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Everything posted by Ambrose_Bierce

  1. Deliberately doing things wrong.

    I had an experience with some indigenous people regarding this same situation. Currently they dont seem to live very long maybe 50-60 years. I notice them making "misteaks" in their life however it seems based upon older philosophies. Philosophies that are forced to live in this industrial age. How much of this "Old Knowledge" is lost? Is it only the indigenous that instinctively operate at this level?
  2. I appriciate very much your reposting. Your second post let me understand a bit more of where you are comming from. You seem to have ignored that people are a comination of their experiences also. Spiritual teaching only has an affect on the current state of being and doing. Spiritual learning and teaching does not comprise the whole. The reason why is a person could do all the healthful eating and cultivation practices and eat junkfood and still die when they are 35. On the flip side there is the Master that has for reasons unknown eaten all the right healthy foods, the right cultivation and lives for an extended period of time. This is what I mean, I did not explain this. Samadhi is a state of knowing and feeling. I simply innately know what is decent and unmeretricious. If you cant enter that in the current world which has changed how are you going to do that later? The part forgotten is todays world is different. There are distractions so you have to adapt. Your last sentance explains it all: Simple, yet you have missed it because you are NEW to the scene. Masters that have only taught me true profundity are generally nonjudgemental. Your words are simply venemous angry and you mean to dominate. Domination is really the only thing that is the dark path. Anger itself happens and must be released. When we seek to exert power over others we try to dominate. This is how the dark side wins converts because injustice only fosters more of the same. So, youve released something here: Your judgement, your anger, your ignorance and your attempt to dominate through those three. You have broken the rules of the systems you seek to "defend". How could you ever have someone learn from you without being tainted by the same? For a Simple Definition of Samadhi:
  3. Your Perspective

    I was just being facetious, meretricious. Instead I just had the feeling like a poster boy for the geek squad. Thats okay. We can do things deliberately wrong to increase creativity I am guessing. The dark side is only domination right?
  4. when did the policy on swearing change?

    I can't say I am puritanical myself. Neither can I think of anything now to say without causing some kind of controversy.
  5. Your Perspective

  6. Your Perspective

    Isnt diversity marvelous? Without it things would be quite boring! I would like to hear what people who didnt feel like the categories fit them define their own. I think it only seems fitting. The list is just a general one only.
  7. Are You Familiar With...

    Despite the strangeness of the topic... Feel free to share anything you feel is relevant to the topic no matter how irrelevant or irreverant. There are some that conclude that these do exist. My conclusions are not all-inclusive meaning that I cant prove anything. Just interested in knowing if anyone had ever heard of such a thing... On the surface of the planet.
  8. Are You Familiar With...

    Here is what happened to me: The first location my guide at the time helped to translate for me. My search led me to a local tribe and after asking around was recommened to the local old men. They called me by my personal name without knowing it before. They offered the answers to my search. The price was to swear an oath to keep the information secret at my own peril. I refused. I asked around, no one would talk to me. A kind old woman explained that I would cause my own distruction if I told everyone. So, slightly distrubed I was unshaken from my quest. The second and third sites were a repeat but I did not ask around.
  9. Time for some Shit !

    Ambrose_Birce: After you shit, please wash your hands.
  10. Your Perspective

    Ah. That is slightly refreshing. Life force brings up the topic that is informally known as "Pegging". As a misnomer, people sometime seek to "peg" other people or define what others are to look down upon what they are. That should not be the case here. Here the specific reason is to "know your audience". Would you give a speech on non di-electric biological systems to a group of theoretical physicists? Most likely not. Another example, would you talk to a group of Computer tech guys about Cooking? Thats another example. For the most part we all have the right to let our light shine... carefully of course. People should not be afraid of what they are. With people the only evil generally is opinion.
  11. You seem to see the "so-called" arrogance and "so-called" disrespect. How did they all become Masters? Are you wrongly assuming that hermitage or renunciation was the only method and apex of their life path? Let me explain how that last statement is not arrogant. Other Life Situations + Renunciation Path = The Masters you spoke of. Thus since a Master (you spoke of) is a SUM of all his situational experiences. Renunciation does not equal Master, just like the Other life situations do not equal Master. Thus, my conclusion is common sense not arrogance. My words dont seem arrogant now do they? Deep in your heart you know what I am talking about. Did they lead another kind of life at other times before they chose the path of renunciation? If they did, do you know what it was that made them great? Does it say they got along well with people? Or have you missed that point (reiterated for emphasis). No, it just simply means that you are searching. It is not always prudent to exclaim "Eureka" at the first find.
  12. What do you normally do?

    It is what it is.
  13. Are You Familiar With...

    Yes. I am talking about physical portals. When I speak of physical portals I am not talking about anything man-made. I am not talking about rumor or taboo. I am speaking of an untranslatable tablet that offers the resting place of one of the last remaining locations of one of these trans-dimensional or interstellar portals. That is only one example. I mean no disrespect to anyone who reads science fiction or was a fan of stargate. I am talking about the real thing. When I talk about the real thing, though peoples hearts and minds may be closed to this topic; There are still people who have at least have some idea of what I speak of.
  14. Hi Tulku, I used to have quite a bit of fervor for the renunciation path myself. Many things happened which made me reconsider the renunciation path. In the west it is not necessarily the difficulty of living the renunciation path. It is how people are connected in the city you live in that confirms the overall result. How do you interact with people who you see go to the bar? When you are interacting with people who have opposing views what is your general reaction? Do you isolate yourself from messages you could be getting from other people which helps to overall tweak our views on things? The lone mind tends to have a funny interaction with itself if one is not used to looking for messages in nature itself. Once you have done it... What happens when you realize you cant interpet or react in a non-inflamitory way with humanity? Are you ready for that? Do you realize that being a hermit actually sheds a lot of your interaction skills? Have you seen how old people who are hermits in the texts are? They have already learned how to interact with people. My smoking gun question... If you would be ever wanting to consider it: If you cant learn how to properly interact with people, how could you learn how to properly interact with natural forces, deities or spirits? If you think I am implying that you do not. The information I am giving is missed. I just ask simply that people who consider this path to be concerned with the result which although beautific and full of glory which is talked about. That it may not be what you think it is. It is the stepping stone for one who has plateaued in their understanding and is searching for more tea during the dark tea time of the soul.
  15. Numinous Luminous

    [joking]Looks at the percentage on his corona... Yeah I think youre 5% right! [/joking] What is divided light?
  16. A Thought ...

    I cant speak for those who have regretted all three.
  17. Your Perspective

    Yes, I will try to be active as much as I am able. I think Taoism has a bad rep ever since the Nazi(s) delved into most of the eastern knowledge and philosophies to accomplish dubious goals. I don't know to what extent that affects the current perspective. I cant avocate the Nazi's themselves but acknowledge that people are always borrowing from older cultures. I also acknowledge that eastern philosophy seems difficult for the mainstream public to understand. I edited the poll for the last time to make it easier to pick all that apply to peoples perspectives.
  18. Your Perspective

    Ah! I might have read that wrong. I am not looking to usurp any control here. I have been lurking for some time... Have noticed that there seems to be a lot of intitial "Ill tell you what" type posts albeit humorous. Some seem to take offense to those posts Disregard my statement about kindness.
  19. Avid Enthusiast

    Hello. I stumbled on rare books by chance then stumbled into greatness. Look for my posts, they will only be well researched.