Jeramiah Zeitigeist

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Everything posted by Jeramiah Zeitigeist

  1. Authentic Xingyiquan by Master Gong Zhong Xiang

    I'll be buying this book !
  2. Zhan Zhuang

    I disagree ! Maybe at first its true, when the distractions of the body, and maintaining alignments, and visual disturbances in your environment can be a problem. But once you are past that stage, I think open eyes is fine. Infact, I would say, from my own experience, I get more from standing meditation with open eyes, than with closed eyes. I am sure I have read, somewhere, that 'open eyes' is the next level. I just can't remember where.
  3. Using Sexual Energy (Jing) to Heal Body

    Good advice ! From a professional healer's perspective; A skilled healer will be able to look at your energy system and get a much more objective view of what is happening. There are some very skilled and capable people on this forum, but from a distance, advice can at best be speculative, given that we only know what you tell us, from your subjective viewpoint. Not suggesting that you are wrong in your assessment though. But a second opinion is often good. I have sensitive, skilled people come for healing, with a good overview of their problem, but often they have missed vital elements, due to being too close to the issue. The lack of sexual activity is neither healthy, nor unhealthy. It depends if you are denying yourself, or if your are finding it simple with no excess desires. It is more your reactions to it, or your underlying sexual tensions that will determine its healthiness or otherwise.
  4. Shit New Age Girls Say

    Most of my previous girlfriends !
  5. Not needing to eat

    Another interesting observation, I have just thought about; When I was still a 'proper' cyclist, my training often involved a five hour training ride in the hills. This would be a killer ride. Often on a fixed gear, so no chance to freewheel or change to an easier gear. I would be battering myself, riding at 20mph average, for five hours, on rough roads, in the winter, in the cold and the rain, and often wind. And I was strong enough to sprint the final 30 minutes. Anyway; Conventional sports science would suggest I would use around 800 calories an hour, at my weight. So we are looking at 400 calories for the ride, given the terrain, the cold etc. That would involve eating and drinking every twenty minutes, during the ride. I would do it on one, 350 calorie bar. And not be hungry afterwards. I'd eat once, at two hours. And only drink water. My coach called me 'unnatural' and a freak ! Said he couldn't understand what was happening. If I ate more on the ride, I would start to gain weight. On reflection, I am sure it was the energy work I was doing.
  6. Not needing to eat

    But I think there is a big difference between eating heathy, nutritious and good food, and eating absolute shit ! I think maybe if you had eaten something other than junk food, you might have got a different reaction. But eating that stuff is bound to cause a negative reaction. I have seen over many years that the quality of the food I eat directly affects the quality of my energy, and my psychological and emotional states. Its usually subtle, but very definate. If I ever ate what you ate, I think it would be a major shock to my system. And in reply to the OP; I have noticed the more Chi Gong I practice, the less I eat. If I factor in Ba Gua and meditation too, and if I do any more than two hours a day, I find I only need one meal a day.
  7. Self Realisation Fellowship

    Yes, I am very lucky ! Another piece of the jigsaw comes together. So many missing pieces, however......... Finish the book ! I think it gets better and better as it goes along ! I was very lucky to be spending many months a year in America, at the time I got into Kriya. And I was often in California, so got to go along to HQ ! But I was actually initiated in Somerset. Which is my homeland, and my spiritual home, so that came together nicely.
  8. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    I'm bored with Lao Tzu I don't believe he is the real Lao Tzu at all. I think he is a fake ! After all, surely the real Lao Tzu would understand Daoism ? Or is that the greatest Daoist joke of them all ? Verse 41; "When the foolish man hears of the Dao, he laughs out loud. If he didn't laugh, it wouldn't be the Dao" No, on second thoughts, Lao Tzu is a fake !
  9. Self Realisation Fellowship

    I came to Kriya through reading Autobiography of a Yogi, which I found inspirational. So I then studied Yogananda's commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, then devoured pretty much everything else I could find. I was already on a 'path', as it were, and had been studying eastern religions and techniques since my teens. I had always leant towards Tibetan and Chinese systems, so Kriya Yoga seemed like a distraction, at least at first. Then I decided to follow it more closely, knowing that I would eventually come back to China. I think it was actually an important diversion for me to take, as I still hold it quite dear, and still browse the books. Hard to say what I got out of it, in terms of specifics, as I was already the product of many other practices. But it deepened my understanding of the soul and its place in the universe. Also made me realise that absolutely anything is possible, if the energy is right. I wouldn't change my experience, and maybe I'll go back to it in the future. I cherish the experience. Initiation was very simple, over a day, I seem to remember. The good thing about it was, its very practical and pragmatic. Normal life continues as before. But the connection, energetically, to the lineage of Yogananda, allows things to flow very easily, I believe. I'd recommend the Hong Sau mediation to anyone looking for a solid, straightforward method ! And I have bought 'Autobiography of a Yogi' for dozens of people, all over the world, when they have made it clear they were 'seeking' answers. And bought it for a good few clients too. And without exception, its changed their lives.
  10. Self Realisation Fellowship

  11. Self Realisation Fellowship

    I practiced Kriya for a number of years. I found the Self Realisation Fellowship people very good indeed. If you read Yogananda's works, you'll get a good idea of what they are about. I've certainly never heard anything bad about them, and if I had, I wouldn't care, as my experience was good, and thats all I can judge them on. I only really dabbled with Kriya yoga, compared to my Daoist studies. But I still browse the Kriya books from time to time. I've just reread Seven Lessons for Conscious Living, by Roy Eugene Davis, which is a core book of the Self Realisation Fellowship, and I rate it highly. It describes itself as "A progressive program of higher learning and spiritual practice in the kriya yoga tradition" In my opinion, good people.
  12. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    Goodness me ! I go to bed, and when I wake up, the thread has doubled in length ! Good work, fellow Bums. I don't think I have ever seen such a Troll thread as this one. One of the classic signs is it is like arguing with a child.......and thats certainly how it seems to me. Lao Tzu, please tell me: What is your background in energy work ? You seem to be able to spot a fake instantly. You claim there are no real masters. So you must be very experienced in Qigong. So what is your practice ? Who taught you ? You must be at least a master, to have such high opinions. To see through people who have worked hard for decades is a great skill. So how did you get it ? Please tell us ! I was a top class cyclist. I would listen and take advice from other top cyclists and coaches. But often, amateur cyclists and weekend warriors would offer their advice too. I used to listen, but over the years I stopped. Why ? Because one needs to have a level of experience and proficiency to offer advice, and they didn't have it. I don't want advice on how to race at 32mph, from someone who cannot race at 20mph. I will not offer dogma and opinion to horse riders, as I do not ride a horse. I will not say who is the best at something, and who is a fake, if I have no experience. I believe you have little, or no experience in energy work. Maybe you have read a book ? Maybe you have watched some videos on YouTube ? Your posts on this thread, and on every thread, portray a sneering attitude. Maybe thats not how you want to come over, but its how it seems. So please tell us how you have gained so much knowledge and experience. Everyone here is open about their experience. Tell us about yours Otherwise, I will be forced to judge you. I don't mean you ill will, and I don't mean to upset or offend you.If I do I apologise....... But Sir, I declare you a fake, and a phoney and a Troll. Unless you can prove me otherwise.
  13. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    Says it all !
  14. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    Well, its very kind that you think you are helping us all out ! But I think most people on here have learnt to think for themselves and are probably more adept at spotting fakes than you. And people are here to learn, not to throw shit. Judge no one, less you be judged yourself. I've even met people who were exposed as fakes, who were absolutely genuine, and who were emotionally and psychologically devastated by what happened to them. So I make my own mind up about everything. Maybe you should understand that, and give others the respect due to them. Let them decide themselves. I'm bored now. I'm not going to judge your motives or agenda. I have no right. You do what you do.....I'll do what I do.
  15. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    So what ? People are dying in illegal wars around the world.... Imperialist aggression is out of control....... Millions are starving....... The rain forests are being destroyed....... The world's economy is on its knees due to the bankers taking the piss......... A few people pretending to do things they can't do is not really the end of the world. If you want to get angry about something, then choose something a little more worthy !
  16. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    It just seems to me you are obsessed with fakes ! You start a thread, and straightaway, its talking about fakes. Never any positivity. Always fakes. Fake Qigong, fake masters...... Classic Troll activity. If you see the world through negative eyes, looking for the worst, guess what ? Thats what you'll see ! I really don't care what anyone else is doing. Many years ago, yes. But not now. I grew up. I just get on with my practice. I don't bother to judge anyone. Its a pointless and worthless activity. I'm sure my ego an find better things to waste timer on Howabout you ? How are you leading your life ? Whats your agenda ? Why are you so interested in what others may, or may not be doing ? Unless you have personally been affected by a fake master, it seems strange to give so much energy to the subject. Why are you on this forum ? Everyone on here seems to be a consenting adult, with enough experience to spot the fakes from the genuine. If you have such a downer on Qigong, there are better places to go, where people might be more easily influenced by you.
  17. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    The Troll is back !
  18. Baguazhang help!

    Yup, that second video is beautiful ! It would take years to reach that standard ! I've saved that video on my computer and refer to it quite often, when I need inspiration. Possibly the best circle walking I've seen on YouTube.
  19. Could this have a negative effect on my health?

    Yes, sounds like 'Self Manifested Chi Movement', or Swaying Willows and Flowing Breeze, as its often called. Can't actually be sure without seeing it, but its generally a Good Thing !
  20. Auras and what do they mean?

    Guys....listen to the words above ! I've dedicated my life to healing, for 18 years. I have treated over 20000 people, and I agree with every word. It can't really be put any better. If you disagree, and want to argue the point, it needs to be from the position of at least as much experience. I've studied thousands of auras, maybe ten thousand, which is probably less than Ya Mu. But we both share the same opinion. I'm not claiming definitive knowledge, but its hands-on experience, so counts for something. Looking at auras is not really worth the effort. Feel the energy, feel its quality, its texture, its depth, its vibrancy. Feel its personality. Feel how it interacts with the different layers, feel how your energy affects it, and is affected by it. Immerse yourself in the energy. But don't waste time trying to work out the colours. It really isn't worth it.
  21. Qi Gong, lots of people are using it to deceive

    My thoughts exactly. I used to lobby to take part in research studies, and did everything I could to open up healing to a wider audience. I was overly optimistic ! Now, I just get on with the healing. I've lost interest in what anyone thinks.
  22. Auras and what do they mean?

    Like it !
  23. Auras and what do they mean?

    Pretty much word for word how I would have responded, if I'd got there first ! Although maybe slightly less eloquent from myself ! When I started healing, I was very excited to start seeing auras, and thought it would be a very useful tool. Within five years I had stopped looking at them altogether. Feeling energy, sensing energy and merging with the energy gives me a thousand times more information that a visual assessment. Looking at auras is overrated and leads to confusion. Only my opinion though.....
  24. Qi Gong, lots of people are using it to deceive

    Great response ! But I think Mr Tzu has already made his mind up ! If I presented him, in person, with a dozen people who came to me with cancer, and having received no conventional medical treatment, their cancer has vanished, would he accept it ? Not a chance ! I have learnt that, to many intelligent and rational people, evidence is only evidence if it already confirms their existing opinion. Otherwise, its not evidence, its just anecdotal, and worth nothing. Yet they will happily use apparently anecdotal evidence to conform their opinion. Heres a funny one..... I have a friend. She is a Homeopath. So straightaway, she is obviously a fraud to some people. 14 years ago, she had brain cancer, as a teenager. She received all the medical treatment available, but it failed. At that time she was a big believer in modern medicine. She was sent home to die, being given perhaps a month to live. She decided, in desperation to try a renowned homeopath. It worked. The cancer vanished and has never returned. The only problems she has now are due to the side effects from the conventional medical treatments, which are still with her, 14 years later. And now the point of the story......... She has told her story, honestly and truthfully to various media over the years, hoping to show that, when all else has failed, not to give up hope. And she has received thousands of death threats ! People are so angry and challenged by her simple story that they are prepared to threaten her life. Not just a handful, but hundreds, and thousands. All she has done is survived terminal brain cancer, and dared to share her story. So how on earth can we have a rational debate on these things, when many people, when confronted with living proof, will resort to such madness ? Mr Tzu is actually quite civilised so far !
  25. Qi Gong, lots of people are using it to deceive

    Spot on ! Sanity reigns on Tao Bums as the Sun sets on another heated debate....... But wait ! Is that a Troll hiding under yonder bridge ?