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Everything posted by Blue

  1. Oh look, I got covid

    Oh and bring Shen when working with your Chi, it will make it stronger;) Me, a fragile elf like creature Ford modeling agency VP was chasing on the streets to try to lure into industry, defeated two 10 degree black belts in sparring, one from Okinawa traditions using the Shen added to the unfocused Chi trick. It works beautifully.
  2. Oh look, I got covid

    I’ve got it, you have a trauma after the experience, and need to heal internally, the outer chi shields build by chigong have failed you. You’re on the right track of exploring neigong and similar to handle the internal aspects that no breathing practices can help with, only the power of your Wu guided in certain way through meridians. You’ll understand in due time where I’m coming from. Until it happens, all the best to you!
  3. Oh look, I got covid

    I’m your friend, not one your dumb arrrrs neighbors. It’s what I’m trying to convey. There’s a way to handle the situation, so stop the baby cries, it’s time for all of us here to think, bc the virus is not going anywhere. Putting the knowledge accumulated by previous generations to work is a valuable asset, like the practices dealing with the cold weather, swimming in cold water, or at least taking a cold shower with proper adjustments. It activated hidden body resources like nothing else that I know. You can block me, or we can get to work, it’s out to help many. With great respect, Blue
  4. Oh look, I got covid

    Sure, but do remember this discussion, it might save you your life one day.
  5. Oh look, I got covid

    More so, I’m not telling you how to do it, I’m actually asking, sharing what worked for me so far..
  6. Oh look, I got covid

    It’s exactly about your experience, dear Earl Grey, I want you to survive, you’re a great voice in this community. If you were susceptible to the virus in the first place, perhaps with your background you should abandon fears and fight it with all you have the best possible way, make yourself strong and invincible. The bandaid of vaccines is going to fade in 3-4 rounds wearing out your immune system, than any virus can become deadly.
  7. Oh look, I got covid

    @kyoji It’s the growing primacy of emotional resonance over fact and evidence in general, only listening to what media algorithms tell them what they want to hear. Truth is losing its value, and legitimate skepticism is yielding place to pernicious relativism, many people are growing mad. And they are going to pay an ultimate price for it, no one can put themselves above the laws of Nature. The virus, man made or not is going by the laws of nature. Kali or the Black Tara as the ancients called it is going to remove what is sick and old to give place to new and healthy.
  8. Wuji Posture

    @Earl GreyFine, won’t bother you guys in any way, I’m not that accustomed to this forum, sorry if any controversy arise, so forget it all pls.
  9. Wuji Posture

    Just got a reminder about the cold water, never get into cold water after opening your heart chakra and doing any energy work that way, ever, or you can get very sick. Cool off for a while first. The heart center gets closed after such meditations gently like the petals of a flower. You might wanna set something protective energy around yourself while in meditation, many ways to do it, like only letting the positive energy in, and not negative, setting the violet reiki like flames, but the golden flower approach is best. Set it all the way up and down, and across if you get to the combat level, the kiri line is also important.
  10. Wuji Posture

    As far as the “weather control” goes, it’s a joke, of cause, it’s easy as a pie. What you do, you open up your heart chakra and enjoy the ride, it happens on its own. I’m not going to spoil it for you, but you get all the answers you dear to ask for, just beware of it. Find a quiet place on the nature, focus on the buzz of beetles to get to the expanded consciousness level. Meanwhile, think of something you really enjoy doing, like eating a chicken soup, get that Buddha like smile on your face. Move the feeling of it to your heart, expand it to every cell in your body, now move it to everything around yourself to about the level of extended arms, a meter and a half away, making a nice sphere of love and joy around yourself. You can extend it all the way to horizon, if you want, as long as you feel every bit of it, like in any energy work. It’s not necessary, you can just keep that nice natural sphere around yourself, than send that feeling of love to the sun, you can send it as if it’s your father, if you’re more comfortable that way, and to the center of the earth as your mother, see what you get back;) Don’t overdo it, easy does it like with everything else, or you’ll be checking out all the constellations and the center of the Universe before long in the same fashion, not just water, the four winds of nature, and all the Taras of the ancients before turning it inwards. It’s where things get complicated, all the red dragons and such. Always approach it with the high level of positive emotions!! Ppl get hurt badly not knowing it in any energy work. There’re all other emotions, we’re not stones, we evolved with emotions, not the brain. But first things first, develop the level of intelligence to learn it the right way, and not in aggressive martial arts settings. Learn the healing arts approach first, the rest is easy. When you can manifest anything you want at will, congrats, you’ve mastered the first energy class, time to move on to energy to matter transformations and the other levels described. It’s why it’s pointless for anyone to call themselves a master, there’re always new levels to unlock in that game until you realize, it’s not the point of the exercise, and it all boils down to Now, not future or the past, or some abstract entities, as good old folks in the first 10 Vedas already described for us. No matter what we do, and what we try to master, life will always teach us the same lesson until we learn it, than we get a new one. Some of us are just stubborn and want to try other approaches first, I’m not an exception, one thing is to know, another thing to get to know it. 🥳
  11. Wuji Posture

    Here is the type of Taijijuan lineage, was sizing them up at one point with a better master than I had. This guy seem to have the confidence I’m looking for, won’t start freaking out at unknown and how I happened to know the forms. I don’t, I’m just going with the flow, same way they do it at the combat yoga class using rather basic principles inherently ingrained in us.
  12. Wuji Posture

    Hey, I’m not saying I know how it works, it’s just my take on those things. I’m not even a willing participant, blame it on Terry Dunn’s Flying Phoenix six sitting meditations I’ve picked up at a book store quite a while ago. It quickly did something really good to get me kicked out of a terrific TWD school for all the wrong reasons, like I’ve started to give a hard time to the masters beating them up in class, and it got more disagreeable from there, can’t say I’m not enjoying it 🤣 Couple of those things on the list def opened up But the true revelation came from talking to a real shaman who quickly fixed things by showing how to um.. control the weather.. my guess it’s what neigong is about as well. Wuji became the fav thing ever since via few Taijijuan classes of the same lineage as Shi Ming’s, don’t ask me what it is, and some curios subculture of Kashmir Combat Yoga traditions with everything reconstructed from the Vedic scripts. No energy work there until it kicks in on it’s own. No forms, not postures, just the general Vatsu like traditions Feng shui happens to derive from, the most dangerous form of martial arts, believe it or not, so much for gardening and pretty stones!
  13. Wuji Posture

    If I may, the “New Age” happened around 11-12 centuries when all the worthwhile texts suddenly vanished to reappear in a “poetic form” written down by some “followers”, frequently speaking in allegorical ways no one without first hand experience in energy work can even begin to understand, not to mention adding some higher level entities that weren’t mentioned before. It’s more than questionable to why, bc ancients were clear and precise in their writings..everything is energy, living or non living energy was the only distinction that they’ve made. Energy is ever present, always was and always will be, and something about time it might be originating from or related to, but it doesn’t come from anywhere else, and doesn’t go anywhere, it exists. There’s nothing else mentioned, no abstract authorities of any kind prior to those poetic rewritings, it’s total bs as far as I’m concerned. Things like Karma in some teachings in particular, it’s the energy blockades, especially at the crown chakra usually due to fear from what I’ve figured so far, makes you laugh for days just thinking about it, really, what a fantastic way to manipulate unsuspecting ppl. I’ve never seen anything else mentioned in any early writings except for Wu (Mo-?) in a form of Indra if you look at first 10 Vedas or the very first Varmam texts even in the “poetic form”. It is some entities reminiscent to a complex form of intent or the “tree of life” energy flow from the hermetic teachings, that includes an emotion level, a completely forgotten part of it this days. You only need to experience it once, like any energy related work to make it yours. None of those long training sessions. The primary focus was always on a person, “I am in the Universe”, and all the energy work was structured as such, the inner to outer work flow, especially on the level what is called the “crown chakra”, not only the three Dan Tien levels. Another huge omission this days. It’s not reaching to the Heaven and Earth, it’s extending yourself from the inside..from the perspective of 5 primary winds or “energy joints” inside the body out of 49. The five of them are labeled as elements this days, if you include the metal (Mercury), the heavy energy flow along the spine. Would it be making the very concept of Dao as something like Dao is I, and I is Dao, as a two way process of it, no? It’s the only way it feels right to me, my inner intelligence is demanding it, if you wish, and I’m yet to prove it wrong, it never missed a thing. It sounds very self centered, but try it that way to see what I mean, it’s quite a liberating experience, in my opinion, makes it easier to follow the energy as well, another thing seem to be carefully removed from the modern days teachings. We supposed to do those silly forms or postures I could never remember correctly, but when I’m moving any way I want without thinking or not moving at all, the proof is in the pudding, it simply works best that way, shoot me! Was kicked out of my Taijijuan class and labeled as “dangerous” for doing it by the head teacher who couldn’t do a thing to me when others were flying, by simply collecting his energy somewhere high up and sorta sitting on it, only try to do anything really dangerous.. To finish my rant, the ancients felt the first humans were born from energies of the constellations with the major black holes in them as it turned out, Orion, Big Dipper, and so on, with a notable exception of a super pulsar, our galactic center, the Universal Sun or whatever it was called in various writings. The training would always begin with controlling the natural forces. Fighting an opponent was reserved for a later training, in fact, the most ancient wars described were fought on the level of natural forces. Anyway, what is the “heart pump” of the energy, what gives it the direction? If it is Dao, then what is “I am” in this process?
  14. The Basic Concept Tai Ji Quan

    Was Wuji by any chance called Moji at any point? There might be a connect to this interesting writing system, if it’s not an elaborate hoax For one thing Wuji was a Chinese name of Moji people in present day Mongolia who probably lived in Japan as well. This Wiki Taijijuan post is a bit confusing, but there is an interesting guess about Poles in Etymology Something new to me, if you look at Polarity, North Pole might actually be positively charged, and the South Pole is negatively charged, or on getting it wrong? “All magnets have two poles, where the lines of magnetic flux enter and emerge. By analogy with Earth's magnetic field, these are called the magnet's "north" and "south" poles. The convention in early compasses was to call the end of the needle pointing to Earth's North Magnetic Pole the "north pole" (or "north-seeking pole") and the other end the "south pole" (the names are often abbreviated to "N" and "S"). Because opposite poles attract, this definition means that Earth's North Magnetic Pole is actually a magnetic south pole and Earth's South Magnetic Pole is a magnetic north pole.[9][10]“ Ancient Shumerians called their primary gods Anu and Ki (Anunaki), identified as a male god of the north Anu, and a goddess of the south Ki.
  15. I've have to admit, I've done some really lousy effort with FFCG meditations, started with disk 2, all because it was seated, my form was far from perfect, I can't cross my legs like that, so I was just seating comfortably on a chair, and I was going slower than the practice, it felt more natural for some reason. As a result, I've ended up visiting some really stranger places at first, not to mention mechanical devices were acting odd, I could switch electrical ones on and off when upset, and had all sorts of visions of energy flow, brown, blue, green, some spontaneous healing of friends who insisted I did it, when all I did was simply correcting the energy flow in my mind that didn't feel right, and even ended up in some healing womb on the invert of the universe with some intelligent bubbles, if you wish. Don't laugh! If it wasn't enough, under what felt like a psychic attack, I had a strange reaction.. Long story short, I had a bit of an argument with a cop who brought another, a lot more fearsome looking cop, who was trying to do some sort of intimidation. At first, I wanted to punch him in the face for doing it, never mind he was twice bigger than me, and my martial arts training is next to nothing, but in my mind, I definitely punched him, it was the most natural reaction to the intimidation for some reason, instead, something else happened.. I know, it sounds a bit off, but I suddenly felt under water, everything was in back and white, and he had that dark fuzzy cloud around him moving toward me. At that point, my head went down a bit, like something took control over it, and it felt like a white beam burst out of my forehead dispelling the cloud and getting the guy to back off. I could see him only in peripheral vision, I couldn't even look at him, it's how much the beam was controlling my body, I just went with the flow of it. Again, non of it was happening in real time, it was something more real than real in terms of experience. He was shaking his head in disbelief when the cloud went a way and I've made my best effort to retract the beam, and I had no clue what was going on. The fearsome cop and I parted amicably, the other one was just watching the whole rather silent exchange. I've done nothing, the beam did it on it's own, it was clearly protecting me. I think I've stopped the mediations shortly after, a few too many unexplained things were taking place, like I begin to "know" things before it was gong to happen, and I wasn't ready for it. I knew I was progressing, but where, and what was suppose to happen next, I had no idea, besides it was too quick, even I did it on and off inconsistently. But I'm still curious the most about the beam, what was it? Did anyone have that milky white beam experience? It felt absolutely perfect in it's nature. It's medical meditations, not martial, but it felt related to the meditations, and was most certainly combative. Perhaps, an overall explanation might help about what to expect, if someone begins to experience it. I felt like nothing could harm me, except, when I did it to myself, and I sure did try to do it, bad idea, I must say, it works. P.S. A few years went by, and I'm thinking about going back to meditations, I seem to miss them, starting with 1st dvd, and respecting the form. I was getting way too much energy to keep up with, hopefully, I'll do it right this time. Oh, and a side question, what about not having insects around when meditating? I think I've read something about it, if a bug lends on a person during meditation, it could poison chi. Is it true?
  16. The reality is limitless and so am I. Enjoyed talking to you tremendously! Blue
  17. Mayonnaise and cream, fantastic! I can't even remember what I've done, minimal clothes for sure, like flip flops in the middle of the winter, odd foods, burning incense, especially white sage, and yes, lots of flowers around. So, it turns out, I was afraid of my own shadow, good to know lol I was suspecting that my Self was running on the outside, lucid dreaming became a norm, but the world kept it's definite shapes. In fact, I began to "see" those shapes with precision, like parts of dead tissue on people who had surgeries that didn't emit any energy. It was I who could merge into anything or anyone without any limitation, frequently without any intent of doing it. I think, I've startled some oriental people that way, who, unlike me, clearly knew what I was doing. My martial arts instructor simply told me to go and learn on my own, perhaps a polite way of saying I was hopeless. He insisted, I have my own way of learning and style, and it's best if I develop it myself, looking with suspicion at the same time. And I though I was finally getting it right, especially speed was progressing nicely, could break any board on the fly, kicks and punches grew strong, my resistance to pain or strain became remarkable, I even began to tackle more advanced students rather quickly, mainly by "reading" their mind. I've told him about the chi gong meditations, at that point, he really wanted me out of his class, as if I was doing something inappropriate, I count understand why. After all, it was oriental martial arts I was learning. Definitely need to look for someone more experienced with the meditations of this particular kind. It's a daoist meditation, so I grew totally oblivious to religion, just connected with something, I count define. Thank you again for your guidance, and sharing your wonderful experience. It brought a relief, and offered an insight into many questions, leading to new ones:)
  18. Kubba, I think you just nailed it, the resistance is an issue. I was probably not entirely open to some of this new experiences, like the heaviness moving top down with such force. If there was kundalini awakening, I probably jumped through it, before I've realized what was going on. A long dialogue with an elephant head or a very large snake with amazing eyes was probably the last of it:) She is a beautiful entity, loves flowers, attention from people, but is very protective of the gifts she receives, and the love she gets. Never ever try to take it from her, nothing good will happen to those people, but you can always enjoy it with her, and bring more. She is sad that people are forgetting her, she loves festivities. At least, it's what she told me telepathically or in some similar way. I assure you we had a dialogue, but no words were exchanged, only thoughts. All the visualizations were gone quickly, except for the actual energy flow visualizations that stopped me, like the beam of the same moon like color as the elephant head, only more intense. I think my body just said enough at some point, it was getting too unpleasant, and my mind found justification to stop the meditations, but the real issue was some sort of resistance, natural, I would imagine. Thank you, I'll try not to resist the experience, and see what happens. Luckily, I don't need to hind in a forest for a week, but I wish I could sometimes. Does transformation including emitting light? I felt on occasion, and some people told me, I was carrying that white light around sometimes.
  19. About body acting up, it's mainly energy flow, like the white beam and similar, and the subtle control it took over the body. At some point, the internal flow of chi, or whatever it is, grew about the size of a small tree trunk. If I didn't have enough sleep, it would move me around like I was drunk. Nothing dramatic, but for a psychologically unprepared person rather alarming. It didn't seem right, if not dangerous, and naturally, left me wondering what's going on, and do I really want to find out more. Don't know about educating myself about this business, I have to change my entire lifestyle and live like a saint, at least in regard to my body, in order to do that. The training and the logic of things is demanding it, and I'm clearly not ready for such drastic measures. Also, I've learned to respect some things in this world that are not for us to know about for the reasons we don't understand, and perhaps should not know about, instead of trying to come up with logical or religious explanations. Unfortunately, the results of meditations took me places I feel I shouldn't be, and brought rather destructive entities I don't even want to discuss. Perhaps I wasn't doing my breathing sequence right or altered something, like going slower than the demonstrations. I couldn't do it otherwise, it didn't feel right, it had to be a tad slower. You're right about strange feelings during the meditations, it reminds me, I was in so much pain on several occasions, I couldn't follow the movements. To ease the pain, I had to switch to doing some of the movements in my head, pretending I was following the required patterns. It's not physical pain, but some heaviness mentioned in the training as chi, that was leaving me near screaming sometimes, if I tried to follow the movement sequence. I couldn't lift a limb, it was getting progressively worse. And we're talking about really basic second volume meditations, I didn't even try the third volume. The growing pain was another barrier that made me stop altogether. Subconscious or subliminal mind might be a low level consciousness of a human, but in my case, it seem to be a lot more rational than conscious:)
  20. Kubba, thank you for your kindness! I'm going to do everything from the beginning again and at some point contract Terry Dunn via Skype or email to explain it better. It looks like the first logical step to talk to him about how to proceed with finding a guide, since he is not offering any concise explanations about what to do next. Perhaps he can't, everyone is different. The shamanic stuff followed me since I could remember, before meditations. I knew I was fully connected with the nature, but growing up I forgot about it, and it's waking up again, thanks to the reinforcement of meditations. Some visions took place initially following the meditations, but now it's just knowing, just like the meditations intended to do. The world never fold like a paper, I would just slip into a different enhanced reality, holding a dusty pink flower in my hands, visiting a temple inside a mounting with the dove like hands sending neither cold, neither warm white light, tempted to step into the source of that light, talking to an elephant head (the Earth Spirit), and so on. It's always visual reality and telepathic talk, sometimes during short naps, no smells or sounds, just an unmistakable feeling of knowing. I had some of it going on before meditations, but again, now it's just knowing, only subtle visuals are present sometimes. It doesn't really bother me, it's when my body starts acting in strange ways I don't understand, I find unacceptable. Subliminal or not, I want to control that chi inside in all of it's forms or whatever it is, and not the other way around, than I'm fine with it. I've already learned to never ever get angry, for example, if you've got to that point, you probably know better than I why. Perhaps I should do nei gong, and feel like some protoworm knowing when to crawl and when to swim:) Pity there are no videos of such meditations. You might enjoy:
  21. Thank you Kubba, I've already tried a temple, since I figured I shouldn't be doing it by myself, and wasn't comfortable there for some reason, maybe the person I spoke to was too hooked up on meditation as a process as some kind of addiction, something didn't feel right, I enjoy it, but not to that extend, so I left. Dealing with teachers of any kind was never my strong side, I resent it for some reason, couldn't do a single form right in martial arts as well, have no body memory whatsoever, but a good logical explanation of concepts is much appreciated, I can go from there, don't need to be reminded again. Things being growing exponentially after the first few weeks, maybe three months of Flying Phoenix Chi Gong mediations, it's what I referred to as FFCG, I've mistyped the abbreviation, sorry. It felt right from the very beginning, never mind after the first time I did it for only a few minutes, I fell down flat on my face trying to get up, my legs wouldn't hold me, I was fine otherwise, it was totally unexpected. In the fist place, I've ended up with that second volume of the meditations in my hands wondering in a store, as if I was looking for something, and I couldn't put it down. I never intended to buy it, and it took me months to even open it up, but when I did, it was like something forgotten, in fact, I'm not learning those meditations, I'm reminded of them somehow, and it suppose to be slower than on cd, some moves are not necessary as well, I can do those moves in my head with the same results. I'm Eurasian, mostly Northern European, but there is a distant side of my genetic makeup that comes from Kalmyk people, ancient Tibetans who ended up near Caspian sea in 11th century following their herds. I definitely felt like some ancient side of me opened up from inside, probably from them, there is so much freedom there, something really close to the nature, if not nature itself, wild, intelligent on it's own, but not in words, in feelings. So, no, a temple would never be right for me, no a teacher in the conventional sense, perhaps a guide. I feel best doing meditations on a perch like place over open water, not a confined place. In fact, I have to be now near water almost daily, feel like a caged animal otherwise, I have to sense water nearby, it's when I feel calm and peaceful. Another odd thing, I begin to smoke on occasion, I haven't done it since I was a teen, and was never much into it. Now I can't fight it sometimes, it puts me in some state where I can find an answer to what I'm searching for, often I don't even know what exactly, just a need to find out what is bothering me, and sure enough, it comes to me. The smoking stops when I recognize what I was looking for, no desire to smoke after that, until next time, could be many months in between. I would be going about my business, and everything would be fine, and suddenly there would be a new surprise, accelerating each time, getting deeper and deeper. Part of me was frightened, and part felt more and more, hm, normal? Like I was waking up from a long sleep, and only beginning to feel alive. I forgot to mention a series of nightmares for about a week, each time it was the same, I was drowning in my sleep, it was horrible, but when it stopped, the progress really begin to accelerate. So out of self preservation, I decide to drop it all together, because it felt as if something was taking over me, replacing who I am, like I was loosing my mind and becoming an animal doing things without thinking why, just knowing and doing it simultaneously. It left some faint something, like an enhanced instinct, otherwise it respected my desire to be myself. I even started to get an occasional cold again, I never had a single sneeze doing the meditations, which is odd, I'm prone to colds. Thanks again for your answer and the advice. I guess, I'll just take it easy, a few minutes at a time when I feel like. The meditations have it's call, I can't deny it. It's all about what you find in your heart after all, right? So I'll just follow. And you're so right about words, at least 90% of it can't be described in words, like I suspect Im sometimes doing the meditations in my sleep on a whole different level, as it should be. And I can't stand flies anymore, who bite me a lot this days, have no idea why. Blue
  22. Medical: curing illness and promoting health Martial: enhancing vitality and developing internal force Sexual: promoting youthfulness and longevity Intellectual: expanding the mind and the intellect Spiritual: spiritual cultivation Does it correspond to five elements or five channels (fingers?)?
  23. Five types of Qigong

    Apparently, the practice of 'Neigong', the grandfather of Qigong, was based on the 64 hexagrams of the I-Ching. Three variations of three types of energies (Yin, Yang, Dao) corresponded to three basic techniques with three variations for a total of nine, keyed to main meridians in the body.
  24. Five types of Qigong

    My guess, if in classic Tai Chi every posture corresponds to one or another of the 64 hexagrams of I Ching in accordance to 5 element theory, there should be something similar in Qigong practice. Tai Chi is a moving form of Qigong, as I understand.
  25. Five types of Qigong

    Thank you! Yes, it does seem to boost immune system, and works on different levels at the same time, but there seem to be focus on one aspect or another of those five general categories of practice, not just general application. It would be fitting to have it divided by five elements, more likely corresponding to I Ching cycle of five energy dynamics. Just curious, how it might be structured.