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Posts posted by froggie

  1. bigu was made famous by yan xin who has done studies with U.S. professors on "energy feasting" (no food and even no water). Chunyi Lin went 1 month in a cave with no food and no water and no sleep. Chemistry professor Rustom Roy held an academic conference on bigu and there's a report of a lady in Beijing going a couple months with no food and she was fine. I went 8 days on just half glass of water so I know exactly how it's possible to go without food and water. The book Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality by Charles Luk tells you how to do this.


    Hello ;)


    The without sleep is probably also because he is in a very relaxed and feeding and 'recuperating' etc state in general already, let;s say with his mind and his every biology. (like all of the time. i suspect such a state can exist.)


    I don't think he does it to prove anything, or that doing it somehow enhances something else.

  2. you can always still start selling drugs or rob a bank, etc. :)

    (except then ofcourse you'll be the propaganda puppet of your corrupt government 'proving' to you how much they are indeed needed.

    plus there is a chance you will hurt somebody who isn't to blame for anything) ;)

  3. I seen Qigong Teacher Robert Peng do this on the net,Only thing was he didnt tell us about the finger loool


    Nice Post,


    I am not a sceptic of Chi Gong in general, but is it ok to point out to specific people and/or specific practises?


    When reading for example this part of the site of Robert Peng,

    I see it written in a mystical way, talking about the dan tien as if it's the same as something you can buy in a supermarket. While in reality, i have come to the 'conclusion' that forming a dan tien is spirit and matter interacting. Why the mysticism?

    Why not tell people exactly what it is? Why beat around the bush and offer only bits and pieces and watered down explanations instead of raising it up (imo) to a better and more realistic status (that is to say, offer the real explanation, it's more useful. i'm not saying at all that developing a dan tien can not be done by the way, i'm saying it can, just stop with the mysticism???!!)


    p.s. apologies if may be spoiling the topic. let me know if i should remove it from here and maybe start it as a new one?

  4. does this demonstration look exaggerated and acted ?


    is this simply one of those ''do as i say, not as i do'' things? (in this case believe what i do is the real thing, even if i'm just setting you up and faking it)


    or am i maybe missing something and should it look like this when its the real thing actually brought forth ?


    the do as i say, not as i do scenario seems real enough (100%-pun-intended) from a commercial frame of mind though, (or something of that nature) right ?


    but should it really be allowed or not ?

  5. Yes, would be nice if a step up transformer can be added. Also there is a maximum amount of Amps that some houses have, i believe it's 100 Amp (with 230V), or at least there is a fuse rated at 100 Amp, which i guess means that it can load up 23.000 Watts per hour without modifications. Which should be enough, i guess. But one can alsways improve it if one wants to i guess.

    Although i think there are also 500 Amp fuseboxes for normal houses, but i'm not sure on the matter.



    And GM just announced the upcoming release of the Volt in the fall of 2010. The Volt will recharge from standard US 110VAC. Seems to me the the 400VAC recharge source for the porsche will be hard to come by unless it includes a step-up transformer. I love seeing this new stuff. That porsche is a pretty car.

    Power consumed must be regulated so as to not exceed the maximum output available from the power plant at any given moment. The output of the powerplant is based on the type of plant being used for generation of e-


    I experience that on nearly a daily basis. My back yard consists of three fish ponds and a couple other waterways. I have a 12 VDC solar/electric system that powers the pumping equipment for water circulation and aeration. On a full sunny day I can power all pumps with only solar. Less than full sun I switch one pump to commercial 110VAC and total cloudy days I power down one of the pumps. I can genearlly maintain a sufficient charge in the batteries (lead/acid) to run one water pump and two air pumps over night without dropping below 12VDC by sunup.


    I think I recall that this was one of the problems with the biosphere. They did not calculate the supply and demand properly. If I recall the biggest problem was with decreasing oxygen in the air.


    Now we need to create an anti-gravity machine.


    Be well!

  6. May i present the electrical porsche:

    Apparently it's electric *with* gears:

    Max speed 270 Km/H, 0 to 100 Km/H in less than 5 sec,

    204 horsepower, 300 Kilometer acciradius per charge.

    Still a prototype though, they are still looking to improve on the battery capacity and weight. (more capacity and less weight) ;)

    The wheels also have the simultanious function of electrical generators and feed back the kinetic energy during travel to the batteries.

  7. I have not tryed Pine pollen. But Bee pollen I have, its a super food but I did not notice any effect.


    Bee pollen actually need to be fermented (or i should say it's probably much better to) to release many of its nutrients, otherwise i believe it's a little bit harder to get nutrients from. One way that i know this is done is by adding it to the process of making kefir yourself. (Milk, kefir culture, dissolve pollen as much as possible in some lukewarm water, add to milk, stir, add kefir culture to milk with pollen, ferment for a day or two (depening on how much kefir culture you put in, if you put in a lot you can have kefir in just a couple of hours. When done refrigerate and its ready to drink.)


    What i have also done is hot green tea, sweeten with manuka or other honey and add 1/4 teaspoon of bee pollen (and also a drop of liquid bee propolis if you want) per cup.

    But apparently it's best to ferment the beepollen.


    I wonder what the trees sap will do


    Apparently you can use the needles too, just add a few to when making green tea or so.

    Apparently they do have quite some vitamin C.


    I remember reading something about the tree resin and/or sap also, but i can't remember what. :]

  8. Pine pollen are also a superfood.

    There is a sea of information about it, but here is a little bit about it:


    pine pollen contains all the nutrition necessary to a most long-lived life, including various proteins, nearly 20 amino acids, over 30 minerals and microelements, 14 vitamins, nearly 100 enzymes and coenzymes necessary to the body, and more than 200 other nutrients such as nucleic acids, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, cellulose, unsaturated fatty acids and flavonoids.



  9. Two things:


    should a PC mucle be strengthened?


    by the way, looked up PC muscle, wasn't sure what it was, see some unusual gadgets on the google images site, ;) which may not be necessary, but it can still be worth mentioning anyhow.


    has anyone heard about the atlas bone (and its correction back to the right position)?

    link here:

  10. How much does any/everyone agree with what is being said sometimes about that the clarity of crystals is the most important thing for its 'healing abilities'?


    I only partly afree with it, if at all so much, it's not always true, and if some of it is true, then which part of it is true? A strange question that i wanted to put out to Maybe resolve some nonsense about it or actual sense, etc

  11. (check out the picture on the site as well. Third subject on the page)



    Enlivening the Connective Tissue Matrix


    Dr. James Oschman in his articles and book Energy Medicine, the Scientific Basis -- writes about the Connective Tissue Matrix [1] [2] [3]. Oschman also calls this "the living matrix".


    The matrix: There is a web or matrix of collagen connective tissue (fascia) that is completely interwoven with all the body cells, tissues, and organs. Cells are not "bags of fluid", but instead contain intelligent cytoskeletons in both the cell body and nucleus that are woven into this whole body web. Inter and intracellular processes are facilitated by this network which moves, positions and transports various cell components.


    The network: The web provides not only physical stability and structure, but also is believed to be the ground matrix for a high speed signaling network using biophotons and electromagnetics transmitted by liquid crystaline structures in the collagen. These structures actually form the basis and wiring for what is known as the Chinese acupuncture point and meridian system. For example, it is well known that the electrical resistance between classically established acupuncture points is less than that of surrounding skin areas. This living matrix then is channeling information as well as "chi" or lifeforce.


    Age related changes: In the natural progress of time, collagen fibers and webs develop tangles and less orderly structure. This impedes the flow of chi and information throughout the body. In the last ten years or so, some dramatic new techniques have been discovered that break through the tangles and allow the fascia to reorganize itself and reopen chi to flow at full volume again. These techniques are Self Myofascial Release and the Meridian Flexibility System, discussed further below. The section following that then mentions Qigong, which circulates chi through the meridian system. The analogy would be in "cleaning out the pipes" of the meridian system, and then turning on a powerful pump to flow more energy through the pipes (qigong).

  12. Nothing to worry about. In fact it's a good sign.


    You're re-establishing a link to your divine intelligence - which is closely linked with your bodily intelligence, and not very linked with your ordinary, mental intelligence. So it's not a surprise that you're freaked out!


    I know many people that have this kind of thing in Kunlun practice - just let go and let it do its thing :)


    It's like getting used to it phase? Like when riding a bicycle, first you have no control over it at all, and then after some time you and the bike can become as one ;)

  13. You misunderstood me. I did not attack you personally. All i was saying was

    1) there are only few engineers who promote the theory of "free energy"

    2) it is highly unlikely that the theory is true because only few engineers promote the theory.

    3) it is highly unlikely that the rest of the engineers who currently do not promote the theory do so

    3.1) because they are too stupid

    3.2) because they do not feel responsible for the society

    3.3) because they are part of the conspiracy


    Oh i know, but it's just that if you break it down (psychologically and everything) then attempting to write: "do you really think ***" is more like pointing fingers and blaming someone for not knowing, while if one would keep it general and open it's a totally different ''vitual scenario'' (if you will, really. there's always different ways to 'get something', so i can't be right all the time or with everything, one might suppose. ;)


    i'm not pointing fingers either, it's not that it's like unbareable, but just types of interaction which can make quite a difference. (like a salesman, it's not a great example, but someone who sees the difference between approaches has slightly more success than someone who doesn't regard it. ....and i should probably know because a nephew of mine has been the most succesful salesman of Volkswagen/Porsche for some years in a row, he does this by listening to any customer and never forces anything on anyone, also he simply does his best to be genuinely nice and does all he can to make a good deal for the customer also (within allowable margins ofcourse, he can't sell something for less than it cost ofcourse. etc.)


    to some it may sound unusual that someone who doesn't force anything on someone else in net effect actually sells more than someone who does force someone (probably the latter also marginally sells more than someone doing nothing at all, but the top winner seems to be the one who doe neither of those and simply pays attention. i'm sure that he finds his actual job also more pleasing in the end in this way. And indeed also people come back more often and are more open (and nicer) by themselves also.)


    It's the same difference as someone attenting something and being really interested, even if they don't know much about the subject at all, the sincerity and interest is worth something, one could say. Than if someone isn't really interested, but still is there. You kind of feel the difference and it makes all the difference sometimes.

  14. Most books seem to be too simple or too complex, there is no 'advanced beginner' book of some kind or something inbetween.

    Maybe it would be good to ask on an acupuncture forum or list if no one knows it here, anyway it's just an idea.



    But by the way i think esoteric acupuncture is different from physical/health acupuncture.


    And as far as yin and yang, in physical acupuncture it could be as easy as hot and cold, water and fire meridians (and the other elements could be seen as 'helper or ''by'' meridians' from that standpoint and point of view


    As far as health and everything else i think also the central meridian would have to be the most energetic and branching out ''slowly'' from there.


    etc.? :)