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Posts posted by wudangspirit

  1. I'd like to get some opinions about what you guys think is the traditional Taoist lifestyle.


    There was another post earlier about how to live as a Taoist. But my question is what do people in this forum think is a tradtional Taoist lifestyle and what makes them think come to this conclusion? Have you had traditional training? Read some books? Heard about Taoism on the internet? etc.

  2. To be quite honest. You need to think with your spirit and not your emotions. Taoism teaches us to make clear decision based on the reality of the situation. Love is a very strong emotion and sometimes we can get very attached to it. However, you need to put it all into perspective by seeing what you love more. Your self and your health or the emotion itself.


    I have a saying. "Learn from your past, to live in the present, to see you future." Can you do this?


    From the sound of it, it seems you can already see your future clearly but it gets foggy when you attach to your emotions. See your future by living what life is telling you now.


    Don't give up your power of your self. What decision you make now can effect the outcome of tomorrow. If you are already making spiritual gains on your own then you do not need to get into a confusing and energy draining situation if you are still growing. Stay disciplined in your own cultivation and my recommendation is not to go further in this relationship. The reality of it says it will lead to more hurt.


    Tao Bless


    Hello all,


    I'm new to this board, but have been studying Taoism for years.


    I am currently dealing with a situation that is causing me much pain. I have been in love with a man for a few years, and we were engaged. However, this Summer we had some relationship issues that resulted in our breaking up and both of us were hurt pretty deeply. I was sure at the time that I never wanted to see him again, and made that very clear to him. We have been apart for about 3 months, and during our separation, we both worked to learn more about ourselves. He went to a very good, progressive therapist, who has also taught him transcendental meditation, and apparently he has made great strides in understanding himself mentally and emotionally. He is a very different, much more focused and grounded person these days. I, on the other hand, really threw myself into my spiritual practices and have learned alot about myself also. We are now working to heal the hurts we have experienced, and figure out how to make our relationship work again. Things are going very well, and we're both very happy, once again discussing having a future together and having a family. Here's the issue; While we were separated, his friends decided that they were going to make it their mission to get him over me and our relationship. So, he went out with his buddies one night, had some drinks, was introduced to a woman that his friends knew, and he had a one night stand. The contraception failed and she is now pregnant and refuses to consider an abortion, and has even begun speaking like she expects my partner to be in a relationship with her and be a parent with her. This is not going to happen. He has no desire to even see her again, much less raise a family with her. He hopes that she will make the decision to end the pregnancy, as she is not taking care of her health at all, doesn't seem to care that she's pregnant, and already has one young child that she neglects. He is, however, willing to raise the child himself if he can get custody (which is unlikely), or to take the responsibility and be a present father for that child with as little involvement with the mother as possible. I respect that, but the fact remains that it was a terrible mishap (in his words) and that the child will come into the world under a very difficult set of circumstances for all involved. I am very hurt by all of this, and know that my decision to be involved with the man I have loved for years will now require that I live with the results of his drunken decision for the rest of my life with him. I like to think that I am conscious enough to love any child without conditions, and not carry resentment toward a child that is without fault in the situation, but this is already proving to be VERY difficult for me. I am angry, I am hurt, and I am wondering how I will ever be able to be fully supportive of his being involved in this child's life. Already the mother is making attempts to get between he and I, and sabotage our relationship. I fear that this will never stop. What would you do?


    Much thanks for any insight,


  3. Excellent point! Diddo on that. That is precisely why I listed detachments then proceeded to say "give up the need to know". Simplicity isn't about what you have or do not have materially. It is about how you perceive what you have or do not have or even care.


    Taoism is based on dialectic theory. See and do not see. You live so you have to see but you do not have to attach.


    Hello again LB!


    You said "It really resides in the mind" - a slight agitation i had with this, hence the question, does it really reside in the mind? I am interested to hear where you have come from in this regard. (Would it be helpful to consider that the Tao that can reside *somewhere* is not the real Tao? ;) )


    Sharing is really cool LB. If not this forum would not have taken off! Personally, i tend to adhere to, and promote simplicity as a sustainable platform for spiritual cultivation, be it in intentions, thoughts, words and deeds. It seems to be a good way to travel, and after a few years, one can actually observe the gradual dissipation of all 'sense' desires. This i say from personal experience. I had, at the start of my path, thought that i have an immense need to accumulate as much *knowledge* as i can to arm myself for all the trials and challenges ahead, but i was completely fooled! It is actually how much *knowledge/rubbish* we can discard that really counts! Once we have this understanding firmly habituated, we can have the courage to let go of everything, and... flow. Could this be what is meant by Spiritual Warrior-ship?


    Please share your thoughts on this.


    Thank you.

  4. All of the above are one...


    True Qigong practice combines mind, body and spirit. The goal of Qigong is to prevent or move stagnated (stuck) qi in the meridians in order to have complete qi flow in the body thus allow you to utilize your qi more efficiently. When you do this you can calm the spirit and it allows the body to live free of disease.


    This is achieved by using the Shen (spirit) to guide the Qi (energy) and the Qi to guide the body. When these three are in harmony you achieve Taiji. After you achieve Taiji you will go further and become detached from the process all together and just "do" it. This is returning to Wuji returning to Tao.


    This can be Wu Wei Er Wu Bu Wei or Doing nothing and leaving nothing undone. It is all another stage of internal alchemy and self cultivation.


    I like Wudang Yang Sheng Qigong, Wudang Shen Dian Qigong as well as Hun Yuan Qigong.


    Tao Bless




    Obviously, each of these Qigong meditations are important in their own way, but do you have a particular favorite? I especially enjoy the Spiritual Qigong meditations.

  5. Living life as a Taoist is living with your true spirit. Easy? Let's just say "challenging" instead of "hard". Can you really say you live with your true spirit? Do you love yourself and have you been able to walk with your feet planted firmly on Earth while your spirit guides you from heaven? Have you killed your ego enough to know who you truly are? Can you live now instead of in the past or the future?


    Can you give up the need to know while knowing? Can you live life not giving in to desires that cloud your judgement and take power from you?


    Can you jump with both feet into life and take part 150%? This is living YOUR TAO!


    Many people speak about "Life of a Taoist?" How can one live as a Taoist. What steps, beliefs, clothing, furniture, jobs and etc does one need in order to live "Life of a Taoist?". Thank you!

  6. Jesse,


    I would love to write some articles on Qigong. I have a lot of information to share on the Wudang Qigong system.


    Hey everyone

    I'm looking for people to contribute articles, video/photo features for a website i'm starting called qigong journal.com (it's not live yet). It does not matter if you are a beginning qigong student or an experienced one a qigong teacher or master i'm just looking for people who love to practice qigong. What i would like to see is articles, video/photo features (they don't have to be super long) on different aspect of qigong and styles of qigong,practice tips, qigong stories,benefits of practice etc. Let me know if you have any questions you can PM me or email me at qigongjournal[at]gmail[dot]com




  7. Do not look at your life as hard. Look at it as a challenge. Take back the power of your spirit and yourself. You're giving power to the mundae world. The world is there for the taking. If you're working 60 hours a week and living frugal as you say it may be time you load up your car and look for a job in another city if the rent and bills are that expensive.


    You don't have to give up on life or yourself. Maybe you don't realize you have the power to do anything you want. You make the world you live in. Don't sit around and sulk. Get up, stand up and take control of your life!

    Seek options and see them as a challenge and a challenge means you have options. When you say something is "hard" that means you've given up. Do not give up!


    Your Tao is your Tao. Cultivation is not just sitting around and meditating. Cutlivation is meeting the everday challenges head on with complete and utter virtue. Let your current situation be your cultivation. Learn from the past in order to live in the present so you can see your future!


    Tao Bless



    Dear Fellow Tao Bums,


    Please forgive me if this post is a little emo, I just found this site and just wanted to get my troubles off my chest.I am 23 years old, and it's been my dream for many years to spend my life cultivating and meditating. I work 60 hour work weeks, and it is really taking its toll on me. I make just enough to cover my bills and save a small amount, and I am a pretty frugal person. I don't eat out or wear fancy clothes, I shop at thrift stores, dollar stores, and budget grocery stores. I don't own a TV or phone only a netbook and a cable internet connection. I've got the cheapest rent I can find in my city, and I don't buy anything unless I have to. I just don't know anymore, working so much and having no time or money it is really hard on my soul. I don't know how to get out of this work, sleep, wake, chores, work, sleep cycle. I wake up each morning and just want to give up, I don't really know what to do anymore. At this rate it will take me 25 years or more to be able to afford a home of my own. I don't have the money or time to go back to school and if I did I wouldn't know what to go back for that I would enjoy or feel is an honest living. I am also scared of death, I guess that is why I am seeking cultivation. I don't want to be destroyed with death, I want to live on. Is this selfish and wrong? I am scared the life I am living will never allow me to cultivate a high enough degree to survive death. If that is the case what was the point of this whole life to begin with? Inside I am very scared, and frustrated with my life. What other living options do I have, there has to be a better way than this. Has any bum here managed to find a way to work less and focus on cultivation more, what is your advice?


    Your friend,



  8. I know him personally. We've judged quite a few wushu competitions together. He's a good teacher with a good background in Chinese medicine. He'd be my recommendation in Chicago.




    I'll be moving to the Chicago area soon and I'm looking around for someone to study Tai Chi and maybe some other internal arts with to help supplement my studies of Oriental Medicine. I was wondering if anyone knew anything about Master Hong-Chao Zhang who runs the Chinese Gong Fu Institute.

    If anyone has any recommendations for who to study with in the Chicagoland area I'd love to hear them.

  9. I would have to disagree with this. In Taoism our first step to self cultivation is killing the ego to see your true self. Ego is more than "I am better than he/she". Ego is the notion that you deserve a certain place or space based on your post heaven experiences while letting them identify who you are. That gets in the way of true confidence and self.


    That's a nice way to think about it. Functional, I think, in terms of psychosocial thoughts and interactions and perceived responses by others.


    But, I would say that truly without ego there is simply knowing and being and doing. Confidence or lack thereof has no basis. No place to stick. The ego has to be present in order to feel confidence. The ego must be there in order to feel itself confident.


    In other words. Nice, firm, gentle, guys have egos too, they just don't get called assholes for the privilege. ;)



    This makes sense to me. I know we have to have ego but attachment to it keeps us from seeing ourselve. Thanks. This is very clear.


    Perhaps more to the point of the question is truth.


    Be true to your path. If you have ego, you have ego. It's not bad, it just is. Also, to make a sweeping generalization, we all have ego. So, don't sweat it. It gets less important as you stay true to your path.


    I don't know you Wudan, but if I briefly look at your reflection as I write this, I would say that you have something of value to offer, you are enthusiastic, and want to share. Because of your cultivation, your path has clear parameters.


    If what you choose to present is the truth or at least you are being true to your path in presentation (and the promotion) then you should go forth and expound the virtues of your offering without the diluting it with doubt...or worse loosing it completely by falling into an ego loop of false comtemplation.


    Yea so, I say unto you this: Do not hide your light under a bushel :P



    I teach because it helps me learn more and helps others learn something too. It's a complete exchange.


    Notice if what you do or say is arguing for self importance.


    Do you feel 'special' because you know this stuff? Do you feel special, but try to play it down to seem humble?


    Or do you try to learn more than you teach? Notice more than show?

  10. It is odd how you asked for a Taoist approach to "emptiness" and received mostly buddhist views. Just funny. It doesn't matter.


    You can start with Wuji meditation.


    Sit in lotus, 1/2 lotus or indian style. Make sure your butt is elevated a little. Press tongue to the palate, teeth together. You can use taji handseal or just place "baby fists" on knees. This is lightly held fists.


    Sit upright. Drop your eyelids leaving a slit of light with your eyes focused on the tip of the nose. All your thoughts are on your dantian. Breath in with your nose slowly, using your spirit to guide your qi up the Du Channel then exhale down the Ren Channel. Do this 3 x and on the fourth just watch the Du and Ren Channel. Do this for 27 times or until you've reach total stillness. Don't think anything, feel anything or hear anything. Find a quiet place to do this and do not attach to any feelings or sensations that may occur. Don't worry about time either.


    Tao Bless.


    What really is emptiness meditation? Is it a practice -


    - like vipassana or zazen or watching the breath?

    - is it 'simply' sitting like Shikantaza?

    Or is it the result of a practice? If it is, what leads one to emptiness? Qigong? Zazen?


    Can someone point me to Taoist approach to emptiness meditation - books, articles, audio etc.?


    thank you

  11. Totally agree. Hey Marblehead...we should start our own cult. hahahaha Just kidding.


    Yeah, I agree. Good way of looking at it.


    As a PS note though, confidence sometimes requires not-so-gentle action/reaction.


    Yes, confidence grows from knowing one's capacities and capabilities.


    Peace & Love!

  12. Diddo on the stop masturbating program. Can't say anything about Chia. Don't know him.


    The methods of arousing yourself and then trying to stop it or gain some kind of spiritual link or energy effect are not safe.


    Internal alchemy is about stilling your mind. What you're doing is rowing your boat on a dry creek bed with no chance of filling it up. Motion comes from stillness. How do you expect to gain energy when you've already lost it through feeling and attachment? This will confuse your spirit. The reversal of Kan and Li is about bringing your spirit and conscious mind into harmony so they can work together then that stillness and clarity will help you gain the energy you need and fill the creek bed. How can you expect to cultivate your spirit when your post heaven intelligence has taken full control?


    Just my thoughts.


    Tao Bless


    Here some thoughts:

    Stop masturbating now.

    Masturbation has nothing to do with meditation or any chi work.

    In fact the more you masturbate the more you distance yourself from a true spiritual path.

    Mantak Chia is a total moron and all his sexual kung-fu is garbage. He teaches you smth that he never attained and he didn't attain simply because it's not real. But it sells because it's a convenient approach for weak people. Things don't work that way. The theory is wrong. Sorry.


    Masturbation reflects the big mess that's in your head - so the most dangerous part is the actual mental masturbation that occurs constantly inside you.


    Think about this and understand it - get rid of your sexual imagination and your life will be much better. Continue to play with your penis like a crazy monkey and you'll get nowhere at best.


    Peace, I'm out

  13. Thanks for the reply. Good way to look at it.


    Something I was actually feeling earlier today. And the way I've come to experience it is this-


    Ego- reactive, flighty, fighty, aggressive, volatile

    Confidence- Firm and Gentle.


    Confidence is a beautiful place to be.

  14. During my own cultivation I run into a dilemna from time to time and try to check myself but not sure how to evaluate or just live by what I think is right.


    When you want to spread the word about things you've experienced and share them by teaching them to others because they've worked for you do you often run in to a Ego vs. Confidence fight?


    I like to think I check my ego at the door on most accounts but when you promote yourself or teachings I think you need confidence but show the confidence without ego.


    Any thought or anyone else experience this?

  15. I cannot speak for the status of meditators in China. Most people go to a kung fu school and learn some meditation or find a teacher there to train them. It's not like the movies for sure. The Taoist monasteries in china do no accept Westerners. You may get a teacher from a temple to teach you a lot (if they know english) but you won't live in the temple. For one the government doesn't allow it.


    As for being ordained, the individuals may have well found a Master to ordain them for certain things like ceremonies or other things. But would still not receive the status of the other priests. After all they're Lao Wai.


    As for the visa I think you can get a 3 month visa unlimited entry. I myself received a 2 year unlimited entry that is good for 3 month each stay. Basically you go to Hong Kong get a stamp and come right back.


    I have never lived in China but have been there quite a lot and it would be an adjustment if you do not know the language or the culture. But if you're open and can take it then go for it. However, I do love it there and should the opportunity arrise I would live there.





    Wudang -- Can you please clarify the status of Western meditators in China? For example I've read of Taoist Westerners in the U.S. who trained and ordained in Shanghai Taoist monasteries. But I could find no follow-up. I know other Westerners have posted here from China and continue to do so -- visiting and practicing in Taoist Monasteries.


    I assume you have to know Chinese and then there's visa limits, etc. How many Westerners approximately are in China for long-term meditation -- say beyond 3 months? What's the options for monasteries for Westerners in China if at all?


    And, as you've hinted, independent study there seems quite difficult. What happened to the American who had moved to China, was teaching English and then seeking to train Buddhists -- Westerners to come to China -- forgot his name but he seemed to have disappeared after posting regularly for several months.



  16. Chrisn,


    Who is your teacher? I can personally help with Wudang as I have a lot of connections there. However, most of those places are not condusive to the type of living you are seeking unless you are a local. Most of the authorities will not allow you to live like a hermit there either. But if you just want to get away and stay there for a while and take in the beauty and sort things out that can be arranged.








    I know that this topic has been discussed a few times before already but I thought I could give it a go anyway.

    Since I started practicing Kunlun I had the strong wish to leave society for some time and practice in seclusion. In contrast to all the practices I did before with Kunlun I have the feeling that all I need to do is to "completely" sort things out in order to make progress. What scares me is that I do not know how to survive in the remoteness of the mountains (food, shelter...). If I am going I would choose either Wudangshan, Zhongnanshan or some other chinese mountain as I fel deeply connected to them through my Wudang teacher.

    Your insight, critic or encouragement is highly appreciated



  17. This is based on Wuji and Taiji Theory. Out of Tao came Wuji the state of non-existence or complete emptiness, "infinite potential". Then out of Wuji Yin and Yang were created to complete Taiji "supreme ultimate potential". Out of Taiji cam Liang Yi or separation of Yin and Yang. From Liangyi came Sixiang or the four unknowns then to Bagua and 10,000 things.


    This theory explains the creation of everything Taoist. In Tao Te Ching it says 1 became 2. 2 became 3 and ....10,000. This explains the concept of one thought arising to scattered thoughts. It explains all creation of anything existing in the post heaven world.


    Returning is the motion of the Tao so in cultivation we go from 10,000 back to Wuji back to Tao. Reversing the aging process and growing/cultivating a new spirit.


    This explains cultivation but also aligns with nature. Everything in nature follows this process. So as Laozi says that he cannot define what the Way is so he calls it Tao. You cannot define creation with words but you can experience it's power within yourself.




    What exactly was the role of the Tao in the creation of the universe?



    Now, I can understand the Buddha's concern for suffering. Afterall, he was born into a royal family and lived a most pleasurable life until his first outing into the world of reality and saw all the suffering. But who was causing a lot of the suffering? His Dad! By taking from those who did not have enough and giving it to those who already had too much.


    And I truely do admire the Buddha for giving up all the comfort he had and choosing to live with the common folk and trying to help then ease their suffering.


    Okay, of the three levels you posted about. I discount level 1 as not being suffering. I held that position in that other thread about pain and suffering. Now true, we can choose to suffer as a result of level 1 but that is our choice.


    I disagree with the entire basis of level 2. Again, it is a choice, not universal with all humans. Change is a given. Adapt and survive; stagnate and die. Also, it depends on the pleasure and whether or not it is partaken in excess as to whether or not it will turn into pain. Moderation. The Buddha taught this. And again, I think that pain is being confused with suffering.


    I would absolutely agree with level 3 in general if, but only if, these negative emotions were a part of the individuals virtue (te) but not all people have these emotions so these people will not be suffering as a result. There are many people who have positive virtues as part of their true nature.


    So, bottom line, even though I would agree that if a person is suffering from whatever the cause, Buddhism is an excellent vehicle for the elimination of that suffering. But to generalize all humankind and tell them that they are suffering is far beyond anything I can accept.


    The same goes for the Christian religion. You are born in sin therefore you must be save from your sins. Trash talk. I was born as a result of the love between my mother and father. My birth was totally consistent with the processes of nature. How dare someone say that they know better than the universe about what is a sin and what is not a sin.


    I was once told that I would go to hell if I didn't believe exactly like he wanted mt to believe and accept Jesus as my savior. I told him he could go to hell right now. He left very imbarassed. I continued doing what I was doing before he rudely interupted me.


    If we understand the processes of nature we can adapt to the changes were are going to experience throughout our lifetime. Now that I am a bit older I have some of those old age pains. But I don't regret those pains. I am proud that I have no tpissed anyone off in my life so badly that they wanted to kill me. I am also proud of the fact that I have lived a relatively healthy life so that I have not caused myself any serious health problems. I am also proud of the fact that I have had a great number of experiences, most of which the average man never even gets close to having but at the same time I have taken care to not exceed my capabilities and capacities.


    Can you tell I enjoy talking about this stuff?


    So, anyhow, no one will ever convince me that life is suffering nor will anyone ever convince me that I was born in sin. Therefore I can live my life to its fullest without the restriction of some all-seer. Don't you know that I am also a believer in free will. No karma, no destiny, no limits. We are all born with free will and we all should exercise our free will to whatever limits our external conditions will allow. But!, do it with good virtue.


    Happy Trails!



    I prefer to have Zhang Sanfeng take part in that fight with buddha. hahahahahah

    Laozi and Buddha would probably just smile each other to death..


    As long as there's no punching or kicking below the third chakra - I think its doable - all we need is a big venue and a large karmic purse.



    "There's nothing to fear but fear itself." Heard that before somewhere ha!

    Fear is also an emotion conjured up by post heaven attachment. However we have to know there is fear we just don't have to give into it



    What are these? Some kind of wepons? ;)


    Anyhow, now everyone who has read this thread knows how I feel about suffering.


    And I'll tell you, you ain't heard nothing yet until you hear me talk about 'fear'. Hopefully someone will start a thread on it one day.


    Happy Trails!

  19. Thanks for clarifying. This is almost the concept that we use as "See and don't see". We realize that this world is an illusion brought on by post heaven intelligence. But on the other hand we live here so we have to take part in it 150%. By doing that we can realize our true nature through non-attachment and the balance of heaven and earth. Only when we can give up concept all together are we enlightened. And only the individual experiences enlightenment because our Tao is OUR Tao. There are manifestations in action of the enlightened being but they will never say they are enlightened.


    Thanks again for clarifying your concept.


    With respect, this is a complete misunderstanding of what the 1st Noble Truth is saying. The 'suffering' or dhukka is not about misery and pain (although this might be part of it) it is about conditionality and the temporary nature of phenomena. It is stating a fundamental fact of existence and not a psychological attitude to pleasure and pain. The Buddha's motive in pointing this out was not to convey some kind of miserable outlook - but to explain to people that (as you say) attachment/desire leads to suffering AND this is not necessary. It is not necessary because enlightenment is possible and (in some schools) Buddha-nature is real. The basic Buddhist position is to wish everyone happiness and the causes of happiness/ and enlightenment and the causes of enlightenment. This is actually a cheerful outlook the practice of which makes you feel positive, optimistic and cheerful. This is because although samsara is seen as a cyclical world of suffering - it is illusory, it is based on not being able to see the true nature of things - seeing this, brings liberation (to put it simply).


    I am not by the way suggesting that Buddhism is superior to Taoism, far from it, both are profound and full of good and helpful things. Both have their particular view (not identical but not really contradictory either). Neither should be disrespected - although it is right to point out errors which might occur in either school of though of course.

  20. Suffering is an attachment. In Taoism we practice non-attachment, not denial. We understand that there are ups and downs but sufferage is a state of being a victim. Why victimize yourself? Why give in and tell yourself "Well I must suffer".


    We have options. We don't need to suffer. Live now my brother then you can eventually see what eternity is. Learn from the past to live in the present so you can see your future!


    You will understand what the First Noble Truth is one day in eternity, until then enjoy your path.



    Your path is your path. Enjoy the suffering.


    In Buddhism, we even consider attaining the realm of highly informed bliss heaven realms as a realm of suffering, because it still has the potentiality to re-manifest a hell realm in the future, even after eons of merit burning as a long lived God life. Eons is like trillions of trillions of our years.


    Without direct insight into dependent origination, liberation from the future possibility of intense psychological and physical suffering is not possible... according to Buddhism.

  21. In Taoism there is no concept of suffering. Suffering is another emotion or concept. Suffering is giving up your power to something or someone. Life is a challenge (not sufferage), therefore we have options. We can sit around and mope or still our minds and see clearly the options that lie before us.


    Yes, we are all delusional, everyone to a certain degree. That's why we are here suffering we all have kilesas (defilements): anger, greed, hate, delusion, doubt, conceit, etc. as a result of having thoughts (citta). Train the mind and you'll eventually tame citta and eliminate the defilements.


    I will link these vids from a different thread:



    Mind = Samsara.

  22. Maybe you should spend your time searching your own ego rather than criticize. Or better yet, maybe you should continue to search for someone or something that can show you the way. You may have spent a lot of time or "wasted" a lot of time on something that didn't work for you but maybe meditation has taught you a lesson to keep searching.


    How long did you spend on trying to cultivate this way? Why do you think it didn't work for you? Why do you think it doesn't work for others just because it didn't work for you? Maybe it is not what we do. Maybe it is the issue of what you didn't do.


    Check yourself first before criticizing others. We all came here to earth alone and we will leave alone. Don't worry about what other do by criticizing them. Worry about yourself. If you are okay with yourself then you won't worry about us!




    Ya Mu, if I ever get the funding you're on! But right now I couldnt afford the lab you mentioned for 5 minutes. :lol:

    Now I know you dont wanna hear this, but just thought of it, why not win Randis challenge and fund the research using that million? ;) just a thought.

    The study of qi has been going on for millennia right? So it shouldn't be its infancy, why not get a group of "genuine" masters and high level practitioners and set something up though? something practically undeniable! for the world to see?


    You happen to mention animals, well because I am open minded and willing to experiment contrary to popular belief in this thread :rolleyes: So anyway my dog has 1 bad eye, problem seem to be dry eyes, no tears get produced so this eye slime and whatnot builds up and it seems constantly irritated, its been a few years and no vet can help, best we can do is soothe the irritation, but even then it hurts to see him like that. Please recommend something I could try even as a sceptic. Thank you


    I will probably read the data you posted sometime.



    I will communicate my beliefs and challenge yours, thank you :)




    it does feel pretty good to have mastered the world :rolleyes:

    But seriously, I have taken time, how many times must I repeat this point.....? I just want the time back, or exchange it for some more useful knowledge or skill.


    Maybe I m here to find out what keeps you doing what you do? :P

  23. It is amazing how you have Mastered the world so freely and easily. I'm happy for you that you don't need any cultivation and can see that all of us are "delusional".


    How can you be so certain that you are correct? Your Tao is YOUR Tao anyway. Have you ever thought that maybe other people may know something you do not? Are you so still and content that your ego has been killed? It doesn't seem so.


    Don't pass judgement on something you do not understand or have taken the time to understand.

    By stilling ourselves in meditation it allows us to get to a point that while we are not in meditation that we can see the "real" world in front of us and take part 150% in life. Really enjoying what the world has to offer rather than judging everything and everyone with our ego and post heaven disillusionment.


    You're a beautiful person but you just have to realize it first. All can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. No judgement. This is reality.


    Tao Bless


    Delusions can be fun, but they can also be harmful.


    So before you attack me, hear me out....


    So you have some free time, why waste it "cultivating" what ou can't even prove is real?

    Why not sit down and educate yourself in something that matters like science and math?

    Why not learn some new skills like painting and sculpting?


    You sit there for hours at a time doing nothing/meditating. You learn nothing that way (obviously :lol:). Go out watch some TV do something fun at least sheesh! And yeah some enjoy meditating, well they've had to condition themselves to enjoy it because otherwise no one in their right mind would do it everyday for so long. Just for the record I consider relaxing and reflecting on your thoughts different from meditation since true meditation seems to require an empty mind, no thoughts.


    Chakras....why not learn real medicine, learn about the real chakras, your organs! and stop trying to feel things that are there, but not in some mystical forrm you believe they are. Throw your heart at someone they'll feel it when it smacks them on the head, throw your "heart chakra" at them (if you can find it in the first place :lol:) and they ll feel nothing, because there is nothing there!


    So much energy here is wasted in fairy tales it's kinda sad :(

    I mean a kid has imaginary friends and experiences we have a laugh and tell them the truth, they imagining things. Now an adult has them and we can do anything, because its been labelled a spiritual or religious experience. Whats up with that?! :blink:


    I also see so much "visualisation" type stuff that it makes me wonder how long one must visualise before they buy into their own fantasy! I dont need to visualise light to see it, sound to hear it, pain to feel it etc because they are real! If my dantian was reaal I would feel it, all I feel is my stomach rumbling :lol:

    Can you seriously suggest that the majority of people are born lacking the ability to feel and see stuff like this? Are we born handicapped and need to "cultivate" in order to regain our full power? please!


    Yes I know look at was some awesome masters can do, well they practice martial arts or do exercises that allow them to do these things, its more about conditioning their body rather than cultivating! I wanna see someone who cultivates their body without conditioning it do some crazy thing like a 1 finger pushup or whatever.


    As for some of the masters seen doing mystical things on video, well if they ve done it for the camera why not do it one more time for some top and i mean TOP! scientists to see?!? Dont give me that "they wont listen to us" stuff because all they have to do is walk up to them, there is no need for the first meeting to be some kinda formal encounter. Just g to the top biologist and zap him with some bio energy, he ll make time for you then!


    And yes monks dry wett cloth in really cold conditions etc, but thats because they ve mastered their bodies functions. We can all raise our bodies temperature for example, not at will but we can, go get a fever you ll see! No energy none sense needed!


    This is getting long, so I should end it! The more I look into this stuff the more it seems like some kinda cult, it may not harm you, but lets just say you could be spending your time doing something better and being happier as a result, you may think you re happy thanks to this stuff, but you re just being happy because you re delusional.


    I dont mean to offend any of you, and chances are I wont, because my words probably wont break through the barrier of delusions built over time. I hope you read the whole post, sorry its long...


    Thank you for reading