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Everything posted by Protector

  1. What are you listening to?

    oh hay saturday
  2. I was thinking of a joke for this thread but then I remembered Yang style tai chi
  3. we are now eclectic in general

    Potluck with that *rimshot*
  4. If this is "Way Off" Topic then...

    Horse stance
  5. Bums Average Age

    I needed a second to remember I'm 23, I don't use my age at all so, that When I was starting school I had to memorize my name because I wasn't using that either
  6. When Time stands still

    It's a very common thing that happens to people who are in extreme danger
  7. Independence Day

    In Canada, every day is Canada day
  8. Independence Day

    Nope, everything is thanks to Quebec CANADA POWER!!!
  9. Independence Day

    I wonder if teh British celebrate the Good Riddance Day
  10. People are threated by people who are Individuals

    The title of this thread just waters down to "bad guys are afraid of the good guys" So much wishful thinking all over the place, bleh The only thing anyone is threatened by is confrontation in any of its forms Any random example of it can be watered down to that
  11. Happy Canada Day! :)

    Every newspaper has an article, like, "150 reasons to love Canada" Stop trying to hard, I'm not leaving Canada, that is
  12. The need for brain comes from our need for movement. When we want to eat meat, we need to catch it. The need for meat(should be a video game) makes us smarter and more social. There are herbivores who are also social but most of them don't compare to a wolf, for example. Dogs are dumbed down wolves but from human interaction they become smarter. Dogs developed different sounding barks and sounds that give them an ability to better communicate with us. We can tell when a dog is trying to tell its hungry, for example. The thing that makes us leaps ahead of other creatures on Earth is our ability to walk on two legs. We developed an enormous brain from running and even used it to hunt. Here's another video, I won't spoil it. And that is why the horse stance is the most important technique ever. A thread about death and I spun it into horse stance, STILL GOT IT!
  13. Human body is a very funny thing that tricks us into thinking we're alive The cells in our whole bodies get renewed constantly and we loose our memory As we walk around, our old bodies get turned to dust and we forget unimportant memories, like, what we ate a month ago After a while, our cells develop faults and we create inferior copies of ourselves, organs fail and we develop diseases like cancer. This process is called old age. Billions of years ago we began our lives as single cell organisms. We were passive and just absorbed minerals that floated by us. The cells multiplied many many times and their code began to change. It was very random and some cells developed an ability to move. The movement was random but after few changes the cells developed an ability to seek out food by actively moving to wards specific locations. The need to move and eat other organisms began the need for a development of complicated nervous systems. From being single cell organisms we moved onto being multicellular organisms. We grew and we developed a need for a brain because we wanted to eat meat. There are many living things that live and eat without having a brain and some of them live for centuries or more. They mostly live in the ocean in the coral forests and such places. We live on land and our need for food and our advanced brains led to a need for cooperation, and so, we became social. From a single cell to a full human, not much space for a heaven there. In our minds we created new worlds and the world we think we live in, we can experience only through our brains. We don't even get the full picture from our senses alone, when we look at something, the brain has to translate what we're looking at and fill in the gaps in things that don't make sense. If our brains get destroyed then it's game over. Though, our minds change and reshape the brain so we're never the same as we were before. We think we are still the same person but to be the person we are today, the person from yesterday has to die. So, it's kinda like a perpetual state of rebirth we're living in that has to stop eventually. When it stops, there will be nothing. We are like software, if the hardware doesn't work then there's just nothing software can do since it lives inside it. Soooooooooooooooooooo yeppppppppppppppppppppppp
  14. There is no afterlife or anything after death So, yeah... we are machines that can get broken
  15. How to build from the ground up?

    Do horse stance
  16. Oh Mo Pai thread *hugs mo pai thread and whispers* never change
  17. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    I aim to misbehave -Firefly
  18. What can feminism do for men?

    I disappear for a few months and miss 28 pages The thing feminism can do for men is to help "teh menz" not be a part of a patriarchal society, which hurts both men and women. When looking at feminism from afar, you'd think it's just about empowering women, but it's actually a fight against the more corrupt side of society. Say, a girl is chubby and society tells her she's not hot. Feminism wins when the girl is convinced that she can still be hot without loosing lots of money trying to loose weight. This is fixing a problem that started when somewhere within "the machine" the companies decided to sell a standard of beauty that is unrealistic for most people. You know, white skinny photoshop. Men get trapped in it when they also buy into it and accept it as the norm. On the surface it looks one sided because we're only talking about the women's standard of beauty, but you know how it all balances out, don't you? There's a standard for men, muscularly suicidal warrior. This is exactly like the matrix (where's that comic when I need it?) everyone has roles to play and society wants to fit people into molds. When women are supposed to be weak and constantly protected, men are supposed to be strong and go to wars and junk. Seems like men get the more positive and heroic role when they get to be the soldier, but that way men are expected to be killed more often and that's OK now. It's a manly thing to do, so men join the army and fight and just fight outside the army. They're supposed to be strong so showing weakness is bad. That's insanely stressful and guess what? Baaaaaad. Enormous muscles are a norm inside men's heads, but it's only in their heads because no one else cares. It's the same as the fashion magazines. The way men are supposed to act is constantly showed into everyone's faces in the media, especially video games. They way men look at heroes in war games is the same as women looking at other women in movies and music videos. If you look at a bunch of music videos you will notice women being objectified in the background but you barely notice the muscularly rich guy in the foreground. The system attacks both sexes at the same time. Patriarchy is a problem and is called that way because men are showed into the position of power. You'd think men are winning and women are suffering more, then you'd be right on most fronts. But it won't work casting women in a role without putting men into the picture. Women try to look good for men and women and so do men. Being part of the system is fitting in and to fit in you need to follow a dress code. Fighting patriarchy is not fighting a man on the top but the system that shoved a man on the top and told him to fight, but he can't get down even if he wanted to because he is stuck exactly the same way.
  19. Meat eating thread

    I'm not saying that this thread eats meat, that would be silly but cool. I've been eating meat since it was invented but I still don't have much to talk about. People usually eat meat without thinking much about it. Meat is already a part of the most basic diet but lately it's the first thing to go when people try to be healthy. The biggest difference between meat eaters and vegans is that vegans give a damn about what they eat while most of meat eating population gets fatty. I'm not fatty since I don't like the fatty part of the meat, it's like chewing meaty gum to me and I don't like it. Because of meat's fattyness, the fatty part is blamed for health problems. You can still be healthy and eat meat but for that you need to have a good diet, exercise or just be as awesome as me. Don't know what else to say, so pour yourself a cool glass of meat and let's talk about it.
  20. Meat eating thread

  21. Satanic Temple *UP-DATED*

  22. My Little Pony

    Can I just say how cool that episode was? Well I'm saying it I'M SAYING IT, BRO! COME AT ME, BRO! *RIPS TEN THOUSAND SHIRTS TO REVEAL MORE PONIES UNDERNEATH!!!!!!!!!!*
  23. Let'r rip Chi Dragon!

    Thread is over
  24. My Little Pony

    This is what being a brony is all about, I finally understand