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Posts posted by wudangspirit

  1. I think it is important to note that what we call the "yin/ yang" symbol in the West is not a Yin/Yang it is called Taiji (Tai Chi). That will make more since to us if we explain the theory more by calling Yin and Yang separated as Liang Yi and so on and so forth.


    Once the process of creation is formed then we will also understand the notion of "returning" as our goal is to become immortal. Getting from 10,000 myriad things to Taiji is quite a feat in itself.




    Yin and Yang are important concepts, and I love the symbol. There is a pitfall though, right? By using our concise symbol it's easy to forget that Yin and Yang are just names, and that there are not simply two elements in existence. To me the key concept is that of shared existence, one cannot exist without the other. That and, nothing is wholly of one element. Everything has uncertain components, eh.

  2. Some good points and totally agree! Shen in chinese means spirit. The duality of Yin and Yang in separation stages as described below is called Liang Yi. If we can return to Wuji through transmuting jing to qi and qi to shen we can eventually break out of the cycle and our spirit can be immortal.


    The theory of creation applies to all things in existence. Wuji - Taiji - Liang Yi - Wuxing- Bagua - 10,000 things. So we have to go back to stillness. From stillness comes motion and perfect the quality then can be transmuted and eventually give birth to our spirit.


    No matter how we emphasize, the importance of yin and yang in Taoist practice will never be exaggerated. As most people know, in Taoist theory , our existence is composed of qi (visible and materialized on a lower level as a physical body ) and spirit .While qi is said to be the yang side of us , the yin side points to the spirit of our existence , before its having reached Enlightenment .


    Without the concentration and skillfully applications of our spirit , qi can't be initialized; on the other hand, , without the help of qi , our spirit can't be changed and upgraded to Shen / Enlightenment. The elevation and improvement of our spiritual power in the process, without the help of qi , will unlikely be everlasting ,and , probably generating some kinds of mental troubles, even disorders. The Chinese saying : " 道高一尺, 魔高一丈 " ( Any uplift of the force of Tao is overtaken /counteracted by the further enhancement of Evil) refers to this potential danger . On the contrary,the expansion and polishing of qi , without the help of a high-quality spirit, is impossible. And, incorrect spiritual instructions , for instance, thinking that we can deliberately circulate qi on some routes we prefer , likely lead us to disasters.


    So, the balance of yin and yang is always crucial . Understanding of the theory enable us to anaylse troubles and act correctly in our practice ; its importance should never be underestimated .

  3. Your Tao is your Tao. I hope your find it and it brings peace to your spirit.


    Tao Bless you




    To everyone with actual advice, Thank You.


    To everyone with criticism for my views on humanity, your thoughts have been noted.


    To goldisheavy,


    I don't think brutal honestly would seriously allow me to accomplish my goals and only stand hinder them. Losing a job isn't going to help matters. I need a place to shower and wash my cloths and cook my food, in order to maintain a job. Also being brutally honest about my world and religious views e.g. the world we live in is an illusion, or the idea of self is an illusion all identities and therefor people are illusory etc would most likely wind me up in a mental institution for some sort of dissociative disorder even those are valid Buddhist concepts. Even though institutionalization might have some perks, having my neurons fried out with neurotoxic chemicals and violent electroshock therapy would most likely end any chances of liberation this life-cycle.


    This whole existence is a giant game, those that don't play by the rules set forth by this society are violently punished, and swept under the rug to keep them out of the site of other people. People caught in this illusion have a vested interest in maintaining it.


    So I have a role to play here if I want to maintain some degree of freedom. I have to pretend to be a normal person, I have to look and act respectable to maintain employment, I have to chum it up with my roomates and help them with their daily drama. I don't really see an alternative, unless I were to inherit some large sum of money or win the lottery.


    Sure being myself, and being honest might feel good and be liberating in a psychological sense, it would (or so I believe) have the opposite effect in a spiritual and real world sense.



    Maybe you could watch the original planet of the apes and that movie idiocracy each about ten times, then go to sleep. Maybe you would dream a dream of being trapped in a society of ignorant shit flinging apes, and being dependent upon their society for survival. Every day pretending to be one of them, but in your heart knowing your not.


    I don't really know if china could offer me anything I don't already have. There society seems worse in terms of personal freedom than ours. I am sure they might have some great masters there, but I have no idea how to find and test them, if I did find one I deemed advanced enough, he would have no obligation to teach me.

    My biggest complaint about car living, was when I experienced a breakdown for more than a day I was homeless. The cost of car repair and maintenance, and rental fees still is very expensive.


    Also having to keep a gym membership to shower, and eating mostly canned foods, run ins with police asking why I am parked in some rural isolated dirt road, police harassment in general, all take their toll on a person.


    I decided in the end it was less of a hassle to live with other people and have a place to shower, wash clothes, refrigerate and cook food, than it was to live in my car.

  4. I see your point but I hope you are just not experiencing a deep state of depression. I say what I say from the heart to another human being. If that is your Tao that is your Tao.


    Do you have enough $$$ to get yourself to China? If so, maybe some of your friends here at Tao Bums can arrange something for you.


    Tao Bless,




    I want to live a minimalist existence. I don't like people and socializing. I do not think a 40 hour work week is conducive to my spiritual goals, so I am seeking to change my environment. I am willing to work a few days a week, and I don't want to be a parasite on anyone. I fail to see how this is running away from anything.

    Meditation is the only time I feel truly at ease. I don't like most people, but then again people who seek liberation aren't most people.

  5. Pie Guy,


    It seems you haven't found the balance. Getting aways from what it reality is not the answer. You have to apply the philosophy to your current situation and still you rmind. Running away from the outside world isn't going to let you run away from yourself.


    More cultivation will show you that. If you goal is to get some land and become a hermit then the reality is just as you said already. You'll have to partake in real life and work for what you want. That is true reality.


    Cultivating yourself to live in the real world is the ultimate in self cultivation and living the true Tao. If you do the work you'll see clearly through to your goal and learn to detach from emotion.


    Don't play a game of Hero, Persecutor and Victim of your self. Breaking free of that is true liberation.


    Tao Bless,




    Dear Taobums,


    I am looking to spend the rest of my life with as little real world responsibility as is humanly possible. I want a nice place where I can meditate and not be bothered. I don't mind holding down a part time weekend job, or even working double shifts on weekends.


    Are there any communities which would be supportive of this lifestyle. I only own some books, a car and a laptop, and my clothes and personal belongings. Everything I own fits nicely in my trunk. I've tried living out of my car, and thats not so bad. However it becomes problematic, when it breaks down.


    I've tried renting rooms from people but that also doesn't seem to work out so well, with all the drama and such.


    I welcome your ideas.



  6. Thanks for the kind words about Master Chen. I to am now bobbing and weaving. That cat is pretty good. Hhahahahah.


    Tao Bless


    Chen is a good teacher. I enjoyed meeting him. I looked into some of his meditation stuff but prefer what I learned from Max and Jenny. But from spending a little time with one if his students in Atlanta who moved to Wudang Mountain I could definetly tell his students were getting alot out of studying with him.

  7. Under the two main umbrellas of Taoism there is Zheng Yi and Quanzhen

    Under Quanzhen there are numerous sects:

    At Wudang you have Longmen (Dragon Gate) Zhang Sanfeng (known for martial arts) Baxianmen (8 Immortal Branch) and so forth.


    Zhang Sanfeng Branch is a sect of Taoism?


    It would be interesting to understand what kinds of things are taught in the Zhang Sanfeng Branch. (No doubt I can already guess it has some extremely respectable martial arts)

  8. I wrote yesterday that I wasn't going on that trip. However, I will be in Wudang at the same time now as my Master will on his trip (Master Chen) so we're going to join him for the Wudang portion.

    I've been there with him in the past and Wudang is wonderful. Master Chen is a direct lineage holder of the 14th Generation Zhang Sanfeng Branch as well as 25th Generation Wudang Longmen Branch. When you're at Wudang with him their is much respect shown for Master Chen and you'll get to go places that tourists don't get to go.


    Tao Bless,




    Wow, enlightened at 16??? :blink:


    And actually, that's not a bad itinerary simply from a sightseeing perspective:


    Wudang Shan




    Emei Shan


    All places still on my long "to see" list in China...

  9. Master Chen is a very genuine priest from Wudang with a loving and caring demeanor. I've been a close student of his for many years and I cannot say enough about him. His coming trip will be an excellent journey for sure. Unfortunately this year I won't be going as my wife and I are going to China earlier before that and will get to Wudang before the group does.


    However, keep up with the blogs...there may be something there for you...


    Tao Bless,


    Wudangspirit - 26th Generation Wudang Longmen Sect


    Ok, I was looking up this Master and guess what I found? I found that he has a blog.


    So far I like what I see there! :) This guy seems to be really sharing! So I thought I would put a link to his blog here:




    I love the 03/04/09 post. I can't wait to read the rest.


    EDIT: Oh well, I guess it was too good to be true. I found plenty to disagree with on the 02/04/09 post. This is why I don't follow any Master.


    Still, I have to say even with some foobars like on 02/04/09, I really like this guy. He seems genuine and passionate and not a wuss.

  10. Zai Jian

    Tao Bless


    Tao kou Tao Feichang Tao

    Ming kou Ming Feichang Ming


    It seems my presentation pricked somebody here, or perhaps the truth I disclosed exposes some frauds naturally. Anyway, I think it is the time for me to leave here for at least a few months.

    The world is full of conflict, full of pain now, take care, guys!

  11. You can send an email to my Master who is a known healer and Qigong Master at Wudang if you're in that part of the country. His website is www.wudangtao.com.






    I would be pleased if someone would be kind enough to recommend

    a seasoned and compassionate chi kung teacher in Asia that I could

    learn from.


    I will be traveling throughout Asia, training various martial arts but more interested

    in developing the internal skills.


    I will be in Thailand, China, Taiwan,Vietnam and Indonesia.


    Thank you kindly.



  12. Brother Lin,


    Tao Bless you man! That's all I need to say. Oh, yeah. I need to add this as well... You are right on every level and one who attains need not to talk. Teaching no talking. Cultivation is within not without. It is for ourselves to cultivate our Tao or Buddhahood.


    We need not to play a game with charlatans. We don't need to give up our own power to someone or something that does not share the same air and nature we breathe.


    Thanks for your comments on Li Jiong. This person will never wake up from his dream.




    Nice. Very nice. Yes, it is a me that wrote many words..really? How much more word play is

    going to be used.


    Directly expounding the teachings, living beings remain confused. In the confusion they claim others to be confused.


    Looking through dust, one sees dust.

    When will living beings just stop looking through?






    One must master him/herself first in order to master others. then once he/she master's themselve they will give up the need to master others. That takes loving and forgiving yourself first. Heal yourself first Li Jiong and Tao Bless you.


    So glad to hear that you haven't learned any secrets of the universe from this topic, I just want to help saveable ones, I am not interested in enlightening someone beyond redemption.

  13. I don't think anyone should be banned. At least he's entertaining. If he thinks he's the only one who can attain the level he thinks he has attained then that's his business. At least we are entertained and get hours of conversation out of it.





    What do you guys think.

    This forum is giving him free advertising which gives him opportunity to prey on individuals with little experience.

  14. Wow, you must be an immortal now being able to shed your body whenever you want and travel the cosmos! Wowwwww!!!!. I don't think anyone who has accomplished this goal would post it on an online discussion board. What are you trying to prove. We're not that naive.




    About two years ago, we walked on a mountain, my teaher found an anthropomorphous Heshouwu, he pulled it out to me, and said I would need it soon. I soaked it into liqueur, about a year later, I achieved the sixth step, formed my own small Xuanji Matrix. My teacher said it was the time to drink it. I drank all the liqueur within 3 days, and praticed all the time in these days. I saw gallant scene of Xiantian Qi (we can call it negative mass matter too) first, everytime when I closed my eyes, I saw these light points flow nicely around by body, they strengthened my Xuanji Matrix rapidly. To the third day, suddenly, I saw there was a baby in my Dantian, and later, it rised up slowly, and went out from my crown. And then, I feel my body disappeared, there is just a colours baby on the sky. Didn't know how many time passed, the nice baby alighted from the sky slowly, and then I could feel my body again. When I opened my eyes, it was very dark outside, it was late at night already, I remembered that I started practice at dusk.I know it is my spiritual baby, from that day on, I can feel the baby anytime, and everyday, I let my spiritual baby go out my body once.

  15. Li Jiong,


    Just wondering how you know you're the only school who can do this? What gives you this idea?




    As far as know, from the first step to the fifth step, many schools have systemic and efficient methods, of course, some may fast, some may slow, some may easy, and some may difficult, some may safe and some may dangerous, but if you follow an authentic school, it is possible for you to achieve "the great Heavenly Orbit (Da Zhou Tian)" level early or late. But nowadays, the cultivation methods to achieve the sixth step and above are available in our school only.

    So actually, for the practitioners of other schools, it is almost impossible to cultivate the spiritual baby successfully. If one claims he has cultivated Yang Shen, mostly he is lying.

  16. I would go to the Taoist College at Wudangshan to continue my formal training and be an official priest. Plan on doing that once our temple is built in the US anyway but I'd like to go through the formal training there. Can go through some of it right now but not all yet.


    Wudangspirit (Zhong Xu)



    If you could go to study anywhere, and study any (existing) major that you wanted without any troubles, what would you do?


    I took the entrance exam for the Therevada Buddhist Missionary University in Yangon Myanmar when I lived in Korea and got accepted but never went.


    There's also a Buddhist college in Hat Yai, south Thailand that seemed pretty good.


    These days I feel like I would like to do academic research on entheogens, study chinese medicine, check out a few of the martial arts degree programs, etc.


    If there were no bar, what would you study and where would you study at?


    Strictly for personal fulfillment - not for finding a job or whatever.

  17. Yep and I was purely talking of the training that I have had, not from your book or Master Wang's lineage. All the branches do have different methods. I was stating what I was taught, not of my interpretation. So please make it clearer next time where you are coming from okay.








    I just wanted to point out what you said is unrelated to Master Wang lineage, it's not meant as a criticism but i was merely stating a fact. I learnt directly from Shen Laoshi who learnt directly from Master Wang, so i know that what you described has nothing to do with the teachings we have.



    p.s. also Longemn Pai is really big and has many sub-branches, not every branch has transmission of Ling Bao Bi Fa.





    In the Wudang Longmen Sect we especially practice Taiji, Qigong, Neijiachuan(internal kung fu) and Alchemy training. They are a complete system so we practice them all.






    Sorry i missed your post on page one that explains the basics of Huan Yuan! :)


    Also do you learn any type of moving meditation such as Dao Yin or Taiji as part of cultivation?







    We have a full system of training. However, it's always best to learn that from a true teacher. I would say learn that from my Master but that would be biased. If it's Wudang methods however, he is the one to go to. If it's other sects or practices, I don't know.


    We can discuss offline if you're really interested.




    quote name=Spirit Ape' date='Oct 1 2008, 02:10 PM' post='81231]



    Please keep posting i enjoy reading your information!


    I have one question since you been through the stages already, can you tell us without giving away too much secrets of course if there is any what type of exercises or methods you do for the Huan Yuan at the beginning? Is it standing or sitting practices, moving seated or standing practices?


    Are they like Tao Yin with meditation (stillness)?


    Thanks very much!


    Spirit Ape

  18. I won't argue with anyone however, I too am from the Longmen sect and I have gone through this training. I don't study from books or translation however, may read them for pure fun.


    This is a pretty bold statements made from someone I don't know. I was putting it into the simplest form I could for people to understand.


    I am open for suggestion however, I'd keep my comments to myself if you do not know who you are talking about (me). I don't go by literal translations and books. I go purely by what I am taught and I share some of that with people who really want to know not with those who already know everything.


    Tao Bless you!




    The only comments i have are


    (1) Thomas Cleary has already translated the same things in Opening the Dragongate p.83, 93-94.

    (2) Merging yin and yang is a mistranslation of Pipei Yin Yang both literally and practically. Cleary translated it as "pairing the yin and yang" and i believed i translated it as "matching yin and yang" on my blog.

    (3) what wudansiprit said about yin xian fa is his own interpreatation, it's unrelated to Master Wang's lineage and is certainly different from the actual methods.

    (4) contact me if you want to learn yin xian fa :lol:

  19. I would suggest finding someone who has training firsthand in the Dragon Gate Sect. Translating this books are good for reading but you should have someone tell you what they actually mean. Someone who can give you what the correct training would be from square one.


    Tao Bless,





    I was wondering if anyone here had any basic information about longmen pai, and what its training and levels entail.

  20. Cameron,


    You're correct I am a close disciple of Master Chen's. Corinne is my lineage sister. I wasn't by any means going to switch systems however, just wondering about Kunlun because there seems to be a lot of talk about it here and wanted a little perspective on it.


    I really appreciate the insight and feedback.




    Hi Wudangspirit,


    Your in Master Chen's lineage correct? I did a class with Master Chen's disciple in Atlanta, Corrin. She explained to me some basics of the system and I think she picked up on the Kunlun vibe from me. She said "Oh, is it like Osho meditation? I don't think I need that". Now, I know nothing of Osho meditation except that it is a more active type of movement, spontaneous dance practice. From my experience with Corrin and Master Chen, who I met in Atlanta several months ago, you guys really emphasize stillness in the beginning along with Tai Chi/martial forms.


    It sounds like Master Chen really promotes the micrcosmic orbit as a foundation practice also.


    Kunlun is a very unique type of energy, almost like a magnetic force. A downward spiral. Chris, Kunlun's main promoter, has called it a downward flowing snake. I guess you might consider Kundalini or the microcosmic orbit an upward flowing snake.


    IMHO, if your deep into the Chen stuff, you should stick with it. I actually tried getting into some of Chen's stuff while in Atlanta but felt I was too deep on the Kunlun path. The energies, though perhaps not incompatible, do feel somewhat different and the bottom line is Kunlun and the other Max practices keep you busy with more than enough to practice for years or a lifetime.


    I presume Master Chen's practices and alchemy training would be the same. A deep practice that isn't missing anything. But I don't know much about it except for a qigong DVD I watched and some stillness practice Chen asked us to do.