Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

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Posts posted by Vanir Thunder Dojo Tan

  1. "Better" is in the eye of the beholder.  Is it better to have no ethnic diversity like Japan, where 98.5% of inhabitants are Japanese, or plenty like Russia, home to 185 ethnic groups?  Is it better to have high per capita income like Norway, or spend whatever income you have on your children's education and your parents' comfort in old age like China?  Is it better to have a cleptocracy or a corporatocracy -- the only choices all countries really have politically these days?  Is it better to be a small country that is being managed like Laozi's small fish being carefully fried, or a large one managed the way one eats a whale -- discarding most of it?  


    Countries are unnatural.  And some of them are not even countries.  They started out as corporations for profit, and remained that for the duration of their history.


    Is it better?  The only way to answer this question is to qualify it: better for whom?


    So, I listed only the things I experienced that were "better" for me.    



    too much too much too much, all too much do we digest the lie that quantitative equates qualitative. "more is better" has always been the accepted lie.



    Moderation is key.


    "better" therefore, is a comparison between something that is beneficial to the whole, and something that is detrimental to any part of the whole.



    Cut out all the detriments-to-the-whole to find "best".  :lol:

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  2. cannabis is not conductive to violent, high impact, or long enduring practices, except as a supplement between sessions...


    There is a "secret" about cannabis that makes it whatever you need it to be: It exaggerates the active mentality of the user.

    If your mentality is one of focused hard working intent, then smoking before practice would emphasize your very practice:  I smoke it before doing warmups, because it helps me unify my mind/body conncetivity.  BUT this is also because i INTEND TO unify my mind/body connectivity; THUS cannabis amplifies the mentality that "i will unify my mind and body" and my practice is extremely efficient AND effective.

    LIKEWISE, however, if your mentality is one of lazy dull-minded, carelessness, cannabis will amplify this mentality and you will be lazier, duller of mind, and far less cautious.

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  3. maintaining all your focus on the LDT area, use ONLY THOSE MUSCLES TO BREATHE.

    The result is a VERY CONTROLLED inhale, retain, exhale, deprive cycle.

    Be sure to RELAX and AUTOMATE every couple "reps" of this controlled breathing, just to give your abs a break because if done right, one or two should wear you out big time.

    OH, i should mention, you are also aiming to breathe very slowly, as if not at all....   and FEEL the Qi fill your LDT, rather than having any intent to inhale oxygen... think of it as drinking Qi with your LDT, but by forced and controlled lower abdominal expansions and contractions.

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  4. "Your funhole's gonna land you in yer gravehole!"

    "No more GunFu! It's time for- SUPER KING SMASH MASTA KNUCKLES MC JUNK PUNCH! and his twin bro... LUCY..."
    "which is totally a girl's name so he grew up even meaner than his bro... earning him the nickname: THE WONDEROUS UNCLE THUNDER KNUCKLE MILLIONS KILL-POWER!"

    "Impossible! He crushed the unstoppable juggernut and Jhonny scrotum seed!! EVEN THE SLANT EYED SERPENTINE CYCLOPS, EMPEROR WANG!"

    Ala Raven's Dojo

  5. its cuz they are heavy with female hormones.

    Check out the transwomen who have been on estrogen for 5+ years.  bet you wouldnt be able to tell they were ever men.

    All's im saying is that porn is harmful to both population (overpopulation) and women.
    Shemales are "women" in porn for the entertainment of men without the risk of childbirth.    kills two birds with one nut.  lol

  6. now if we were to get sucked into the whole gender spectrum we'd have to include about 6 different options...

    Male, female, genderqueer, transgender, hermaphrodite, androgyne, and two spirit...  plus "none selected"

    edit add: androgyne

  7. im not even going to lie and apologize. i respect ppl too much to do that...

    But the thing is...   Your name has a heavy level of meaning behind it alone. 
    i would have to assume you actually know what name you are rocking if you are rocking THAT particular name!

    i find it hard to believe i was being that outrageously disrespectful by relating to your name and even dropping some related tips regarding your question!!

    Yeah, i find it silly that you betray the definition of your name by asking that question.  and yeah, i did make that clear, but i fail to recognize where you see "trolling"?   never meant to offend anyone, but im having a difficult time finding the offensive content.

  8. been meaning to read this article.... drawn to it...   "Omniversal singularity theory, 'singularities attract'"  :lol:

    anyways, im glad i did. made my day. totally worth the heat i get to walk in on my way back to the house :lol:

    in all fairness, i am "that guy" :lol: except i know my place ;)     i can totally understand his eagerness to show off, but at the same time, KNOWING im prone to that kind of idiocy, i cant help but laugh at him anyways :lol:

    Your toe on his solar plexus was genius!

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  9. it is all about presentation, intent, ritual, acknowledgment, and honor.

    Knowing is all the difference in how one conducts oneself.

    NO, one does not escape one's needs for sustinence, but one does learn to honor and thank all the life in all the experiences of all moments with recognition that one will experience all those reaped by the one and all those that reap the one...

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