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Posts posted by froggie

  1. Iran: 115 executions since elections


    Posted: 07 August 2009


    'Alarming spike' in numbers represents 'significant increase', says Amnesty


    The eight weeks between the presidential election on 12 June and the inauguration of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for a second term as president on 5 August saw an alarming spike in the number of executions by the Iranian authorities, Amnesty International said today.


    Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan said:


    'In just over 50 days, we recorded no less that 115 executions - an average of more than two each day


  2. It would be a really good idea to let go of the 'popular ways of talking' like: "Do you really think" etc. and making it sound almost like the other is a total nutcase etc.

    Everyone has basically a right to their own opinion if it doesn't harm someone else.


    It would be better to just keep it general and not personal.


    Just observing..... (a not that great trend)

    It's a great way to put yourself up for less 'credits' though. ;):P


    ....something like that


    It just does not make sense that this technology can be suppressed. There are a lot of engineers who develop alternative cars such as hybrid cars. A few years ago, they spend a lot of effort on developing the Toyota Prius.

    Engineers are not stupid. Well, i suppose that at least some of them read science journals and internet board messages and try to stay "up to date". They do have internet access and may also try to contact the inventor of these machines.

    Do you really think, these guys spend years developing the Prius without thinking about alternative technologies which would make their work obsolete? So you must be thinking that all of them just work for money.

  3. Adaptogenic, anabolic *and* endurance enhancing all in one.

    I have used and it feels nice to use, but i alo use a lot of other things from time to time, like Astragalus, Cordyceps and red ginseng. but i haven't used it for long, and i can't say about long term.

    Anyone else know about it?

    Also bought some seeds of the plant and am going to plant them as soon as possible.



  4. Good post, good call, and we all agree (i suspect) anyway that we all want less of the negative vibe and more good stuff. Sometimes some appear to just do it in a bit of a strange way. :P




    Humble bow in return.


    You will be missed as you could perhaps have contributed more "in a way that would draw new people in" and less in a way that only sort to defend your reputation in a 2 month old thread.


    Perhaps you will reconsider


    Love and happiness regardless :wub:

  5. no idea but i believe this is one of the training method for classical qinggong.


    p.s. I got this picture from a private source so i don't know whether you can find it on the web. I blocked out the identity because i am not sure the person in picture would want his face plastered all over the internet.



    Totally good idea. i think just it shows respect and consideration. and it doesn't intentionally obscure anything.

    basically a win-win imo. That's pretty good. just my opinion.



  6. Lets take for example the magnetic motor again shall we? This motor is designed to produce more output than input. If you are producing more output than input, it means free energy. This means that it can be used in special aircraft like UFOs that can fly through space/time or used in unmanned aircraft as weapons

    or patrolling the skies constantly.


    It does make sense, i think, that if you generate more energy than you put in that it could give the possibility to go faster than light speed with that.

  7. that was 20 years ago.

    they used the patent for cd players and were working into tv


    not the noblest of endproducts i guess

    it's not sounding as if they are using it to its full potential


    when buying something and making a contract, i think people who sell the things should make demands in the contract that it must be used and so on, they'll buy it anyway probably right? (and you more than plenty of cash, presumably) so why not exersize those kind of mentalities etc more anyway. it's probably good for the personality as well and 'the people'.


    it's just not-knowing that you can and probably should do it like that why it doesn't happen all of the time i guess.


    human ignorance ?

  8. qinggong_removed.jpg


    This also involves shifting the center of weight, getting as low/close to the thing you are standing on as well while keeping in mind the shifting, and focusing your energy upwards, doesn't it?

  9. Hi, maybe do more other things instead? Give eachother presents more often, give a hug every time you want to, etc. and maybe the rest will become naturally more also and maybe even more satifying.

    Just 2 cent.


    What is a cool draw by the way?








    For reasons concerning both me, my wife and the environmental factors (three small kids and a lot of work), I'm not getting a fraction of the sexual life I would desire. She is not much bothered by celibacy but for me this is very hard, thus making it hard for her, too.


    I'm doing exercises like the Cool Draw, Scrotal Compression and inverted poses. I've been cultivating my seed for half a year now, but the problems have existed much longer. These exercises seem to be of some help, but still from time to time I find myself in a conflict because of this. It makes me feel sad and rejected, or at least it triggers these emotions.

  10. Since I no longer practice any of their techniques, except Wim Hof, I don't mention them.




    Wim Hof is the Dutch guy who does world records like sitting in ice water for long times and so, right?


    With greetings from the Netherlands,



  11. I had a phone conversation years ago with one of the fellows who created the first box that was later reduced to q-link. They had been experimenting with programmable micro chips in order to produce better sounds recording of their music and made an amazing accidental discovery. The first boxes had a consciousness their own. Sony bought the patents for their chips.


    And Sony sits on it, right?

    And no one knows if they are ever going to use it or not. (and more likely not than yes in likelyhood)


    they were using programmable chip for refining sound waves into more perfect or harmonious patterns.

    There was a box available for a while that would correct sound waves while still in the air so that even

    a scratch in a recording could no be heard. The subtle fields produced by the chips open doorway into other places. There was one box produces that had 7 chips in it for the chakra. These were literally conscious

    and would interact in substantial ways with their users. They stopped using the chips because they had

    to be programed manually and the consciousness of the programmer would imprint on the the chip and form a link between the user and programmer. Last they said there was a large device built to open a gate up in the mountains and they were talking with angels. Q-links uses micro capacitors connect to a coil and emitter to amplify and increase the size of the body biofield to dampen incoming incoherent frwequency


    They could be sold or given 'blank'

    and the receiver could do the 'programming'for him/herself

  12. Actually, where would one get powdered xrysal quartz and silver and coper dust from? :)


    Old technology and actually works. The problem I see with items they sell commonly on Ebay/websites is that they are not very effective because the ingredients are not fine enough. They look good and all but the power is minimal.

    The most powerful orgonite you can make yourself: mix the equal parts of fine powdered crystal quartz and powdered silver/copper dust. The finer the powder, the better. Now add resin to set the mixture in any form you like. Or use 24kt gold, platinum and silver powders together if you can afford it. That's where the real magic comes in. :)

    More on this here: