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Posts posted by wudangspirit

  1. Mal,


    According to Taoist internal theory, between 11 - 1 on both sides of the clock are the ideal times for meditation. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. is when "qi" runs through the heart channel and is good for you to relax the mind and open up the channels through meditation. 11 p.m. - 1 p.m. is also good to open up the channels and get a good meditation.


    Of course you have to do what works for your schedule.






    Hi All,


    I remember someone writing that they use to get up at 3am to meditate and then go back to sleep afterwards. I've been thinking about this, gave it a go and I find that it's working out o.k. for me so far (but only a 2 day trial so far) It's sort of like my body does not notice that it's missing out on sleep, seems easier than waking up early to meditate.


    Anyone got any info on how well this sort of thing goes long term? I always get up 2 or 3 times a night anyhow which is why I thought of trying this might be o.k. for me

  2. Seadog,


    Buddhists shave their hair to acknowledge that they have transformed from earthly possessions and mundane wordly things to a life of renouncement and peace.


    Daoist Priests have long hair because that is a symbol of their immortal life from generations and generations. Their hair comes from their ancestors so out of respect they don't cut it. That is just one point of this. There are other reasons.


    Native Americans share this same view. You don't cut your family or tribe out of your life and it's your family genes that gave you that hair.




    Today on the teleovision the Dali Lama was speaking at a press club luncheon. While studying the Dali Lama and his aide (also a monk) who helps him with English, I couldn't help but notice how shiny both their heads were.I'am not talking just a bit of gleam from the lights but full on crystal ball shiny.

    This got me thinking about hair or the lack of it.Why is it Buddahist monks shave their heads and daoist monks are often pictured with long hair?

  3. WYG,


    Although you may have some vibration in your dantian it is important not to attach to the feeling. That may at first be a sign that you are progressing but if you keep you mind on that it may turn into a manifestation of your own mind.


    Practicing internal the correct way will sometimes give you such feelings however you need to stick to your goal and not attach to anything that way you can progress to the next level.


    See and don't see, feel and don't feel. Tell yourself "that was weird" and move on.


    Tao Bless,








    Do any of you get vibration in the dan tian?


    Lately more so in the last few months my Dan Tian vibrates so strong i keep thinking i have a mobile phone in my pocket or something. I dont know what it is and it isnt giving me pain or discomfort but it sometimes small sometimes as much as a phone would give off.


    any feedback would be cool?



  4. Freeform,


    According to thw Wuxing (5-Element) Theory of Classical Chinese Medicine, you may want to look into promoting your Liver. The Liver will manifest in the eyes if there is a problem. You can also improve eyesight by also promoting the Liver.


    What you're doing is good to rest the eye muscles for sure. You may want to try making tea from Gou Qi Zi (pronounced Go Jee). Steep a handful of these great fruit in boiling cup of water and drink it on down. You'll be amazed at how quickly this will clear your eyes. I do this myself as I too work in front of a computer all day.


    Hope this helps! Tao Bless!




    I work in front of the computer for a good 8 hrs a day - my eyes invariably get really tired. I sometimes massage around the eye socket and then cover the eyes with my palms (warmed up by rubbing) to relax them... (Also, I try to gaze into the distance when on breaks - this relaxes them a bit...)


    I tend to have quite bloodshot eyes, whether I'm using the computer or not... As well as that I have these visible dark purple circles right under the eyes - and although they can get better or worse they always tend to be there to some extent (or at least they have been since my early teens)...


    Can you guys help out? Any tips for initially healing and then maintaining their health would be greatly appreciated...


    (I once came across an interesting machine that acted like a biofeedback device for the eyes - not sure how it worked, but it analysed how you're focusing, and when you're doing it optimally it makes a noise - the idea is to train yourself to keep the noise constant, in different ranges of focus - apparently they used this on snipers and pilots... I completely lost any reference to this, so if anyone knows anything about it, I'd be interested...)

  5. mewtwo,


    There are no bonafide taoist monasterys in the US. My Master Yun Xiang Tseng has plans for building one. He is currently raising funds to do that. He's a real priest from Wudang.


    go to www.wudangtao.com


    tao bless!



  6. Wudang Immortal,


    There are some people in the US claiming to be real Wudang teachers however there is only one Master from Wudang in the US.


    You can go to www.wudangtao.com to find out more. He's a certified Wudang priest from Wudang and my Master also.


    Good luck and Tao Bless!



  7. :) Just wanted to say hello to everyone. My name is Wudangspirit. I'm a 26th Generation Taoist initiate in the Wudang Longmen Neidan Pai (Dragon Gate Internal Elixir School) under Master Yun Xiang Tseng (Chen) who is a 14th Generation Wudang Zhang Sanfeng Taoist Priest and 25th Generation Longmen Pai Priest.