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Posts posted by johnbyram

  1. Yeah, the 'now' moment is connected to both the past and the future because of the process of 'cause and effect'.


    However, I think that what we humans do has very little effect on the processes of the universe as a whole. We really are not as important as many of us think we are. Sure, we can change parts of the world but I doubt anything we do will effect Mars of Venus. Or how long the Earth will be able to support life, for that matter.


    We're talking about such a long period of time. If man managed to not destroy himself, and society flourished for a billion years, surely we would understand everything about the nature of the universe by then, and be able to affect it in some major ways? Maybe even find a way to rejuvinate it? Assuming we wanted to. Perhaps upon discovering the true nature of the universe, we'd see the wisdom of allowing it to all perish and then rebirth, and wouldn't be that upset by it?

  2. physicist tell us that time exists simultaneously, and this very moment is connected with the birth of the universe, and with it's scheduled demise. the very fact that we are here, and now, connects us with these events. once awareness takes them into account, how does this change the way you look at things everyday?


    I think this is very interesting. Would you say that what is meant is that we're all really free of time, because time doesn't exist? Merely the shifting of matter and energy into new states at varying rates? In other words, we're not seperated from the past or the future in any way except in how matter has been altered since, or will be altered later. In terms of 'time', the only thing that has ever existed or will exist is the now.


    Maybe something else was meant by these physicists, but it struck a chord, cause I've been thinking of this idea some lately.