  7. Climate Change

    Actually we can build Thormium reactors where the waste only has a life span of 300 years and they are protected from a nuclear melt down so the environment wont get destroyed. You can power the world on thorium without opening a single mine, because it is already plentiful.
  8. Climate Change

    They haven't evolved to the point of asking if the customer wants the receipt before printing it.
  9. Climate Change

    One of the issues regarding the Earth's health that iv been annoyed with is the destruction of forests for receipts. Many food restaurants in the US print 600 receipts a day and end up throwing away most of them.
  10. Trump talk

    All congressmen, senators and presidents income should be public at all times with descriptions.
  11. Trump talk

    It should be a public audit.
  12. Trump talk

    So the presidential candidatures fighting for government health care say that health insurance companies are trying to maximize profit by charging expensive rates. Now this argument doesn't make sense because, in a free market, the company with the lowest rates would get the most business which would also maximize profit and increase brand awareness (sometimes worth the most to a company). The real question then becomes, is it a free market?
  13. Trump talk

    "Every American will get a $1,000 payment every month" - Andrew Yang. Does he not realize that will just devalue the dollar? What is it gonna be $2,000 a month the next year? Up until the US currency is worthless?
  14. Trump talk

    Merkel's health is deteriorating for working against humanity. We saw the same thing with Hillary Clinton.
  15. Trump talk

  16. Trump talk

    apparently there is a full video of jen gennai's interview. It gets removed from YouTube so it is a little tricky to find.
  17. Trump talk

    Insider at Google admits election tampering. Google has been shutting down videos of executive Jen Gennai talking about election tampering.
  18. Here is the earth according to Nasa satellites, You can try to compare it to your map. It looks like most of their satellite images online are coincidentally of Africa though.
  19. The Magus of Seattle

    editing takes forever.... its a very tedious process involving rereading your books multiple times...
  20. Pyramid Power!

    The video is right about Sarapeum. That place is extremely interesting and could be more than meets the eye.
  21. Pyramid Power!

    Nice! Valley of the Kings was great! I didnt pay extra to see King Tut or Seti though unfortunately. Did you visit Hatshepsut temple? I got a strange vibe when i entered the courtyard at the top of the stairs. Yeah and I guess some of the newer pyramids actually look alot older and more worn down because they were made with sandstone, so people might think they are older.
  22. Pyramid Power!

    There are no carvings inside the tunnels in the great pyramid or in the kings chamber. Which is different than the tombs I went to. Although, most of the tombs uncovered are about 3k years old, while the pyramids are 5k years old. so there is a big time difference. we are talking old kingdom vs new kingdom.
  23. Pyramid Power!

    i was just in egypt at the great pyramid. it is very fantastic. you can still go inside the great pyramid all the way to the kings chamber. its very impressive.
  24. Im trying to gain weight too. But I'm mostly a vegan. So what protein and milk /ghee are a no go... I think having a job helps people gain weight. When I don't have a job I get skinny as a straw.