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Everything posted by wudangspirit

  1. gong fu

    Wenwu, I started my martial arts training at age 6 with my chinese/vietnamese neighbors. I learned some internal kung fu systems and preying mantis gong fu. I practiced that for about four years then started learning qigong from an old chinese man that happened to be a grandfather of a friend. However, my hardcore training started around the age of 13 in Shaolin 5-Animal Gong Fu. For the last 8 years I've practiced wudangquan internal gong fu. Wudangquan is part of my Taoist practice and is just as fast moving as the external forms however is internal with snappy moves using fajing. Gong fu is a way to cultivate yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. As a part of the daily Taoist regimen at Wudang it is a way to immortality. Tao Bless, Wudangspirit
  2. fitness

    Wenwu, I usually walk everyday briskly. I jog 10-15 mins everyday before my hard qigong workout (brutal), practice my wudangquan forms, and do taiji everyday. I mix that with good old fashion sit ups and I'm good to go. Diet is very important. Lowering the sugar intake and eating balanced meals. Tao Bless, Wudangspirit
  3. Asking who I am is a bullshit

    In Taoism this is also practiced. It is one of the first steps to non-attachment and non-doing. You have to forget yourself in order to reveal your true self. After you done that you will no longer ask the question nor have the need to ask "who am I". I wouldn't criticize other practices unless you know what those practices are really trying to do. Maybe it's just not for you. Taoism is a very narrow and disciplined path. Not sure about all the buddhist practices but I'm sure you'd also say the same about Taoism. You would really miss out on life if everytime something seem impossible you just wouldn't try. Don't sell yourself short. Maybe something disciplined and hard is worth doing. Wudangspirit
  4. I can't find a good Taoist sword!

    Those swords are the Zhong Kui (Ghost Killer) swords. I had a couple earlier this year but have given them away. Sorry. If I come across anymore I'll let you know and can arrange to get you one. Tao Bless, Wudangspirit
  5. Mao Shan Pure Heart

  6. Women: You can't live with them,.....

    Interesting story and I can see your point on some levels man but you cannot miss out on life like Ron J says. Follow your Tao and don't miss life. What are you worried about anyway? Life is here to be enjoyed but just don't take it to extremes. If you like this girl and are afraid of having sex with her that is "your" problem and "your" ego. Maybe she doesn't even want to have sex with you. But you'll never know unless you go for it. If you are afraid of wanting to have sex with her then you need a lesson in discipline. However, there's nothing wrong with a couple of consenting adults man. Tao Bless Wudangspirit
  7. Is there a Heaven and Hell?

    WYG, Don't attach to these things. Continue to cultivate Dao. Sit in stillness and forgive yourself. YOUR DAO is YOUR DAO! Wudangspirit
  8. Taoist groups in USA

    Brother Lin, Thanks for the information. I would be really interested as in finding out if they were real working temples. Yes Laoshi Chang has that school in Hawaii. I was hoping to visit her someday just haven't gotten around to it. I will be visiting Wudang sometime this year or next and hope to share some photos with you and the rest of the gang. Hope to spend some time there in some special places that I know of there. Dao Bless, Wudangspirit (Taoist Name Zhong Xu)
  9. Waterfall Meditation

    Taiji on the beach and doing alchemical meditation by a huge waterfall such as Niagara are two different things. Maybe you're just more powerful than the nature around you? Hhhahahah...just kidding. Everyone has different experiences....just sharing mine. Wudangspirit
  10. Taoist groups in USA

    Hopefully my intentions were not miscommunicated. You are all very correct when it comes to Taoism and cultivation. What I'm referring to is religious affairs ceremonies etc. There aren't any of that kind in the US. That I am sure of 100%. Those original scriptures have to be said in a specific way and in Chinese. Unless you're those people versed in traditional chinese, Fu writing and traditional teachings then they cannot provide these services. By that I mean a working temple. As for the cultivation of Tao, Internal Alchemy and such...of course anyone has the right and potential and can start a place of cultivation. And I totally agree to the extent of government officials running the CTA however, "real" Taoist priest also have to go through testing and academic learning in order to become priests. Those affairs are looked after by the CTA and local Taoist associations related to the areas temples. Dao Bless, Wudangspirit
  11. Waterfall Meditation

    Although it sounds like a great experience and idea, I wouldn't recommend it. Trying to meditate next to such a powerful place can really be damaging to your qi. Honestly I'd find a smaller place in the park with a little less power. Nature is powerful and can be great but you need to respect it as well. I don't think too many people can take on such a place. I once tried doing Zhuang Zong standing meditation in front of the great pyramids in Egypt and that was a bad idea...knocked me right on my but. The ocean will have the same effect. Just my opinion. Wudangspirit.
  12. Daoist Nutrition Programs (homestudy)

    WYG, I just read this and don't know too much about it but I do know that coconut oil is loaded with saturated fats. Not sure if you want to put that into your body Wudangspirit
  13. Why is there so much evil in the world?

    Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness. All can know good as good only because there is evil. Therefore having and not having arise together. Difficult and easy complement each other. Long and short contrast each other; High and low rest upon each other; Voice and sound harmonize each other; Front and back follow one another. Therefore the sage goes about doing nothing, teaching no-talking. The ten thousand things rise and fall without cease, Creating, yet not possessing, Working, yet not taking credit. Work is done, then forgotten. Therefore it lasts forever. Tao Te Ching
  14. Taoist groups in USA

    As of right now there are no sanctioned or working Daoist Temples in the US. What I mean by sanctioned is recognized by the China Taoist Association in Beijing who is the governing body of religous Taoist affairs in China. There may be some shrines or the such but no working temples with real priests. However there my master (I know I know I keep plugging him but he's the only sanctioned priest in the US right now) is raising funds to build a real working temple in Colorado. I just recently set up the St. Louis Taoist Association but haven't organized anything as of yet just some neigong (tai chi, qigong, meditation) classes. My association is based on the teachings of the Wudang Longmen Neidan Pai (Wudang Longmend Internal Elixir School) Jeffery Yuen is also a Taoist who teaches TCM also a lot of alchemy practices and has a good command for translating the older practices into modern language. Wudangspirit
  15. Why I Seek Power

    Diddo on your comment! I don't think a so called "enlightened" person will ever claim that they are "enlightened" or really ever know they are however will just go through a change and accept it. I think enlightment can be attained however in many levels. Who knows? your TAO IS YOUR TAO and no one elses. Wudangspirit
  16. Daoist Nutrition Programs (homestudy)

    WYG, As a Taoist initiate of the Wudang Sect, I too have ask some of the Masters at Wudang as well as my own who is a Wudang Priest and the answer to the Taoist diet is just as simple and as complicated as the question "What is Tao?" Taoist nutrition is based on simplicity and balance. You should stay middle of the road in flavor and spice. Don't eat anything to pungent and stay away from as many preservatives as you can. When eating, eat to your 75% capacity of fullness so your qi can help you digest the food without leaking the qi. You should pick as many locally grown things as possible and in season. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and smaller portions of meat. Don't eat raw vegetable or overcooked. Make sure that you have a balance of flavor in your meal and eat plenty of herbal supplemented soups. This will be in accordance to the Wuxing (5-Element) Theory. Hope this helps. Wudangspirit
  17. anyone know any good places to meditate in guangdong?

    Where in Guangdong are you staying? What city? There are a lot of beautiful places to go in Guangdong. Let me know. My wife is from there and actually she spent here whole life there until this December. Let me know. Wudangspirit
  18. qigong for slipped disk

    Xuesheng, Yes you are correct in everything you say and I don't think you're being disrespectful. I think we have before and after MRIs availabe for this. During this procedure we also allow the patient to rest for quite a while and take herbal treatments for recovery. These skills are very rare so you do have a right to be skeptical. However, my Master has also been considered a national treasure in medicine when he was in China. There are some things you just cannot explain and these skills are taught and learned from generation to generation and not just any "joe" can learn them. Those skills come from a long line of masters practicing the tradtional bone setting skills and medicine from Shaolin, the real temple not the commercial, business like monks you see these days. Wudangspirit
  19. qigong for slipped disk

    Amansaari, I work on these things all the time. a slipped disk isn't something to take lightly and can cause permanent damage if not taken care of at early stages. I suggest you have someone that is versed in this type of ailment professionally take a look at it. I work part time in a chinese medical clinic where we perform traditional bone manipulation procedures for this. Usually that involves traction by stretching to opposites of the vertebrae and having the doctor put that disk back in place by hand. This is a rare procedure and can only be done by someone versed in traditional bone setting procedures from china or other countries. Have a professional take a look at it. I don't encourage surgery as some Western doctors will recommend. If it comes to that and you have no other sources contact me. Wudangspirit
  20. Real Kan Li practise?

    WYG, What specifically are you asking about? Kan and Li are a part of immortal cultivation just meaning the fire/water process in immortality practice. The intention is for us to use the firing process in order to unite the two opposites of kan/li. Sometimes called united the tiger and dragon. Wudangspirit
  21. Taoist Discussion

    I've been on this discussion for a little while and participate a little here and there. There seems to be a pretty good group of people here with there hearts in the right place. This is the reason I stay. However, can someone shed some light for me on things that maybe I know nothing about but seem not to be Taoist (Daoist) at all? There seems to be a lot of "new age" topics and such discussed here. Most of the time I have nothing to say about that but it seems that our title here is Tao Bums and we have great forums like Taoist Discussion. Just wondering if we can keep the subject matter narrowed to Taoism. For the most part it seems that we do but there has been an influx of "new age" topics. Someone enlighten me on this? Tao Bless, Wudangspirit
  22. Taoist Discussion

    Okay Okay Okay.... You all have good points. My intention isn't to change the forum because I do think it is great. However, I just think that people should really check out what they're getting themselves into and check out the lineages and history on what they're doing. Just concerned about our fellow Tao Bums! There are a lot of Charlatans out there that will get a lot of false histories and partial systems and make up their own and tie it into a certain sect or practice. This can be dangerous. My suggestion is to really do the research on these people and practices. Wudangspirit
  23. Taoist Discussion

    Point taken however my intention was to bring across the point that some of the older practices have been discussed and taken out of context and made into "new" ways of practice. Those new ways may harm people because they do not know the full intention of the practice of the origin. Wudangspirit
  24. How to recognise a taoist master

    A real Taoist Master teaches you how to find the master within your own spirit and will guide you how to master your own life. Remember "masters" are humans. Extraordinary humans, but nonetheless, humans. They will guide you or steer you on the right path. It is still ultimately your discipline and perserverance that allows you to stay on that path. Taoism looks at the world as a mirror of your perception. We talk a lot on this forum about physical practice however that is just one piece to the puzzle. You must find a master who can guide you spiritually to help you find your true self and help you kill your post heaven ego. Cultivation is about building the physical in order to live long enough to rebirth the spirit. If your body is not healthy then your spirit will find somewhere else to go. However, if your spirit is not connected your body will also fall apart. This is also explained by the theory of Tai Chi. A true master is someone who can help you master all of these things and help you take complete control of your own destiny and life. Wudangspirit