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Everything posted by froggie

  1. tip

    rehydrated goji berries taste good, a little crunchy and fresh, nice to a fresh fruit salad or just the rehydrated berries out of a bowl, or something like that (can probably also cook with them, a little soy sauce, onion and goji berries with something else for example)
  2. sales ethics

    sales ethics i don't want something for free, i don't necessarily want to pay less than what it's worth. and i know of the psychological method of turning things around like asking a very high price for something just to make it seem worth it, and other such tricks. i only want to pay something fair for a good thing that is useful or nice and it's good if a seller is personal, (eye for detail to the benefit of the buyer) with you
  3. sales ethics

    nothing i want to buy or sell right now (although maybe i don't understand your question?) just a small tip to think about of an even broader "topic".
  4. signs, symptoms of demon/entity possession

    If she doesn't like to eat much, she could try nice foods that feel good, taste good, and do good things for her. For example i quite like a banana and buttermilk shake and i add a little bit of cinnamon and maca, maca also works a bit antidepressant and is natural. on another note there are some more herbs that increase the body positively, make it more energetic, astragalus could help as well as other things together
  5. Passing the hat around for Gossamer

    i'll donate, but it will have to be less than $10 for me, but i guess that can still be work because we are much more than 30 here
  6. Want To Say Im Sorry

    it's okay not to be taken for a fool. it's okay not to be one. it's okay to be interested in learning good things and learning, practising and using them
  7. Intro to Taoism System

    I AM interested in taoism, and who better to learn it from than someone with a long genuine interest in taoism, but i also would not like to learn it from someone who teaches a lot of things in the wrong way. i.e. not fully and also not fully in line with what i would call true forms.
  8. There is no greater truth, even in yourself, to make desicions based upon either the haves or needs of someone AND yourself as an interaction? Okay Who gets that? To never do yourself short and to treat others as they are while being helpful to them (And yourself) As a combination-package. And what about other things than money? I think we can develope our beings in qualities that are not at all related in money? Like straightforwardness, good advice, helping out, and so many other things?
  9. So you personally will not help someone if they do not have much money? That's not the point. The point is if someone sincerely would like help and you CAN help them, but they for some reason (any reason at all, really) do not have that kind of money that you are asking. Then you would consider not helping them, even if they asked you and told you that they do not have money and proved it? is that so or not so? Maybe you should get broke yourself, mak, and then you can see how large a percentage of what You have just stated is totally Not true. (at least not in the larger scheme of things. what i see, indeed, is that you are confused, to say the least. and that your belief is dogma, and not real knowledge.) NO REALLY, EVEN IN THE LARGE SCHEME OF THINGS (actually ESPECIALLY) - i understand now that *anything* can be twisted severely to justify great wrongs! -- now for me personally it seems like a good idea for me to have people pierce through ANY illusion. Okay? Actually, to stress the point being made even more thoroughly: WHERE is your BALANCE? Think about that for a little bit, everyone. There is no greater truth, even in yourself, to make desicions based upon either the haves or needs of someone AND yourself as an interaction? Okay Who gets that? To never do yourself short and to treat others as they are while being helpful to them (And yourself) As a combination-package. Sorry to have to tell you. I hope you may get better insights. (but probably not, because it is too deeply rooted and you are convinced shut?) Oh and another thing, in this case i would like to say: Power corrupts! SINCERELY, froggie p.s. let me know your thoughts everyone please It's sick to have to pay a fixed amount. It's better to leave it open and have a suggested contribution. Which may be over the base suggestion or under it. Just as much as you can and want to for a good reason. Thanks Also a part of what you say is true but only in the sense that it takes some mental state to take good control of your money (and all kinds of other things. but it is never really right to condemn someone for not knowing yet and actually blame them instead of giving hints on how to do it for example) BIG difference, Okay? (all of it. i think it actually speaks of great weakness to HAVE TO do things dogmatically.) thank you very much.
  10. What if you don't have a lot of money? What if you can't really afford $90? and even less can afford a sum like $310?
  12. KAP London Workshop

    Hey, Does the blood and water and other things come out without having to make an incision? Does the cup do it all by itself? Ty
  13. Daoists usually die

    hello, just my opinion: some thread replies on the forum are just too darned narrow minded to begin with. for your consideration. now, with that said... and without naming any names, i am observing the following way too often: 1st: some users here are doing not much more than exersizing their already too much inflated maniacal ego... i am sure there is a counter energy to this, to be experienced by themselves, they don't need your help in pointing it out to them, in fact it will only make it take longer. 2nd: some users here spend way too much time and energy defending themselves, i am sure the effort can be spent more wisely on other things. i wish you a further good evening.
  14. Amazing Chinese Master

    I believe that video is of a TV advertisement of an insurance company if i remember correctly
  15. Hi Santiago, indeed i did Thank you for your reply and your answer. Respect man Kindly, froggie
  16. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    What's good for one may not be good for everyone. I think that's a conclusion we shouldn't be shy to draw.
  17. Difference between SP or REAL DEMON POSSESION

    Hi Mak Tin Si, You can say what you want here, anything you want (just as long as it doesn't hurt someone, basically) So in that sense, it's more than okay. Ofcourse some people will not believe you, and some will agree with you and maybe even show things which add to your knowledge. I myself have heard, read and etcetera of many versions, really a lot. And it has given me a very broad view and the possibility to see what really fits (it's more complex than that, but i'll just say it like this, to avoid having to write half a book about it or so. P.S. and fwiw, in the Book about John Chang, written by Kostas Danaos, there is told about a dark spiritual place. I believe someone with high spiritual and human capabilities and who are worth it by how they got there, etc. have probably quite a high understanding of things of that nature. Thanks Mak Tin Si, thanks all. - froggie
  18. Santiago, Vajrasattva, Did you receive and read my p.m. personal message sent to you through the site? If yes, Would you kindly reply towards my p.m., at your convenience ? If no, would you please let me know. Thanks kindly, froggie
  19. Flashy don't cut it

    it does things from a different philosophy. it's music, dance, acrobatics, fitness, fun, socializing and a bit of "martialness" as a natural side effect. and originally it was a sort of training regiment by slaves disguised as a dance. trying to fit a comparison seems a bit surreal and non-applicable to me
  20. My impression of the Kunlun Seminar tonight

    max is an educated person with various kinds of (real, helpful, good, tangible, subtle, strong, controlled, etc) abilities in my humble opinion. and he likes to take it easy, i think too. he's just doing what he can and tries to make it work and make it nice in my opinion. he's quite nice i would say. someone you wouldn't mind as a teacher or a friend. n.b. there are far worse people 'out there', but that's hardly worth mentioning. all in all i would say there is very little reason to complain, but on the other hand it's okay to ask things for the better in my opinion. ofcourse it does depend on how you bring it/ask it. and on your own patience and virtue (etc). that goes without saying almost also. my 2 cents in there. hope it helps =) Lying is a word too harsh for adressing an 'issue' of complex materials easily misunderstood because they are easily thought of as out of context (one needs various frames of reference in order to comprehend some of the (not always that important but spoken about casually) information. That's what this really is about in my opinion. I wouldn't have used the word 'lying' at all, because it seems to speak of something else than what is really going on, nevermind even the intent. If anything is out of context, it is using such a word as 'lying'. in this case. sincerely.
  21. Ascended Masters

    Oh i see. So you are basically asking on what level it is true if it is. In the case of group meditation, for me, i think of it as simple math, if a lot of people have the same intentions and they are together in a room, then it is easier to reach a certain level and then it becomes easyer 'for the other side' to get through. But as a math example again, i think that every one can become strong enough by themselves to achieve this themselves also. And another example: for masters to more easily make students feel what they mean (so that the student understands on a slightly deeper level than only spoken word)
  22. please delete

    It's OK. we all learned something. It would deinately have been nice and a great story if there was truth to this person. By the way, the powerlifter and mister olympia Franco Columbu could pick up medium sized cars.
  23. Ascended Masters

    Sounds good. This is in western mysticism, right? Do you know what branch names it this way? Best, froggie