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Posts posted by froggie

  1. "When you take any supplement, you want to maximize the body's absorption of the material. If you take a 1000 mg of some product, likely only 50% or less will actually get absorbed. Most is filtered out by the kidneys or the liver and is then flushed down the toilet during the next bathroom call.


    The trick with any supplementation is to allow for maximum absorption, which is why the general rule is that the lightest molecular weight will usually get absorbed the best."



  2. More time the better and more often better but once a day for about 1hr in the beginning would be fantastic results but its very addictive cause of the energy feeling and how you work and understand nature. Who wouldnt want a better teacher then Mother Earth (nature herself)?


    nature is great. but nature indeed isn't only nature like trees and things, it's everything ;)

  3. It's important, though, that your plant foods have high nutrition content. You can check that with a Brix meter (refractometer). Take a look at for more information on Brix. I always Brix my fruit. I don't eat low Brix fruit anymore. I definitely notice a difference in my health from that alone.


    I would love to see the reading of fresh pressed wheatgrass

  4. there is also concentrated red wine powder which has no alcohol

    it's good for cooking where you would use wine otherwise also, like pasta is the cheapest as far as i know


    it's surely not a cure-all, but it may be good to add to your eating, like also a lot of other things as well


    there is also something else called salvestrol

  5. Stay away from those green powders that you can buy, where they juice a bunch of greens and they dry the juice and sell it. Those are no good. I would never advise you to stay away from fresh, raw (or very lightly steamed) greens. I love to eat raw spinach from time to time, as well as dark green leaf lettuce, and even a little raw kale every once in a while. It's important, though, that your plant foods have high nutrition content. You can check that with a Brix meter (refractometer). Take a look at for more information on Brix. I always Brix my fruit. I don't eat low Brix fruit anymore. I definitely notice a difference in my health from that alone.


    That's great.

    I couldn't figure out from that particular site what the refractometer actually measures though.

    I'm also wondering if there is a mailinglist or something like that about this and other things.

    Can you find such refractometers on ebay or so? What can you be expected to pay for a simple but quality one?


    Does it have anything to do with biophotons? That's another thing i have been able to read another time ago.


    I think 'happy plants'/healthy plants are probably biologically grown plants, where everything is fed back into the ground. (leafs and so on) And taking care of varieties, you know, like inbreeding is not good for humans it's probably not good for plants either, let them have some good clean 'fun', etc. ;)


    I would prefer fresh squeezed (slow juiced) wheat grass over powdered wheat grass juice.

    However the powder could be used as an alternative (i.e. is handy) for when you don't have the time (i.e. don't want to make the time / someone else is forcing you psychologically and/or otherwise to not take enough time for yourself and important things) to do things like juice your own, plant a lot of plants yourself (and everyone doing the same), know your food and prepare your own food (or together with others that you like or may like) ;)

    And also for example to grow it in wintertime you would have to have a housing with some room do do that and use full spectrum lighting and good insulation i think. (and preferably generate the electricity from wind and alternative energy generators, to be really autonomous with it.)


    slow juiced apparently is many times better, it keeps much longer and it still has (important!) enzymes, has more nutrients left than 'fast juiced', and so on.

    some more nice info here:

  6. i think the lecithin is soy is pretty good, and the amount of protein in this bean.

    not sure how i feel about the phyto-estrogens in it. ...probably not such a great thing if you eat it daily or 'a lot'.

    am i missing something else about it? good or bad (i.e. not so good depending upon other things) ;)

  7. By CHRISTOPHER RHOADS in New York and LORETTA CHAO in Beijing


    "The Iranian regime has developed, with the assistance of European telecommunications companies, one of the world's most sophisticated mechanisms for controlling and censoring the Internet, allowing it to examine the content of individual online communications on a massive scale."


    ...more on site

  8. not sure if this is real or not, but interesting


    ballot fraud video





    Guy 1 (0:30): Finished?? Oh god, he wasn't lucky, no votes for Mohsen Rezayi (the other conservative candidate). Bad luck. inaudible

    Guy 2: Write down these names,

    Guy 1 (1:50): Their national identify codes are all wrong.

    Guy 2: It is ok

    Guy 1: Ok just tell me the rest

    Guy 2: Write down these names and put something for the family name like

    Guy 1: Mohamadi

    Guy 2: Fathers name (with an ideferent tone) Alimohammad. Starts counting random numbers as the birth certificate number


  9. Josh: we are talking next to eachother and not about the same thing.

    selection can be done in various ways, you can select on size, on strength, disease resistance, aroma's, nutrient content.

    What i meant by 'natural selection' is to pick the traits you ant it to continue on.

    I don't want all plants to have high yield but also high disease resistance, aroma and nutrients, but by the natural cultivation way (selection) and not by adding genes of other animals into it and so. that is what i mean by natural and selection.


    ecological, biodynamic and other forms of farming, companion planting, fukuoka farming, natural cultivation of traits (which can and will only improve each time. that's why that is important, and not the other things.


    if the first tomato was the size of a berry, look at it now.

    if the grains that are cultivated now are high in gluten and more allergenic then that's not great. (old grain types are not allergenic)


    sorry i have too much information in my mind to write it all out, i can't write that fast or organize it that well, and it's making me nervous ;)


    there is just too much info all pointing into one direction from various 'sources',

    and this info is also pointing out on what not to do and what do do best.


    Ok. i have found a way to sum up about it: It's all about the plant's health and strength.