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Everything posted by ffvii

  1. What would be the taoist approach to dating? things to do? not to do? expect and not expect?
  2. Live Simply

    What does it mean to live simply?
  3. Live Simply

    Ok so I saw this picture 5 Simple Rules to Happiness, and wondered the live simply part. as of right now, my life consists of going to school, playing games when i get home, doing a lot of homework (I'm a pretty above average student), and thats about it. i wanted to understand this because I haven't been happy lately. I got my heart broken by this girl I love, I've realized that my friends are pretty crappy, i've gotten a terrible grade, and i've just been pretty depressed, but mainly because of the girl. she's always on my mind.
  4. Friendship

    What would a Tao cultivator call a friend?
  5. Okay so i used to have a girlfriend and she broke up with me i never stopped loving her and shes with another guy and i find myself very very jealous of him because i think "that used to be me" and i get kinda sad and really jealous. how am i to rid myself of these thoughts? what should i think?
  6. Hi, i am starting to use taoist philosophy in my day to day life and i have encountered a problem. for a long time now i have greatly desired to have more friends and a girlfriend. it has been a constant problem that makes me suffer. i wish to release myself from these desires like others, but i just don't know how to. they are and always have been great desires for me. does anyone here have an idea of what i should do?
  7. taoists

    Do Taoists seek to improve upon self?
  8. Kung Fu

    Hey i was just wondering has anyone seen the Kung Fu tv series with David Carradine? if so is that show accurate or inaccurate as far as portraying tao ideas? here's a reminder in case you forgot what the show was http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h2GOmeHouw&feature=related
  9. Puzzling Question

    If the Tao teaches us to lead a virtuous life without suffering and desire and etc. then if one follows the Tao perfectly and becomes one with nature, how can he have an equal balance of yin and yang in him? like how can he be balanced as far as happiness sadness and anger and calmness. if he is always happy or calm?
  10. Yin Yang

    Is there any situation or thing to which the Yin Yang does not apply to?
  11. Frustration

    How do we stop our frustration like with schoolwork or if i'm frustrated or bored because i have a really long period of Spanish or frustration in any case?
  12. Kung Fu

    Oh yeah I've watched those they're awesome
  13. Kung Fu

    Dude you are awesome that's basically what got me into Taoism- because i watch that show so much i love it :lol:XD
  14. Kung Fu

    yeah but i was wondering if these priests portrayed real monks and preists accurately also the setting is in the shaolin temple
  15. Difficult People

    Okay so i have this friend that is slightly crazy and he is encountering some problems in life that i can relate to so i try to help him but he dismisses everything i say he doesn't think that anything i say related to him at all because he is "insane" he says that i cant understand anything that he goes through. he is having a problem with this girl that was the exact same as what happened to me (learning the harsh truth from an unreliable source) and i told him what i went through and he just dismissed it. how can i reach out and help these kind of people?
  16. people

    I hate how so many people look down upon me it actually kinda frustrates me. I barely have any friends and others give me wierd looks and look down upon me. how should i go about fixing this? what would the Tao do?
  17. ok well this isn't a movie, but its a show from the sevendies called kung fu and here they explain this SCENE
  18. people

    well i think they are because they see themselves as higher than me and i don't talk to them much i guess
  19. Advice

    should a taoist advise someone when not asked to?
  20. Jealousy

    Hi, i realized that i have a problem with jealousy and i didn't really know it before, what would be the Taoist approach to solving this problem? i could give you an example (though it is kind of personal) if you would like.
  21. for a beginner at meditation, how should i start off and how should i get better and progress?
  22. Advice

    Well like a tao cultivator, if he saw someone he could help by telling them some tao philosophy, should he help them without being asked? i'm asking for advice i guess
  23. Meditation

    How can you tell if you've truly experienced meditation? i think i just did, but i did think about some things and when i had an itch, i itched it, though i don't know if that's relevant or not.
  24. Meditation

    Also if the purpose of meditation is to clear thoughts, why do i hear people say to meditate on something if that is a thought?
  25. Question

    OK so i had a girlfriend a while back and she completely broke my heart but i still love her anyway and we've been friends and now she wants to get back together and i want to but it seems like i'm just being weak by doing that. so What would a Tao cultivator think about and do in this situation?