Jeramiah Zeitigeist

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Posts posted by Jeramiah Zeitigeist

  1. Hello Master Dunn


    Thanks for your reply.


    Absolutely fascinating to hear the story about QE2. Very interesting indeed. I treat people on the edges of the royal family and have heard rumours (Oh, so many rumours), but never anything concrete.


    Great to hear you would be prepared to come to England and do a workshop. I would be more than happy to organise that. I have contacts everywhere, and work in London too, so that might be a good location, especially as you have friends there. We can start by gauging interest on this thread, and on the wider Tao Bums forum, and see what happens.


    I do remember seeing the DVD cover with Stonehenge in the background. In a previous life, well, twenty years ago, I was an archaeologist, so I am fascinated by stone circles. I'd be interested to hear what you thought about the energy there ?


    I will correspond directly with you by email, regarding planning the workshop(s)


    I am lucky, with time, that I reduced my working week from 90 hours, down to 70 hours, then 60 hours, and now I only work two or three days a week. The rest I can devote to to Taiji, Qigong, meditation, writing, and general fun. So I believe I have the time to train not only in FP, but also in wider aspects of the family system. So I would like to speak to you a little more about the best options there.


    I'll do that by email too.


    Best wishes to you, and thanks again.

    • Like 1

  2. And my own question for Master Dunn


    Back on pages 50 and 51 (I've been studying), you were asked advice on the best way to move forward, after one has learnt all of the FP material from the currently available DVDs.


    You suggested attending either private classes in LA, or attending some workshops. Good advice !


    But, for those of us in England, and I am sure there are plenty, thats not so easy. I used to do a lot of healing in LA, and in AZ too, but travel to and from the USA every month was too tiring, so I rarely travel to the states anymore. Plus, my healing work in the UK keeps me committed here for most of my time.


    So is it an impossibility for us to get you to come to England for a workshop ? If there were enough of us ? You'd love the weather !


    And would something like some of Sufu Gary's Burning Palm material, or some of his other meditations and Qi work, although not part of the FP system, compliment, or confuse ?


    Thanks for your continued input on this thread.

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  3. I seem to remember Master Dunn suggesting it is absolutely fine to learn Taiji at the same time as FP, but not perhaps in the same session. So leave maybe 15 minutes minimum, or perhaps a few hours, between practicing FP, and then doing your Taiji.


    I am lucky enough to have a life organised where i can practice daily in large chunks. If I do an hour of FP, I would then do an hour of meditation, not FP, before going into Taiji form. It gives the FP energy, which is very specific, time to integrate and settle.


    I would also suggest that although Taiji is also Qigong, it can take quite some time before your Taiji form becomes an effective and powerful Qigong. At first, while you are learning, and your mind is all over the place, and your breathing is not coordinated, it is more of Taiji dance, than internal work.


    I remember Erle Montaigue telling me, he thought it was three years before Taiji becomes effective Qigong. Until then, you are still finding your way. And Erle knew his Taiji and Qigong.


    As far as Horse stance is concerned, I remember Wong kiew Kit saying that it should always be an internal practice. There are far better ways to strengthen the legs. Standing in a low horse stance for maybe an hour should not be a strength exercise. it should be an internal, energetic exercise.


    Anyway......just my opinions. I am sure Master Dunn will be along soon to put us all right.

    • Like 3

  4. I have a client, who has become a good friend, who is an electrical engineer. He is fascinated by therapeutic resonances, the work of Tesla, Reich etc. Quite a genius when it comes to Quantum physics, and anything related to energy. Qigong fan too.


    He builds Schumann Generators and the like.


    So he made a gift of a Schumann Generator to me, and asked me to try it, and see how it felt.


    Within seconds of switching it on, the 'sound' in the room changed. Our voices were 'different. Crisper and clearer.


    Within minutes, my four dogs, who like to play and run around, were sleeping. I'd say they are 50% quieter, when the SG is switched on.


    Over the next few days, my sleep was better, deeper, and I had more dreams.


    Generally, I think there is a definite difference with the SG. When I go abroad to treat people, I can tell when I am away from the SG. It takes around two days before I notice I feel 'different'. I am healthy, happy and well, so I can't say how therapeutic it might be, but its certainly impressed me. Another client, a women who owns a multi-national electronic company has taken an interest, and bought one. She found it made her and her husband very irritable and angry for several weeks. So I guess its 'irons out' whatever is her case, some marital stress.


    There is certainly something in therapeutic resonances. Why wouldn't there be ? Its all energy.

  5. Hey im thinking of having my mercury fillings removed. I was wondering should i get a professional to do this or is there an inexpensive safe way to do it at home?


    Doing it yourself is highly dangerous. Get a professional to do it. Not just any old dentist, but one who is trained and skilled in doing it. Its got to be done right.

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  6. The only thing that I consider quite strange is that Earle died relatively eager (62 y)

    while t'ai chi should promote health and long life :blush:


    Lived a very healthy lifestyle. Practiced long and well every day. Didn't drink or smoke and ate a vegan diet. And was one of the kindest, gentlest people you could meet.


    I don't know for sure, but I think it was a heart attack ? Blocked artery ? Apologies if I have that wrong, as I don't want to upset his family. But the sort of thing that can happen to a fit man. Maybe it was just his karma....his time to go ?


    If life is measured in quality, not quantity, then Erle brought quality to everyone he met. His young death is sad, but he changed a lot of lives. He was a great Taiji man.

  7. Erle died died January last year.


    Eli is a very good teacher. Runs classes in Swansea, amongst other places. He is a very good Taiji man, with full attention given to the Chi aspects, and also fighting applications.


    The DVDs are quite old, and aspects of the form had evolved since that time, so what you see Erle doing on the DVDs isn't quite what you'd learn in the class.


    I'd recommend Eli every time. I'd be there myself if Swansea wasn't so damn far away.

  8. Crazy world we live in !


    Referring to the long post, from Sifu Terry, above.......


    We have a frankly amazing system of Chi Kung, in Flying Phoenix. I've been practicing various high level systems for almost twenty years, and this is the best. I have been a professional healer for 18 years, and healed over 20000 people. I know a good healing system when I see one.


    Nobody is forced to practice it. We all have free will.


    Amazingly, There are still those who want to bash and criticise. Once, I used to feel angry, and want to tell the 'truth' to anyone who would listen. Ego, even about things I really cared about, such as animal rights, veganism etc. Now I just smile and walk away. Each to their own, live and let live. We all get there in the end.


    The most incredible thing of all, though, is we have direct access to Master Terry Dunn here, who takes the time to answer questions and engage with anyone who makes demands on his time. Knowing how busy I am, I think thats pretty impressive. Most masters don't go that far.


    And he still has to write long replies, as above, justifying things to people,when he could be doing more important things.


    I don't want this to sound to sycophantic. Its not meant to be sound that way. Its just annoying that people show so little respect. I always say that respect is earnt, and I while I treat everyone with compassion, I don't necessarily have to respect them. I think Sifu Terry has earnt respect on this board, for his patience and willingness to help everyone.


    Anyway......thats it !

    • Like 2

  9. A great man, and a highly original free thinker.


    A joker too, and happy to challenge and upset the great and revered minds of his day. Some of his ideas on Quantum physics are brilliant. I am a big fan ! :D

  10. Most dogs will be vicious if they are protecting their pack leader !


    I own four dogs. Three Doberman and a Spaniel.


    The Doberman are gentle, peaceful and loving. People who know Doberman will recognise that description. Mine love everyone. They are not aggressive at all, and certainly not vicious. The postman makes a special point of coming to visit, even if he has no letters for me, just so he can fuss them.


    The Spaniel, a Welsh Springer, was a rescue dog, some five years ago. She is friendly to 'most' people, but very aggressive with other dogs. I put this down to whatever happened to her before I rescued her. She dominates the Doberman and gives them a terrible time.


    I own the three Doberman because I survived an attempt on my life by a psychopath who objected to me being a healer. I lived in a country house, on its own, miles from anywhere. I was extremely vulnerable. Despite endless death threats the police would not act. Even after the attempted murder, they wouldn't act. Hence I bought two puppies, hoping that they would grow up quickly enough to protect me.


    Three times she sent men to the house, after midnight, to attack me. Three times the presence of the Doberman saved my life.


    Eventually, we found her partner was a senior police officer. Anti-corruption police came into the area to investigate, at least one, but probably more police officers were sacked, and since moving house, I have been safe. Will I ever be completely safe ? Doubtful.


    What other options did I have ?


    Dogs usually reflect their owners. Mine are gentle and loving, like myself. But when danger was present, they barked loudly, looked aggressive and saved my life.


    I could have attempted to fight the three men on my own. A risky strategy, and one which would have caused me to commit violence, which I abhor in all forms, even for self defence.


    Sending this terribly damaged and dangerous women peaceful and compassionate thoughts, which I do every day, sadly did not prevent her from making one attempt to murder me, and three attempts by her hirelings to murder me.


    So I think any peaceful and compassionate person may need to own a dog. I would hate to own a vicious dog. But as I said, any dog can be vicious if its protecting its owner.

  11. Nice video.


    ZZ is a profound art, which takes a lifetime to master. Done correctly and consistently, I have no doubt its one of the great treasures of Chinese energy work.


    The problem is, people do it for a year or two, and give up. It takes at least three years of daily practice to get the alignments right, and to get the feel for the alignments. And I reckon its at least five years, and maybe ten years, to get the real benefits coming through.


    As for Bagua......another great treasure, but ten years to learn the basic art, in my opinion. So ZZ may be slightly more accessible.



    Just my opinion, having studied both.......

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  12. It was never supposed to be easy. We ebb and flow, as the tides of the seas and the energy within us. Its natural to vary in our motivation and determination. We don't have to do it all at once.



    Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 41


    The wise student hears of the Tao and practises it diligently.

    The average student hears of the Tao and gives it thought now and again.

    The foolish student hears of the Tao and laughs aloud.

    If there were no laughter, the Tao would not be what it is.


    Hence it is said:

    The bright path seems dim;

    Going forward seems like retreat;

    The easy way seems hard;

    The highest Virtue seems empty;

    Great purity seems sullied;

    A wealth of Virtue seems inadequate;

    The strength of Virtue seems frail;

    Real Virtue seems unreal;

    The perfect square has no corners;

    Great talents ripen late;

    The highest notes are hard to hear;

    The greatest form has no shape.

    The Tao is hidden and without name.

    The Tao alone nourishes and brings everything to fulfillment.

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  13. THumbs UP!! :D


    Your goin make a Great if not GRAND master one day!.

    i would actually like to learn from you to further my Chi manipulation Journey.

    thanks for the Knowledge.



    Thank you. Thats very kind !


    I am happy to share the small amount of knowledge I have, with anyone who wants it.

  14. Perhaps these vicious dog breeds "appear" sweet and friendly to you,...but they ARE NOT to others,...and until you realize that Others are yourself, your liberation will be impossible.


    It's very black and white,...only an inconsiderate person would own a dog bred to be vicious, what you call Look-the-Part.


    No matter how sweet and friendly vicious breeds "appear" to be,...people own them because of their own fear,...and a person attached to fear cannot uncover the Heart of the Tao.





    Its very black or white ?


    Much as I think everyone has compassion in them, the fact is, I survived one murder attempt, and the dogs stopped three others, to my knowledge.


    Theory is all very well, but you have no idea what you are talking about.


    In four years, I showed no anger, and never entered her world. But this was very real. Not in a book. Not theory. But for the dogs, I would be dead.


    I have no fear at all. But I enjoy my life, and love my healing work. Many people benefit from my work, and I would like to stay around a little longer to continue it.


    I won't post anymore on this subject, as you clearly have no real idea of the practicalities of what I was dealing with. So we are unlikely to come to any agreement. I hope what happened to me never happens to you. But if it does, I hope you come through it as well as I did, and not like her previous four victims.

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  15. Does a Taoist or Buddhist who is attached to fear, a genuine Taoist or Buddhist?


    How can one observe themselves, their Heart, let alone the Tao, through a fear-based psychology? Isn't saying, "I am a peaceful person" while having three dogs for protection, both neurotic and dishonest?


    Let's break that down a bit. Can a person so fearful of others that they need animal protection ever truly be peaceful,...and second, could a genuinely peaceful person be so inconsiderate of others that they would own dogs for protection?


    It could be easily argued (among honest people) that owning dogs for protection promotes more fear, not peace, environment of more fear.


    A person who owns a dog for protection could not possibly be at peace,...the dog is merely a medication so that they don't have to confront their fear,...they've tricked themselves by anesthetizing their fear,...which is a barrier to an open heart.


    How can any Heartful person own a dog for protection? The terror their dog(s) cause others, in itself is the opposite of Heartfulness, peace, and the Tao.





    I will have to disagree with you. You have no idea what you are talking about.


    Into my life of healing, meditation, compassion and love came someone who made an attempt to murder me. Unprevoked and without reason.


    Then she sent men to the house, three times, to attack me.


    The dogs, by the presence, saved my life.


    I am a martial arts expert too. But I had no wish to use any violence, in any form.


    The men came after midnight. When I was in bed. The police told me their response time was twenty minutes.


    The reality is, in a world where a small number of people are damaged and tormented, I would have been killed, despite my decades of love, peace, compassion and kindness.


    I would rather this had never happened, and I would rather she had not invaded my world. I am not afraid to die. I have greater peace and serenity now than at any point in my life. But it makes no sense to wait, knowing the time will come when my life is ended violently, without trying to stop it. I have worked with my fear, and now I have no fear at all. I have released it all. If death comes right now, I have no fear. I have looked death in the face, and survived. I have lived with the very real and imminent threat of death for four years. Have you ? Do you have any idea what you are talking about ?


    I have no regrets about having dogs.


    My dogs cause no terror to anyone. They are loved by everyone they meet. But when men came with violence and intent to commit murder, the dogs kept them away.


    What is your solution to such a situation ? Because none of my solutions worked.

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  16. Why not? Better to have a dog growl to warn off a potential attackers then get hurt or hurt someone else. The problem I can see is you're balancing that good against feeding the dog other living beings on a regular basis and that might be a karmic no no to a Bodhisattva.



    I don't think you need a vicious animal for protection. A medium size (or larger) should do. As Jeremiah pointed out, a good dog protects its owner. With proper training there are no vicious breeds (though there are vicious individuals and some breeds require more training then others), our 'dojo' dog was a doberman, very sweet and gentle.


    If you don't mind its carnivorous nature, a dog can give you protection, love and a lot more.


    My three dogs are Doberman too. Sweet natured, sensitive and friendly dogs. They look the part, but they are the friendliest and least aggressive dogs I have ever known. I also have a Welsh Springer Spaniel, and I wouldn't trust her at all. She is aggressive to other dogs, strangers, and terrorises the Dobermen. She was like it when I homed her.


    I specifically bought Dobermen because they look the part, but are trustworthy and gentle. So they might protect me, without anyone getting hurt.

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  17. I know you can never figure out other people's karma - but when I read that - I kept thinking "What the heck did you do in this or another life to attract that?"


    I know !


    Well, it certainly wasn't in this life. I have never hurt anyone, or done anything bad. More by luck than judgement, in my early years, but from the age of 18 onwards I have given all my intention to live a life of kindness and compassion.So it made it all the worse.


    But I fully accept I must have brought it to me, although as I have meditated and studied the situation, I realised I was a tool for her karma too. It was so extreme and so awful, and involved so many other people suffering too. So although I was at the centre of it, from my perspective, perhaps she was suffering more than me ?


    She actually poisoned her own dogs, to try to set me up. Luckily, I was abroad for several weeks at that time. But it seems an enormous amount of karma was being played out, involving many people. My friends and family, and clients, who were terrorised. And a handful of her friends, who were drawn in, and did terrible things under her guidance. I'm sure they would never have done those things, in a million years, without her insistence.


    So maybe its egocentric of me to consider the 'me' in the whole process.


    I doubt I'll ever know why. And probably, I don't need to.

  18. Of course !


    I have a dog for protection. In fact. I have three dogs for protection.


    I live in a peaceful, quiet and safe area. I am a peaceful, quiet and gentle person. And my dogs reflect me. They are friendly, good natured and happy. Not aggressive in any way, just like me. I live with compassion for all living beings.


    But five and a half years ago, a psychopath decided she wanted to destroy my life and then kill me. I'd never met her before, but she was a serial stalker, and had driven her previous victims to attempt suicide. Long story short, she tried to murder me, (I survived by a million to one chance), boasted of police protection (turns out her partner was a senior police officer), and for four years terrorised myself, my friends, family and clients. Accused me of rape, murder, child abuse.......on and on. Tore my life to pieces. Eventually, after four years, it all stopped. New police came to the area, everything was exposed, officers were sacked and her campaign halted as though it had never happened.


    During the whole time, I never strayed from my belief system. I never even thought bad things about her. It was a perfect exercise in compassion. I was faced with the abyss, and I could have faltered and failed, and become like her. But somehow I survived. I almost cracked, but something kept me going. I believe it was meditation, Chi Gong, and my spiritual beliefs.


    But, practically speaking, I needed to do something sensible, if I could not rely on the police. So I bought some dogs. I'm a dog lover anyway, so it was fine. I already had an elderly spaniel, but she was no use if the worst happened.


    Over the four years, she sent men to my house three times, to my knowledge. They were sent to attack me, or kill me. The dogs defended me each time, and I was safe. Other things may also have happened during that time, that I am not aware of, but which the dogs thwarted.


    They aren't aggressive dogs. But any dog will protect its owner, if they detect a threat. I have no doubt I wouldn't be alive now, but for the dogs.


    We live in a strange world, where I believe we are challenged on a daily basis to justify or develop our belief system. I never doubted compassion was the path, but under such attack, I needed help. It was too much to deal with, on a daily basis, and although I am safe now, I don't doubt my decision was correct.


    Its an extreme case, but I do think dogs are justifiable.

    • Like 4

  19. Hello all,


    I have been working through fusion of the five elements and have been going back to Mantak Chia's Iron Shirt and Bone Marrow books.

    I have been getting some headaches during the packing process so I have stopped that for now.


    My question is specifically for those experienced in the Healing Tao tradition.

    My understanding is that the standing itself establishes rooting, connection to earth energy and most health benefits and that the chi packing is not completely necessary; and apparently using too much tension is common.


    SO my question (finally) is what do you think about just doing the iron shirt postures, primarily with basic qigong breathing as described in Bruce Frantzis's books and maybe a just a little gentle iron shirt packing and bone marrow breathing when it feels appropriate?



    Fusion of the Five Elements is the foundational work, whereas Iron Shirt and Bone Marrow are more advanced. So are you advanced enough to be doing those practices ?


    Certainly, packing can be quite dangerous, and there are horror stories of people doing it wrongly and getting into serious difficulties.


    Many Iron Shirt stances are standard ZZ stances. So maybe you could look at that ?


    Also, whats the purpose of your Iron Shirt practice ? It does create a lot of tension and inflexibility in the body. If you have a purpose for it, thats great, but otherwise, it seems pointless. Bone marrow is good, but again, its an advanced practice. You need to have a good grounding in energy work, which you may have, so I don't mean to insult you. But are you ready for Bone Marrrow ?


    Chia's system is good, but its not perfect and not without some problems.