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Everything posted by everseeking


    The[if ordered] course would be well worth your time, it covers Damo's classic/kong jing/ secret smile demonstrated at White Cloud temple, plus others. Do you mean it show you the Yi Jin King? I would sure love to know how to get them vids, I've had the PDF for a while. I sent another BUM like, a bunch of DVD's, so maybe I'll reap some positive Karma. Any advice on how to get the vids would still be appreciated though. PLEEEEEASE!!
  2. KAP

    goldisheavy-- I like the message in your reply. Here are some thoughts I have.... If anything, I want people to begin to discern manipulations and to rise above them. ---See, I think people ARE doing this, and making their own decision. I have NOT taken KAP. I peobably will in the future some time, whether in person or inline. See, I'm sort if on an island, and as far as energy practices go, I have NO ONE to teach me. You've heard of QiGong sickness, right? Well, I don't want to screw myself up going solo with meditation, and as I understand it, you need to have someone who has gone down the path already to guide you. I look at many meditation practices/techniques from a physiological standpoint. For instance, some practices have you looking downward and crossing your eyes while looking at your nose. Well, the Trigeminal (5th Cranial) nerve, a brach of the peripheral nervous system, and part of the parasympathetic nervous system--when damaged, causes the eyes to move up and outward. And some of the cranial nerves connect to ares like the hypothalamus, which is involved in certain emotions. So anyway, that was just to give you an idea or how I look t things. Anyway, for someone like me, and many others, KAP is the best deal I can get for the money. You get an instructor to guide you through energy practices/meditation, you don't have to indenture yourself to them, and you don't have to relocate or even leave your home! For that reason, I feel like it would be worth the money. And really, for all that you learn, its not an unreasonable fee. I doubt you'd get all the info in KAP no matter how many books you buy, and even then, you'd only have books, not a person to guide you along and sort things out. I believe that all spiritual knowledge is your birthright. It's funny that you'd say that, because Santi has said that many times. I could probably fill my gas tank of I had a dollar for every time I've seen Santi type that in one of his posts. The cost of KAP isn't just for the info, its also for the time of the people who teach it. If you forgot where your socks are, I don't charge you 300 dollars to remind you where you put them. If only energy practices were as simple as putting on a pair of socks. But, they aren't-many of them aren't anyway. In our culture and in our present state of collective mind we are strongly attached to the tit of authority. I am trying to ween us off. I agree. If you really want to help, type out the 'path' or 'method' you do, or the one(s) that you think people should follow, or whatever it is you think is the way to go, and put it in PDF format, and make it available to download for free. Hopefully, if you do, there will be some safeguard to prevent people from hurting themselves or doing it wrong.
  3. KAP

    Yeah goldisheavy, you should at least be able to explain your achievement(s). In a plain and straight forward manner. You don't have to say who yo are or who you've learned from, but if you are gonna make statements like you have, no one has any way of knowing that you aren't just a 15y/o lurker with a neck beard, living on your grandparents basement. You claims of superiority aren't going to be taken seriously until you have legitimized your self.

    here's my 2 cents-- On Page 18 of Kung Fu Tai Chi's Jan/Feb issue, some MMA guy's quote is in bold print, saying-" MMA Doesn't ask martial artist to accept their inferiority but invites them to join in and contribute." THAT is the kind of SHIT that makes me dislike MMA. That and all the fight's I've seen. Go to the ground and see what happens when the friends of the guy you are fighting start kicking you in the head. Being able to win a match in the ring is a skill, but people don't wear padded gloves when they attack you, and there wont be a ref around. Contrast that with the words of Grandmaster Al Novak (if you don't know who he is, look him up) "...Mixed martial arts is good. I like to watch it, but I'm a stand up man fighter. I can't see them laying on the ground for 15 minutes, beat the hell out of the guy and not getting hurt, you know what I mean? I don't care for the mat stuff. It's entertainment, but that's as far as it goes, as far as I'm concerned." Grandmaster Novak is a true living legend, look him up. I'll take his opinion on the matter as solid :-)
  5. I agree, and just to be clear about my meaning, I mean that I'd rather him or people from TTB be directed there (Bullshido) than someone do anything to direct Bullshido people here. We have plenty of negativity, but I still feel like this place is mostly a sanctuary. I hope for things to stay that way, Happy New Year:-)
  6. Kunlun in the movie Avatar

    Reform is the last hope of the helpless. I see where you are coming from, but if we all claim hopelessness, then we are just giving up and denying personal responsibility. Why not jump class like he was telling us in 'Titanic', I don't know about you, but I'm pretty high up in the class system globally. Which is a pretty good spot to affect real change. or better jump species and leave what can't be reformed behind as he's telling us in 'Avatar'? Dude, if I had the opportunity to leave everything I know behind and live on Pandora, I would do it in a human heat beat.
  7. My vote is that you direct Santi there, but I hope noone brings those people here. After all the threads I've seen that degenerate to flaming and name calling, I think we have enough of that here, without a bunch of Bullshido folks. And whats wrong with being in it for the money? Are people to tech for free? Or only allow themselves to make enough profit to break even out of some contrived virtue? Its really easy to (wrongly) label someone a fraud. Walk a mile in their shoes. IMO, the only major fraud I can imagine happening would be to break the agreement--as in, if a teacher agrees to teach x information for x dollars, and then doesn't deliver, that is not a good teacher. Or is they grossly misrepresent their teaching--such as, 'you can whip anyone with my Tai Chi form--even the top ranked fighters in the ufc' or some other nonsense. I understand the Bullshido folks are REALLY big on teachers that ask you to sign a contract--but that whole scenario is deeper than it seems. For one thing, asking someone to sign a contract isn't all bad. If a teacher is really good, asking for some money for their time isn't reasonable. I know that I would someday love to be able to make a decent living (or recoup some of the money I've spent) doing something I love. If you are a MA teacher full time, all the fees and contract stuff just comes down to business strategy. Unfortunately, $ makes the world go round. Also, I once had to pay a large sum of money to get out of a contract with a Gym because I signed a year contract, even though I moved far away, I still had to settle out of it. I think it was bullshit, but it happens all the time. If a lot of people got hard up for money and quit the Gym at the same time, without some contract to guarantee a little money, the Gym might have to close or some other problems. The people who owned the Gym were like many others, just trying to make a living doing something they like. But if someone asks you to sign a contract for MA lessons, people act like they are being forced to sign over their first born. Martial arts teachers aren't immortal superhumans that can live in Shamballa and survive by eating air. In fact, I don't know what the current average wage is, but for a person who teaches MA (as of a few years ago) the everage salary is only like $40,000 a year.
  8. Kunlun in the movie Avatar

    I've got to bring this thread back to life--I just saw Avatar, and it is now definitely in my top 2 or 3 movie favorites ever. I was a bit displeased to come back to the rest of reality when the movie ended. It just struck me as I was leaving the theatre all the garbage being generated in America. And all the pollution that is going on needlessly. And the lack of connection with the Earth. And the tribal nit-picky bullshit that goes on globally. And the horrible way people seem to treat each. And the lack of responsibility for it all. Well, as its new years where I am in about 45 minutes, Im gonna do better this year. Im gonna waste less, get in tune more, exercise my body more to use it as my vehicle toward change, and Im seriously gonna try really really hard. Im going to start with making a plan of action. I will be outside more. I will try to find ways to recycle more (I already do, but I bet I can do better) I will bring a cup with me instead of always using a disposable cup when I get an ice tea at the gas station. I will ride my bike or walk when I can, instead of driving. I will try and reach more people and share ideas to be more Planet friendly. I will do this and many other things in incremental steps, and I will make a difference, and help others to do so. I will start small, and make a snowball effect. History has been changed by a single individual numerous times. Think of what all us BUMs could do together! Who's with me? Happy new year, lets make it a happy one for mother earth.
  9. Ha. In all seriousness, whatever Santi has or hasn't said to other Silat people is something I know nothing of--so as far as that is concerned, I have no idea. But, Bullshido has always come across as BullSHIT in my perception. Everything I've ever read on there seems to consist of the following, in essence: Question ===="Hey fellow MMA nut-riders, does anyone here have any experience with xxxx school/person from ________ traditional martial art from _______ country of origin? (CMA, etc.) " Response ===="Hmm, they claim to be able to do stuff that sounds impossible, like gouge peoples eyes, break concrete with their bare hands, fight standing up without going to the ground, and have knowledge of some sort of fighting beyond BJJ, Muay Thai, and Greco-Roman wrestling." Then, the follow up. ====Yeah, I checked 'em out--I called the sifu and challenged him to a match in the ring--he said he doesn't fight in the ring. Shit must be fake. LOL. Im gonna go work out and see if my training partner wants to hit the showers." IMO, UFC became nothing more that talented athletes after they changed the rules to limit the chance of gross bodily harm--it then heavily favored BJJ and the like. And just to be clear fellow bums, I have nothing against people who want to fight in the ring--just Bullshido in general. I DO appreciate how they make it known what a fraud Ashida Kim is. They have exposed other frauds. And they are of course free to have and express their opinion . Its just that the atmosphere of that site seems like the air is only free to breath if you are a big MMA person. In fact, fighting in the ring seems to be their litmus test. Maybe I'm wrong?
  10. KAP

    Drew-- What would be some good charities?
  11. KAP

  12. KAP

    No, I did not mean that the clot would break up into a bunch of tiny clots. I meant that more tiny clots could form due to the area(s) of infarction in the lungs. A person who winds up having a clot form in their leg is more likely to have clots form elsewhere--clots don't just form in people who are in excellent health and mobile-but more likely in people who are bed bound due to surgery, ill, etc. All kinds of things can cause clots--bacterial endocarditis, total joint replacement, and so on. An area of the lungs dying due to lack of oxygen has its own risks, in other words. And a shower of little clots is not impossible-it is called disseminated intravascular coagulation, or D.I.C. heres a link that does a decent job of explaining it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disseminated_...lar_coagulation Enjoy;-) By the way, be sure to read THIS part of that link-- "The only effective treatment is the reversal of the underlying cause. Anticoagulants are given exceedingly rarely when thrombus formation is likely to lead to imminent death (such as in coronary artery thrombosis or cerebrovascular thrombosis)." from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disseminated_...lar_coagulation Have a nice day ;-)
  13. KAP

    I may be a bit rusty here, but.. If a clot in the leg(s) broke free and caused a pulmonary embolism, 2 things could result-physiologically. First, depending on how large the clot, the degree of ischemia, and resultant infarction, a heart attack (a Myocardial Infarction, or 'M.I.' as most doctors and nurses call it) could result. More simply, a clot in the lungs could cause a heart attack due to lack of oxygen to the heart. I believe the progression is often to V-fib to asystole. (?) Secondly, the area of infarction in the lungs could cause a shower of clots, one of which could travel in through the left atrium, in and out of the left ventricle, and find its way into a coronary artery. This would also cause a heart attack. Lastly, I'm pretty sure that IVC's don't catch all clots, (some too small) and either way, a tiny tiny clot could wreak havoc on the brain. Cool fact-The brain consumes 20% of the bodies oxygen. Anyhow, I'm still a student, and haven't reviewed all this in a little while, so forgive me if I got something wrong. Pics of heart vessels; http://webanatomy.net/anatomy/coronary_circ.jpg http://my.clevelandclinic.org/heart/disord...d_arteries.aspx
  14. KAP

    Yeah, Blazingfire, as far as I know, from having read about it, KAP is comprised in part by things Santi learned from other traditions--the fact that it is called KAP doesn't mean it is just 1 practice that came from 1 teacher. .
  15. KAP

    This thread, its just too heavy man...too intense.. kind of like-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zub7o3MguEg Whew! Need some fried rice up in here....
  16. KAP

    NewDawnFades-- How about a blend of both? Which side do you focus on? Wait, we already know. Which side AM I on? I am definitely not particularly skilled or gifted with energy, but I CAN think for myself, and use logic. I've never said that I had great energy, never said that I could do anything special or was a lineage holder. I have defended Santi and Susan from the (IMO) unfounded criticism by giving an account of my (all positive so far) experiences. I have asked you questions, which you've sort of dodged around at times. Its your own prerogative. Just trying to figure out what you are here for, thats all. Sounds like you have some awesome teachers man, good for you. They aren't the only teachers in the world. Can't we all just get along?
  17. KAP

    NewDawnFades-- The Point you want? Here it is: there is a saying: "When the student is ready ..." Serenblue is ready. So THAT is why you have come here and acted all pissy-out of nowhere? Because you want to take on Sereneblue as your student? I doubt She'll want to leave KAP after all the successes she has had in such a short time with it-but thats between you and her. I think you might be taking advantage of the 22 or so-pages in this thread, thinking that noone remembers all the things you've said- As you've dodged 'the point' once more. You say you your stuff is a secret, then you say it is not a secret. You say you don't want and aren't taking any students, then you offer to teach Sereneblue. Why have you come here? To brag on your super maybe/maybe not secret system? To generate revenue for yourself? To ask Susan and Santi to help heal your wrist? To get a pat on the back? To make new friends? To type out clever riddles and sayings? Heres one- ---If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.
  18. KAP

    Clearly, Adolf Hitler had TONS of energy, charisma, etc. He was NOT a good guy. I would think that that one massive example would put to rest the idea that high energy=high morality.
  19. dude, I didnt see anything for sale other than some jow. How bout them videos?
  20. KAP

    NewDawnFades It is still 'secret' because there are only two people in the world teaching it as a full system, and I'm one of them, and neither of us want new people, so it remains secret. but since I don't want new students then you said ... Sereneblue, I'll accept you as a student, ROFL I dont believe that you are just here to amuse yourself bacause your wrist is injured--I think it goes deeper. Stop jerkin us off and get to the poiint.
  21. KAP

    Yeah NewDawnFades, what exactly do you have? Its easy to talk up what you've got, but how does anyone know you aren't full of it?
  22. KAP

    NewDawnFades- Validate your statement by telling us what a real, powerful, awakening enabling system is, please. Also, have you done KAP? If so, how much time per day/week/month/years, etc.. you practiced. And what you practiced. Otherwise, you are making a baseless statement. If I said I am psychic, people would want proof or say I was full of shit. So if you say its a joke, tell us the basis of your statement-otherwise, YOU are full of shit. And of you explain a better method/system, please tell us what/why its better. Making an emotional statement about your opinion is only an opinion until you back it up. And opinions ore like assholes friend, everyone has one, and they ALL stink.
  23. Kundalini

    Susan-Just wanted to say how damn cool it is that you are a Registered Nurse. As I will be this May! Finding out that K can be awakened by trauma explains one thing-one of my teachers (an RN) can captivate the whole class with her presence. I swear, she has read my thoughts. I've never been in the presence of anyone like her-she has seriously said the exact words I was thinking on several occasions-often suddenly looking right at me as she says it. She was hit by a truck or something really serious as a little girl. Any advice on how I could approach her or ask her about this ability? As for those who discredit you and Santi, the more I read their posts, the more I am reminded of spoiled kids that want to be handed everything yet wont do the work. They want something free, yet wont put forth the (minimal) effort to tune in to the FREE global Shakti sessions. I have been present for 2 of them, and as I've said before, I felt more and stronger sensations with the meditation & breathing exercises with you 2 than ever on my own. Like, x 10 more powerful. And afterward, I've felt more...not sure how to put it... freed up blockages and freed up emotions-than I thought possible. I have gotten so calloused from many life experiences that I had forgotten what it felt like to have a hearty laugh, or feel another's feelings. But I have felt freed up after those free Shaktipat sessions. I also have become aware of areas of my body that I previously wasn't able to feel. I really did not believe it was possible to get any energy or benefit or healing from an online session, but I tuned in with an opened mind and have been convinced. Thanks for everything, Nate
  24. nwo and taoism

    Where I live, in the streets, its not the NWO we fear, its NWA. Respeck!
  25. Witch- Nice info! as for; She's probably not going to open to the fatty red meat thing. Thats exactly the problem-she doesnt let me feed her the meat enough. Im considering a home labotomy kit from Rovco. Biff--dude, I do all the cleaning. Most cooking. All the masturbating, etc.