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Everything posted by Protector

  1. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    Man, this thread is starting to make my atheism go into overdrive
  2. Nature = Good

    Google doesn't help me with the word absolutist since I'm not a monarch... yet... Realistically, number one is better. Cycling in option two is only cardio, who would in option one just cycle for a full hour. Plus gym membership comes with a trainer who can help with what you're supposed to be doing. The only other things that is cheaper then a car is a buss, and it's more accessible for more people then a bicycle. Cars are also a lot less scarier then bikes and buses. Cars save time and make money, and that's why they're more important. Money is the reason we have the world like this, instead of the "logical" one. Instead of that world, we have a better one, where everyone pollutes enough to later have a luxury to complain about it. Points to comfort. Man, I'm evil.
  3. Nature = Good

    Nuclear fusion is awesome, only politics limit it. General public doesn't know all of its benefits and only think about Chernobyl and waste. The only monks that had brainwaves done on them were Buddhist, no point scanning everyone else and Buddhists monks are pro at living on basically nothing, so they're the only exception. Don't even ask about Eastern Orthodox ones, they meditate too but they're crazy. Working with your hands is hella annoying. Hard to tell how much it sucks when so many people are sheltered by technology(now that's true irony) Living in poverty sucks, my grandma had to grow half her food until she died. The other one was living in a city but the city was basically just some old buildings that were left over from communism. Alternating between having an actual job and sitting behind a computer doesn't compare. No, your points about farming cycling and power don't make a lick of sense. Unless the world is under some hippy totalitarian state, no one will collectively switch onto green power just because it makes sense and start doing everything manually to save power. It always makes more sense to use the easier route to get somewhere, wasting power is just the way. It won't improve lives but make them even more tedious. Everyone is waiting for the new greener energy and because everyone thinks it's so close, everyone goes a little bit crazy more. But the most annoying thing is that we're already there. We can switch everything away from fossil fuels to alternatives like geothermal power, the wave power, wind, and other stuff. I saw a cool presentation about how the difference in temperature and pressure between ocean surface and floor can be used, too. We ARE there, but no matter what happens, everyone has this attitude like the next technological advancement is like a fairy tale that might come true one day or might not, so everyone has to compromise until then. Everyone is playing so safe, not to hurt anybody that nothing is being done. I say Ngabe go, the dam stays. Don't get me started on the companies that suppress new innovations so they won't go out of business. I'M LOOKING AT YOU, EVERY SINGLE CAR COMPANY AND YOUR LACK OF HYDROGEN POWERED CARS!!!
  4. Nature = Good

    Right now This world With all of its technologies, iphones, wi-fi, factories, robots, machines Is more beautiful then it has ever been in history And it will only get better Instead of taking technology from these who have it We should find way of giving it to these who can't afford it I feel deeply sorry for anyone who still has to work with their hands Even more, for these who force themselves to It's extremely hard to live in poverty Adding just one bicycle into a family will change everything It's transport for a person, a product, and it saves energy Even for these living bellow the poverty line Fat people not exercising is not a worldwide problem or even an epidemic, especially not in US Pollution should be solved with better technology, not the lack of it Technology is not a small convenience for rich people to play with It represents everything that is good about humanity Radio and the Internet brought us together Factories feed us and give us power And yes, I want farms to be factories I don't want to go to the old ways for selfish reasons like exercise Being skinny isn't pinnacle of health, nor is it being muscularly Everyone wants to exercise or not for their own reasons Technology doesn't make me feel bad about the state of the world And even if it did, I would never turn back on it Imagine what would happen if we went back on the nuclear power after WWII We wouldn't have nuclear plants and the world would be torn by the war for fossil fuels America is the only one fussing about it now Nuclear plants are all over Europe but the US wants to keep its weapons and yada yada waste We need more advances in technology and make it more accessible to normal people Help them understand how it works, help them use it, help them have a better life VIVA LA REVOLUTION!!!
  5. Nature = Good

  6. Ice Bucket bail out...

    The rule is, you have to donate if you fail or want to pull out, or else I will think less of you
  7. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    Humans care immensely
  8. Nature = Good

    Farms are getting bigger, farmers are getting older, and no one wants to work there Check this guy out
  9. If "God" exists, has he always created?

    There are a few fun conditions for god's existence Let's define god real quick: it's the most powerful being, period, and that has a few interesting implications For god to stay powerful wise and perfect, all that must stay true and never be possible to challenge Yet, our nature and imagination wants to compare it to other things. Say, god shows up and it's stronger then a cow. After the cow looses to god, we can imagine the competition going in cow's favor if the cow lifted more then god did, then we can go back to imagining god winning by listing more then the cow lifted during the second competition and that can keeps going and going in circles. In the end, if the god showed its god power as proof, we can easily one up god with our imagination and our imagination of god would be more powerful then real god and the real god will stop being the real god. Basically, tao that can be spoken is not the eternal tao quote. Now, if the real god without any limit showed up in our universe, the universe would be destroyed. The logic behind god destroys the laws of reality and it cannot exist, unless it's an imaginary concept. Consider the duality of existence and nonexistence, god is such a powerful example of nonexistence that it might even define it. So, before the universe, there was god. The universe came into existence and god went out. The only action god can take at any point is to be. It's ingredient of creation and a fun thought experiment.
  10. Webomicssss

    This is a webcomix thread, the place for webcomix I won't recommend any because I can't think of anything on the top of my head So you recommend something instead Garfield doesn't count I don't like just funny ones Just funny ones don't have much thought put into them I would start reading them and try to catch up to something important and then find out that there was nothing going on since the beginning The best comics are like this
  11. Webomicssss
  12. Kung Fu Panda Lawsuit: Terence Dunn v. Dreamworks

    *before clicking on the thread* Man, I hope this Dunn doesn't... *clicks on the thread* SH*&!!! Can't help but think of
  13. Evil whispering in my ear at night

    In empty mind meditation, my mind would try to keep thinking thoughts and I would loose control of them. The voices in my head turned into familiar people and sometimes would yell crazy stuff. That stuff can easily be confused with demons. And if you think that things running outside of your vision are bad, this one time it got to bad that I saw a wall of faces right in front of me in daytime. Freakout levels reached maximum capacity that day.
  14. Evil whispering in my ear at night

    Sorry for not being helpful, but since god and other silly stuff doesn't exist, it would be interesting to see how your brain reacts to other inputs. I think you perceive these things as demonic because of your christian programing. These prayer videos might be making it worse. They enforce the idea that the voices are demons, and you're using the only way you can think of to fight demons, in a perpetual circle of madness. You should change your way of thinking about these things. Paranoia makes it worse, but maybe you could shift your attention at something else and blame it instead. Think about fish, and maybe that will attack you instead, or something physical that you can destroy. Think about teletubbies and see how silly that will turn out. Actually, no, that would be even creepier... Maybe instead of creepy stuff like prayer, fish, and teletubbies, fill your head only with positive thing. Change your whole environment. The music you listen to, and things you watch. I can't stop listening to this song, for example
  15. Unnatural Humans

    Sooooooooooo I started thinking that humans might not be a part of the natural world It all started with agriculture. Humans could have managed just fine with scavenging and hunting things. Agriculture was invented for some reason and people started growing their own crops. Realistically, there aren't any real benefits to doing that and herding. There was an abundance of food everywhere on Earth and humans can eat practically anything. Scavenging doesn't take a lot and humans used to have a lot of free time because of that. There was even time for art and recreation, history says. Farming, one the other hand, is an enormous amount of work. It takes a whole year to plant the crops, wait for them to grow, harvest them, feed animals, move them, and ready food for winter. There's a lot more stuff to do and the whole process is insane. Agriculture appeared nearly at the same time all around the world. There's North American corn, South American potatoes, African yams, and Asian rice. So much stuff to eat. What were you thinking, humans? There was lots of time wasting with wars and farming until the industrial revolution slowly forced farming out of everyone's lives. Right now, the amount of farmers is still decreasing, only the poorest countries have a high percentage of farmers who have to feed themselves. Right now, the human we imagine cannot exist without tools. It everyone's minds, even the most ancient ones had sticks to hunt. Going back in time, the one with a stick seems like the most basic natural human possible, but the human with a stick and one without are two different beings. We have a style of hunting that does not rely on tools at all. I keep mentioning our sweat glands and reliance on legs. We can outran any animal on the planet because we can regulate our body heat for running better than any other animal. As long as the animal is scared of us, a group of humans can chase it until it gets tired, and it will get tired first. Well, right now we're lazier then our ancestors but it's possible to get back to that level at almost any age. One day, with the power of imagination, the stick became more. Another day we saw the fields of golden grain. We saw the world for what it is and what it could be. Places we could go and things we could have. More and more, the sticks began to change. The human is a material being but the tool is not. It's not the stick, it's the immaterial part of us that takes us to new places and leaves the world of animals behind. It's not the brain either, soon we will be able to redesign that, too. Science is the most perfect representation of humanity's spirituality. It's more than a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking. The way of sceptically interrogating universe. We want to know, we want to see, and we're going right for it.
  16. Stance Competition!

    There can be only one...
  17. Unnatural Humans

    I have deep faith that math does exist "muahaha" part was a part of the kangaroo massacre proposition I think I'd go for the eyes and then start landing cheap shots... ANYWAY, back on point We're born with two sets of teeth and once the second set is worn out, that's it for that. The whole body wears out like that, we're here just to reproduce and help the species as a whole. Every single thing wears out and changes(taiji yada yada Taoist site, everybody gets the point) Gonna speak for myself, since I've heard the opposite side around here, but I don't want to be controlled by nature. My body is awesome and all, but it work perfectly only until nature says it's time to die. Scientists are working to stop aging and transhumanists want to evolve past being human and maybe become cyborgs. Some critics say that they want to become gods, and know what? Sounds fun, let's be gods. Stick people are better then non-stick people, because they're not dead. We can influence nature and soon enough, we could control it Muahahahahaha Science and religion are not on the same level. The yang to religion's yin(because it's evil) is politics. Both of them are made to control people. I would also compare it to business, you need to convince someone that they need religion or else it won't sell.
  18. Unnatural Humans

    Once the kangaroo is scared of me and there's ten of me, no kangaroo will make it out alive muahahaaaaaa What narrows the world view is religion. The imaginary world is bigger then the real one, but we still don't know everything about it. Religion gives answers to things it has no way of knowing, then it claims credit when science finally finds an answer. Even taobums is not safe, I recall threads like that even around here. The usual spirituality stuff is waaaaaaay on the left there
  19. I am looking for a Teacher

    Horse stance can be explained by science That's why I like it so much
  20. Nature = Good

    So, I'm hanging out around the internets and looking up tech stuffs and I start seeing this The dude starts talking about this awesome nanobot tech stuff and I started getting exited about the stuff he's talking about, but then I noticed that he's actually angry and even though everything he says sounds awesome, he's using that tone There's more of these types of video and that's kinda weird to me It seems that da peeps are scared of technology when they don't understand it, like most stuff The world is turning into a place where people who understand science are better off then these who don't There seems to be a struggle to make the world into a place ruled by god instead of technology A world for people who refuse to get an education so annoying gaaaaaaaah don't even want to type about it