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Everything posted by MooNiNite

  1. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    Absolutely zero reasoning regarding the moon landing. How can you even think this is any reasonable sort of evidence? It is mostly shows Hollywood's ability to make you believe something simply because an actor said it.
  2. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    This is a thin sliver of perspective where i would agree with democrats. But America needs to first fix America, before helping others. We have a corrupt government heavily lobbied by corporations and an the evil mass media pushing enslavement.
  3. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    Global Warming and Climate Change are two different things. One is a theory about how the other can be influenced.... The Washington Post messes this up pretty frequently..
  4. Ancient History Revised

    Chinese History. The Mysterious Ruins of Yanmen Shan Mountain
  5. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    I think the world has had enough of USA "Internationalism." If it wasn't for our free market capitalist society producing so many innovations, we would probably have one of the worst reputations in the world.
  6. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    You wanna lose another 10 trillion? For nothing? You do realize before Trump, Obama was threatening ww3 with Russia? Like the whole world was going to end. If you have looked at History, USA "Internationalism" been pretty destructive. Obama dropped how many bombs in the last 8 years?
  7. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    You realize what you're saying is backwards right? Technology doesn't advance through investing in the government. It advances from less government funding and more capital for the millions of businesses all working to create better technologies. Elon Musk's, and every other business in the USA, will do far greater under Trump's administration because the government is simply getting out of the way. What do you think every single business in America is doing? They are competing to create more improved technologies. Im not sure if Trump made a mistake with the Paris Agreement, but his economic policies will do much more towards technological advancements than anything this agreement could do.
  8. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    If you are against pollution then you should support Trump. He is helping the free market and lowering taxes. Independent companies like Tesla could replace all gasoline cars by 2025. That would have a much greater environmental effect than any democratic money scheme. Kindle books, email, and similar technological advances have greatly lessened our dependency on paper. Technological advances in solar panels, and other forms of generating power are also important. Anyone that understands economic and technological growth would understand that lowering taxes and stimulating the free market economy is the best route to technological advancement.
  9. Is the USA now a rogue state?

    99.99% of misinformed people think climate change is the same thing as global warming.
  10. Ancient History Revised

    A Groundbreaking Study has Shown that the Majority of Blood is Actually Being Created in the Lungs
  11. Dark Matter
  12. Ancient History Revised

    History of Solomon connected with Modern Archaeology One of the temples at Tanis, in the Nile Delta. Was this the original Temple of Solomon? This video basically makes the argument that King Solomon (The wealthy king in the bible) was actually a real Emperor in Ancient Egypt instead of the commonly held understanding that King Solomon was the King of Israel. This connection is interesting because there is no evidence for King Solomon in Israel.
  13. Ancient History Revised

    Discovery Shows Penicillin Was Being Used 40,000 Years Ago
  14. Already assuming the "Lower dantien rupture" is real, How would an individual go about healing this injury? Are there healers capable or known to heal this injury? From my perspective it is the type of injury on an energetic level that would require a type of surgery.
  15. How would one heal the Lower Dantien injury?

    Is your source John Chang? Or what leads you to believe probable death is the outcome? I ask because, any previous incidents or source material would greatly help this thread.
  16. How would one heal the Lower Dantien injury?

    So you dont know how it could be healed, because it needs to be addressed on a case-by-case basis? Could give any broad advice for how to heal the injury? We already assuming that the injury is real and it is the injury in question.
  17. Lets Talk Obama - Was he a good President?

    Of course when he spies on Trump it is considered "extraneous" The media blows up a fictitious Trump-Russia connection to hide Obama spying on Trump. “Wiretapped data used in inquiry of Trump aides. Examining Russian ties.”
  18. How would one heal the Lower Dantien injury?

    I will read this over. thank you. Note:What is interesting about the lower dantien is that it supplies the power for the energy system. So energy healing techniques will be limited when it is broken.
  19. Wang Liping Seminar 2017

    When are the next seminars with Wang Liping? Through out the world, and also in the USA
  20. Ideological Media Bias

    It's no coincidence every single mainstream media outlet and Hollywood are going against Trump. He must be doing something right.
  21. Ideological Media Bias

    large corporations own the media, they also lobby the government...spending the peoples money and putting it into their pocket. liberals cant think for themselves...
  22. do you lock your doors?

    I lived in a house with 3 roommates, we never locked the door.
  23. Does anyone know the technical term and or description for the five white beings under the meditator that seem to be praying?
  24. I'm surprised no one here really knows the answer
  25. Qicat, I bought the tapestry in India about 5 years ago. The 5 figures seem very ghost like, and have no clothes. So I think it is possible that it is not his five initial followers. But, you could still be right. moon