Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Posts posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan


    If you're not pissing off a few people

    every now and then,

    you're probably not

    fully expressing yourself. B)

    :lol:  i am not even trying to piss anyone off either :ph34r:


    B) like a boss.


    (Split from the member rankings thread as I feel this a worthy topic in its own right)


    This reminded me of something: the star system in the personal profiles. I feel that should be eliminated, have never seen the use in it and have noticed that it can be applied as a revenge tool.




    I dont think we should eliminate it; it's a collective, innit?


    Just because one or two people remove stars doesnt mean twelve or forty eight people wont be adding all 5...



    I think it's a decent means of actually seeing your own reputation level - in case you care to be a more respected person or not.



    I don't personally care how my stars are, i am what i am and that's not my problem  :lol:   but i do enjoy seeing what others think of me...

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  2. Apologies for the large font. My eyesight is getting worse every year and I find it increasingly difficult to read the standard default 12 point size. It's not driven by a desire to shout loudly. Just personal comfort - (and, I must admit, aesthetics. I find Georgia a much more attractive font than Arial.)


    As for your question about why I am "scrutinizing" the chat - I must confess I'm completely at a loss as to what you mean.


    I'm quite familiar with the meaning of that word, but I'm not really sure that you are.


    Like anyone else on who comes to this forum,  I first check out thread titles that seem to have some potential interest value to them. I look at a few of the replies to see what's being said. And if I find enough of them interesting and relevant to however I happen to be feeling at the time, I may well throw in a comment of my own for whatever it's worth. Wouldn't you say that this probably describes the pattern of about 90% of the users of this forum ? Perhaps even yourself ?


    Now, if you were to quickly check the dictionary to make sure that you actually are au fait with the meaning of 'scrutinize', could you then explain to me how the process I've described above is seen by yourself as "scrutinizing the chat" ?






    simply put, why does it matter to you what we do with our chat room, or how pleased we are to see the maximum (5 person) threshold raised?

  3. Hiya VTDT,


    I must confess that your reply and the question wrapped within it, have left me rather confused as to what you're asking. My guess is that it's very much written in the 'modern style' - very short, (never more than two sentences), and with an added emoticon or  acronym like LOL, IMHO, or ROFL tagged on so that everyone feels at home with the familiar.


    Are you making reference to the question I asked Jeff, and simply turning it back on myself ? Saying basically, "You tell me first." ?


    But why the sad face on the emoticon ?


    This is just a chat room after all. Surely differences of opinion are what makes discussions come alive ? Without the contrasts we'd could only communicate about two lines before hitting a dead end - "I think you're nice, and I agree with everything you say.", followed by the rejoinder,"I think you're nice too, and I agree with everything you say."


    I never use emoticons or LOLs as a matter of priciple, so I'll have to leave you with just the words on their own to try and decode. But I'm sure you're nice too, (Though unfortunately I can't promise to agree with everything you might say.).





    that is loud text, i quieted it a little...


    So im not sure what the deal is here, but my question was simply in regard to your quoted response to me:


    You call this a chat ? Sounds more like a head count than an interesting discussion. 


    How about enticing us with something more interesting than simply quoting the number 8 ? 


    Perhaps something like, "Do you think there is any relevance to chat ?", or "Is there any difference between spiritual chat and mundane chat ?", or "If your car could travel at the speed of light, would your headlights work ?"




    And all i was asking is why you were scrutinizing the chat?

  4. Alright, so at the very end of the game, i start practicing daily, and an hour each day...  :lol:

    I'm jsut going to go right on ahead and say it:

    I was never competing, or in it for the prize, i only hoped that participation would light a fire under my ass and spur me back into consistent practice...

    Suffice to say, it didnt, but i've caught up. i'm going to call my sum total hours 5, and leave it at that.

  5. I am pleased that my ageing years cause yo such mirth  ^_^



    hehe, it makes me think that maybe one day i will get to become reacquainted with my year of the Wood Ox...    i'll be 60 and still laughing the same!



    ... provided i can survive this hellish world that long! -_-  it's changed a lot in the last hundred years...    in the past, i think i could have adjusted...



    The present world is simply too inhumane. i dont want to live on this planet anymore.

  6. I still stand by my claim that i am a pre-heaven being in this post-heaven manifestation.

    I do not believe that pre-heaven was lost, but that manifestation has separated from pre-heaven; much like cells split apart.

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  7. Is Pre-Heaven Qi lost forever?


    Is it possible to replenish it?


    Many say no, but is that absolute?


    Even if one cultivates the light body for example. 



    Truth: I don't know.




    Pre-Heaven Qi is kind of like a blueprint; or in relation to Post-Heaven, the underlying code tha operates the game.


    That being said, i don't see as to why not.  Pre-Heaven is like a picture of perfect harmonious interaction, or in my mind, a fluid and moving and active perfect harmonious interaction; whereas post-heaven is a product of allowing the rules to be broken and subsequently pursuing (but not always achieving) return to pre-heaven.




    Prognosis: Pursue Pre-Heaven by not pursuing; do by not doing. Accomplish by never initiating; succeed by only responding in kind.

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