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Posts posted by wudangspirit

  1. Doing nothing and leaving nothing undone. Wu Wei Er Wu Bu Wei.


    Wu Wei is a concept. We use this concept to go back to our original spirit.


    Returning is the motion of the Tao. Use the concept then give up the need for concepts.


    Tao Bless

  2. Great post! Since the average salary in bigger cities is less than 1/2 that amount per month. You'd have to save almost a whole year to afford that in China with your expenses.


    I guess most people in the US don't understand that.




    Ridiculous post, first of all room and board is included, secondly you seems to think Chinese participants don't have to take time off from work and buy flight/train ticket?


    let's see some numbers:


    US GDP = 46800

    China GDP = 3300



    Foriegn student tuition + flight ticket +visa= ~4800 USD

    Chinse student tuition + travel expenses = ~4000RMB



    The ratio is less than the ratio between the GDP.


    You know if you don't want to pay then don't go, no one cares. But i need to dispel the misconception that it's cheap for a Chinese participant. No it's not, in fact, many of them also complain about the cost but they work hard to make it work. So similar burden is expected from a foreign participant, no one thought it will be cheap.

  3. So what would you be running away from. You can cultivate and have rebirth without dying. Life is about energy.


    Interestingly, people are referring to how suicide is condemned in Buddhism, yet, no-one really knows. I actually just started reading an interesting treatise on this the other day, perhaps now I will finish it.


    From one who has had 2 serious attempts in his lifetime, I will have to call you on your bullshit here. Why do people feel that one has to be not in their right mind to contemplate or attempt suicide? Just because to you it is not a viable option, does not mean that it is not for others. If they are not meant to die, then they won't. It's as simple as that. But wanting to push the reset button on life should never be viewed as some kind of deficiency. As I believe in a rebirth, then for me, its like deleting all this text and starting writing all over again. Death is not the end of the road, merely the start of a new one.



    It is all really BS if you want to put names to the opinions. Your Tao is your Tao but if you enjoy life sometimes we humans may not want to see someone take theirs in vane. Suicide is also ego based.


    No, what I think is BS is your automatic condemnation of something which you obviously don't really grasp. Your thinking has got to be along the lines that death is the end, which is fine for you, but don't push what you believe on others.


    I am not saying we should come on here and encourage people towards suicide. What I AM saying, is that we all have our own karmic burdens, and our lives will play out as they are meant to. For you to come on here and try to say otherwise, is well, frankly, amusing. Once you realize that death isn't the end of the road, you'll feel a lot better.



    I don't think this forum is here to condemn anyone for their beliefs. It's a discussion not a persecution.


    Think we all need to take a break from this topic and spend more time on ourselves rather than worry about what the others think.


    Thanks for that wonderful Christian diatribe. Here is a quarter to call someone who cares about that crap.

  4. When you realize that everything stems from the same source there is no need for attachment then you are free. The Tao teaches us that all things come from Wuji or nothingness. In perfect stillness we can go back to nothingness. Analyzing can be helpful if you don't put a name to it and just be. If you do it over and over again I agree you are suppressing. We need to give up the need to know and shed the layers.





    This interests me - not because I agree, but because what I do is almost the polar opposite of that...


    I actually think that analysing emotion is a subtle form of suppression... (of course there are many things that could be meant by 'analyse')


    The important thing to consider is where does 'analysis' originate and where does 'emotion' originate?..


    If you watch someone have an emotion and then watch them analyse it, with enough awareness you could see which is deeper, more influential, more fundamental...


    for me it's obvious that the part of me that analyses is a very shallow, ego-based part, completely disconnected with the body and having very little power outside its sphere of influence (and it pretends to influence FAR more than it really does)


    So this is what I might do if there is some drama stirring up emotion...


    pretend there is someone in front of me willing to listen to the whole story behind the drama - all my deepest feelings and thoughts about it... the catch is that I have to tell the whole story using only one word - "blah" :lol: I'm actually serious... I go ahead and start "blah blah blaaaah... BLAH blah blahhh" - with real feeling and passion... allowing the feelings to come up and just feel...


    There is a little lesson buried within the feelings... the way you get to it is that you stay with the feeling and allow it to emerge when it does... can be minutes, can be weeks... you may then be presented with a deeper layer of feelings that supported the layer above... and so it goes...

  5. Stigweard,


    I'm involved in Wudangquan which includes Taiji and our Kung Fu (to us it's the same really it's all neijiaquan)


    In the past I studied Shaolin Wuxingquan (5 Animal) and emphasized in Shaolin He Quan (Crane Fist)




    Obviously many of us Bums are martial artists of one sort or another. I would be very interested to find out just how many of us are MA's and what types are trained. So if you post "Yes" I would be very grateful if you post down below what martial arts you are involved in.


    Thank you in advance for your kind participation.





    What do you want to talk about Neigong? I'm in! I'm from the Wudang Longmen Neidan Sect of Taoism


    yes I'm in a traditional wushu (kung fu) program. northern wai jia styles of traditional wushu (kung fu).


    I'd rather not talk further about cma on this board though. I'm hear to talk about qigong, neigong etc.

  6. If you want to understand life you need to live it. If you die by suicide you haven't lived long enough to cultivate yourself and your spirit will become a ghost. You'll be trapped and never find the answer to the questions that you ask. To die naturally and old is to have experienced life then to shed your shell so your spirit can go on then that "death" is natural and a part of life.


    Suicide is not a natural death only a means to an end of a natural cycle and only to lose your spirit forever.






    I am only asking this out of curiosity. Death is the most important part of life. Without understanding death, no spiritual discipline is complete. So if a person wants to experience death directly by killing himself, what's the easiest and painless way of doing it?



  7. the key is not to judge yourself. Don't play a triangle game of being hero, victim or persecutor. Let yourself feel the emotion but don't wear it as a decoration. Let it go. This is nature giving time to change into the next part of the present. Don't analyze to much although this method sometime can be useful to see where the emotion came from.


    Have trust in your spirit. It sounds like your spirit told you to do this so don't question it later then you're attaching to it. This will only bring up the post heaven emotion again because you will remember the feeling then conjure it up again. If you have moved on and things seemed okay then good. That is in the present no need to reflect on the past.


    Tao Bless


    I was in the middle of a conflict yesterday between myself and my fiance while at work and when driving home I decided to just feel the physical-emotional sensations that were taking place without labeling or judging them. Then the thought came into my mind: "Am I suppressing this? Am I running away from the situation to avoid conflict? How can I tell the difference?"


    And that leads me here: I've been under the impression that this is the 'right' thing to do in the sense that it won't fuel more thoughts, which would fuel more emotional reaction.... and that was the case with my scenario yesterday, I moved on and things seemed ok.


    But now I'm starting to wonder if I"m just suppressing emotions that way. I don't get angry often and am generally stoic but now and thing something will set me off... could that something be the result of not 'dealing' with emotions? My concern is that I'm treating the symptoms but maybe creating a bigger problem that exposes itself in future events.


    Hmm... any ideas on this one?

  8. Interesting... when was the last time you spoke to one that could tell you that. hahahahah.


    Nails could be a sign of energy left behind. When my grandmaster died (this was documented at Wudang) she was still warm after 2 hours. Lingering energy I suppose. She was 134 when she died.


    Tao Bless


    Taoist immortals actually leave nothing, it's more the Rainbow Bodies that leave hair & nails.


    I wonder if it might be because hair & nails are both composed of dead cells?

  9. Purple light represents Taoist nature or even Buddha.

    When you see a purple aura that's what it is... Taoist Master


    Can someone tell me what is the significance of the color purple is in terms of Daoist thought. Each time I go into meditation, I see a deep color of puple or violet light before me. I intellectualized, (probally not the right thing to do ) that since red represents fire and blue represents water, and the colors red and blue, when combined create purple, that this maybe a indication my fire and water energies are merging. Just a thought.



  10. This is nice how it relates to Taoist cosmology. This can also be related to the concept of Nine Palaces as well. Baguazhang uses these concepts. This is all a part of internal cultivation and how it relates to the movements. You can incorporate the Nine Palaces and 8 Extra Ordinary Channels for the internal energy movement of each move and the subleties of their nature.


    Tao Bless and Nice work

  11. I get your point. Thanks for clarifying. However, it's because of our Western culture that we still won't get the meaning. Most people will still think we are cold and shut down.



    Because detachment often brings with it flavors of apathy, a push away from, a standing apart, disconnection, unconcerned, withdrawing. Some people may take it as an invitation to shut down emotions, repress feelings, and so forth. It is a movement away from (de-tachment).


    Non-attachment would mean opening, allowing, flowing but not stopping, aware but not clinging, engaged but not craving.

  12. 100% agree a phenomenon can only be explained by consciousness but created by the non-conscious world.


    I am tempted to not post this, but also tempted to post it. I am torn between wanting to hear what some intelligent people have to say and having to put up with garbage from self-important zealots and bigots (yeah...there are a few here).


    Here's the question --


    What is a phenomenon and what is the role of Phenomena in Phenomenological Inquiry?


    This is very important to understand before anyone can venture into philosophy (at least of the phenomenological nature).


    Answering this will clear a lot of concepts ... that is of course if one wishes to embark on such a journey.


    Here's my take on it --


    A phenomenon is something that is time and/or space bound and is an object of consciousness.

  13. Explain the difference. They are all just words and definitions. You obviously knew what I meant so why not live in the present and not attach to the words I say but hear the meanings I am conveying.


    Tao Bless


    Non-attachment and detachment are not the same thing. I have a feeling you mean non-attachment, rather than detachment.


    Also, attachment takes place in the present. Living in the now doesn't change that.

  14. Taoism teaches us to go beyond concept. So time and dimension is not relevant. But for "now" is "now" oops Now it's gone...


    I like to say that we learn from the past in order to live in the present so we can see the future.


    It's about detachment. Seeing and don't see.


    Tao Bless

  15. Great comment.


    This plays into cold energy into a warm controlled environment. Will send your body into shock. Natural temperature is better.


    If you're hot it is better to drink warm or hot tea. We Westerners are always going to the extreme and don't think about balance.


    Too much cold will disturb your qi. Too much hot will bring up too much fire in the organs. It's about balance.




    Chilled drinks aren't recommended. Chinese dietetics. Paul

  16. Taoism teaches us to view the world and cosmos as ourself. We are taught that everything stems from the same source...Wuji-void-nothingness. To compare things would be to initiate a duality and create 10,000 things.


    Taoism also allow us to look at two sides of the coin. I feel that the major difference of the pure tradition of Taoism and Buddhism is that Taoism really isn't as passive. Taoism teaches us to seize the right moment and to take action in our lives in the present of every moment.


    There are a lot of similiarities because after the Ming dynasty Taoism took on religious ceremony, rituals and more promotional type attributes. This stemmed from taking on things from Buddhism and Confucianism. This is the Taoism you see today in the public temples. However, the underlying practices and traditional teachings are still Taoist.


    I cannot talk too much about Buddhism because I don't know the in-depth teachings but I hope this helps a little. There is also different types of Buddhism.


    Tao Bless,






    Hello everyone,


    So what are some main differences between Taoism and Buddhism? Also for those who have chosen Taoism as their way of life and religion is there anything particular that makes you like taoism over buddhism?

  17. This is a brutal lesson in Tao. There is always two sides to the coin.


    1. Your friend was in dire need of help and could not make any rational decisions in helping him/herself.

    2. Mak Tin Si is a person that saw an opportunity to prey on the weak.


    There are two sides here. Your friend made a bad decision that is not Mak Tin Si fault. The other side is that Mak Tin Si is probably not a virtuous person.


    Taoism teaches us not to give up our own power to anyone or anything. Once you search outside yourself to get answers there will be tons of people out their to give them to you.


    Before searching outside we need to cultivate inside. Golden rule is if someone like Mak Tin Si is out there charging 2,000 for FU and saying he is practically an immortal. It's probably his own manifestation and he should just be ignored. Otherwise we give him power and our desires create curiosity because we'll say to ourselves "but what if he". The question to yourself should be "but what if I".


    Tao Bless.






    Dear Forum Members,


    The reason why I would like to know more about Mak Tin Si is because one of my friend had paid him over $2000 for talismans and rituals to rid him or bad luck / spirit possession. It didnt work but further aggravates his conditions he's now being admitted to a hospital.


    His family members are deeply concern, this is the reason why I ask with due respect its not a matter of opinion but the truth...


    If MTS is not capable of rendering help please do not get involved and please be honest in the first place, dont be a bloood sucking vampire with empty promises. Karma would catch up with you and you do cause Taoism a bad name.

  18. Yin and Yang is a concept of duality. It can be used to assign definition to any paired opposites. Qi is Qi or vital energy it is also breath. We get differently qualities of Qi through breath, food, cultivation and preservation as well as from our parents.


    Jing can be described as original essence it is also in Chinese medicine bodily fluids.

    As for Qi... there yang qi and yin qi


    Hello everyone,


    Good day.


    I am very interested in the topics of Yin and Yang and have read a lot about the same. But some times I get confused and would like to hear from you guys.


    I have a good idea about Yin and Yang, but what is Jing? and What is Qi? Is Qi different from Yang energy?


    Also I keep hearing about a product called "Dragon Jing" from Ron Teeguarden from many people. What exactly does it do? Have any one tried here before? I read that there are sexual benefits from taking it.



  19. Yep, killing the ego is one of the first step in the book of clarity and stillness in the Longmen Sect of Taoism. You have kill the ego and live outside of being Persecutor, Hero and Victim and playing these parts inward and outward. We are always in this position at any given moment. In our cultivation we want to give up the need to know these positions in order to as my Master says "Live with your spirit in heaven and your feet on earth".


    This is how you tame the mind until there is no mind and you are in stillness.


    Tao Bless


    well i wasnt directing that at you necessarily, i was applying that little teaching to what paul had said. he was saying, imo, that you have to "kill" your ego and that this isnt usually a comfortable experience, and the saying i quoted is in regards to ego projections, the spiritually materialistic type in particular, well imo anyway...