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Posts posted by DustWalker

  1. Hey Bums!


    What are your best recommendations for developing your intuition?


    I picked up "You Already Know What to Do: Ten Invitations to the Intuitive Life"by Sharon Franquemont

    the other week at a second hand book stall. But haven't gotten that far into it yet.




    What are your best book-recommendations, practical methods you use or other tips that can help to develop intuitive knowledge?




  2. Thank you all for an amazing thread!! Really worthwile and interesting posts! Thank you to Cat for the brilliant idea to create a richer language for the different modes and emotions and intentions involved with in sexual conduct. That would really clear out a lot of confusion and make us all easily discover and try out different ways of sensually interacting together!


    Keep it coming y'all :)

  3. Hey Guys.


    Which of Barry Long's books are the best ones to pick up?


    I just did a search on Barry here and found this topic http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?showto...p;hl=barry+long


    Interesting critique of Barry by Mitch there.. Just wondering if Mitch and others could give me directions for material that deals with finding harmony among the sexes and leading a life that includes sex, love and spirituality without cutting away something of your personality or living a half life.


    I've already read David Deida's - "The Way of The Superior Man" and I found it interesting.


    Any other suggestions?

  4. Hey Folks


    What are your remedies for sexual energy stuck in the bodys energy pathways?


    I've managed to really clog up my system now and would like a quick fix if possible.


    I know moving and standing qigong and meditation and some yoga is good but it takes a LOT of time :angry:

    are there any tricks that work better or more efficient than others in your opinion? B)

  5. Out of curiosity...what is it that you saw that made you want to move like him..??





    A russian tv demo where in the end we can se sam perform a part of Iliqchuans fast and stunning "Butterfly Form"


    Watch the flowing "water-boxing" flavour to Sammie Chin's "21 Form", Iliqchuan looks like taichi, yiquan and other influences, but it's still something different. For me this is absolutely beautiful.


    Fa-jing & Splitting force. Notice that one arm fa-jing.. rezpect! It's fun to see how the russian spetznaz types get all soft and giggling around him..

  6. I've mentioned him before but here it goes again..


    Since you are in the US right?

    Check out Sam Chin's Iliqchuan www.iliqchuan.com


    When I first saw him move I knew this was the way I wanted to move.


    Maybe I can gather enough of people here interested in bringing him here for an intensive seminar.


    I've got problems with my knee from incorrect knee positioning while training yang-style. But that's just my own fault. Right now I need a style with a more open bow-stance. Iliqchuan seems to have that and a lot more.


    But then again there is also a He Liu Ba Fa school in Copenhagen hidden behind the auspicious name of Hua Yue Taichi. www.huayuetaichi.dk




    So many choices, so little time.

  7. I purchased this book yesterday, not sure why but from what I have read it has some really

    cool Qigong/Nei Gong exercises in it. Anyone else have it and if so what are your opinions?




    Dan, could you please tell me more about the nature of these exercises?


    In martial circles there seems to be two popular definitions of neigong around. First and most common is the definition of neigong as physical strenght-building poses that usually are static. Second and far less common is the idea of subtle energy manipulation/visualisation aka. internal alchemy.


    In which camp does this book fall into? The first or second or little of both?

  8. In Chinese and Japanese mythology there is a lot of talk about "fox spirits". At least according to chinese lore female foxes have the ability to cultivate just like humans. When they reach a certain degree of cultivation they can shapeshift into a beautiful human female that lures men into having sex with them and thus steals their jing for their own benefit. This is the way that the fox/spirit can gain immortality, or something along the line. If you really are interested here are some links mostly dealing with the japanese variant.







    Hope this helps.




    Here are some more of the chinese sort







    Interesting that Fox-spirits seem to be sort equivalent to the european pheonomenon of fairie.

  9. I actually think the easiest answer in this case is the most believeable. Whats wrong with plain normal environmental-damage?


    The Chemtrails idea to me is yet another unhealthy "meme" that poisons peoples minds and helps to create a world a lot worse than the one we all live in.


    So my take is: Just don't believe it!

  10. Hey I actually think everyone should be able to post questions around here. Even with stupid topic-titles. The familiar and friendly nature of taobums that I absolutely love can actually be a hindrance sometimes since it may keep people from expressing themselves out of fear of ridicule or embarrasment! Think about it.


    I'm sure there are a few of us (including me) who are a bit afraid of asking stupid questions or bringing up questions concerning intimate details of our private life and similar things that might put us in a bad light in respect to the other bums around here.. Yeah that's really stupid I know! :rolleyes:


    Funny, I thought of the same thing when I saw the title. :)

    As for the exercise I can`t really comment, since I have too little experience in this area. However, it seems a bit "agressive" to me, the three finger press is not encouraged, especially if you do it on a regular basis.


    I don't think the 3 finger press is a bad thing when you utilise it in other situations than to prevent ejaculation or? Please enlighten me if I'm wrong here.

  11. Hi there.


    Just borrowed Michael Tse's book about the first 64 movements out of the Dayan qigong form, one of the most famous forms out of the Kunlun Dayan Qigong system as transmitted by Yang Meijun. This system seems very intricate and interesting. Does anyone here have any experience with this form/system?


    Regards /Chris.

  12. GT, I would get "Way of Energy" first, as that seems to be the essential book about his zhanzhuang system. Way of power I think goes into some of the same material and then adds more visualisation exercises and ideas about healing.


    I bought Way of Energy and have never regretted it, it is almost too simple but contains everything you need to know! I've actually taught myself zhanzhuang from this book, and now I'm looking for someone more trained to chech my postures to see if i've been doing things right. People say that oooh, you can train in a wrongful manner and then you have to start from scratch etc. etc.. But if you have some degree of sensing chi and way to feel when your body is connected or not, I think it is hard to go too far astray if you follow all the details.

  13. Yes! According to many sources the vajrayana and the thunder path are of the same origin. There seems to have been lots of connections between chinese and tibetan hermits on both sides of the himalayan borders. Very interesting.


    Btw. Does anyone here know where I can find a torrent or place to download the full "ring of fire" program? B)

  14. Welcome to taobums Doc! Great to finally have you here mate! See you are allready making a stir here on taobums with a great first intital topic! Looks good! I'm not gonna add anything to this discussion as we've allready been served some very wise and thinkworthy replies from Rex, Freeform, Yoda & Trunk. I'll just lean back in my chair and enjoy the show hehe.. :)



  15. Kudos to you Freeform for daring to bring this thought up!

    I've thought a lot about this myself but I would never dare to say it out because, one really comes across as a delusional idiot from people with a less mystical view of the world. It IS a very provocative perspective..


    I told Ron Jeremy at one point to stop manifesting his Chemtrails meme, to stop spreading it and convincing us about the reality of this negative possibility. By doing that ofcourse I opened myself up to the incredibly rude reply from him. I could have tried to defend myself but it is extremely hard go into discussions about matters like these with people who are not willing to consider these concepts. One is merely making a fool out of oneself. Here at taobums however I think we are all more or less open to the idea..




    I really like the first part of your post.


    I know the concept pisses a lot of people off - but I believe everyone is constantly manifesting... I dont mean this in just the physical sense, I mean it in a broad sense. People come out with 'the starving children in africa' argument - and to be honest I think that's just an example of that idea - that people are already manifesting everything in this universe - no need for some magic process - it's already happening all the time.


    In the case of starving african children - the manifestation works both ways - we see children in africa as starving and impoverished - they see westerners as rich and healthy - this is a system of perpetual manifestation... we each asign ourselves and others a role to play - it's much easier to just play the role than to break free from it.


    I think things like live8 and all those charities are part of the problem - we're fed a cultural meme... that africans starve, they're impoverished and have aids - that's their role, they have to play the role in our eyes, if 'reality' as we colectively know it, is to remain intact. All these charities do is continually bombard us with the same message - they're starving! they're poor! They reinforce this manifestation constantly. Seriously - just do a little thought experiment - imagine in your mind - one after the other - 7 different africans... how many of them were not poor and starving?


    I had a lengthy conversation with a priest from africa about this - he ofcourse presumed that all I thought about his country was 'starvation', and he was very angry about that - because if so many millions of people focus on one thing, then what's the likelyhood of something completely in opposition to that happening? The africans believe themselves to be poor and starving - that's their reality because that's our reality.


    Yes - I am saying that we colectively manifest starvation in africa, and in other countries.


    tumoessence said that to really manifest something new one needs to be free of all opposition to that happening. This is very true - manifestation takes the road of least resistance - in terms of starving africans the least resistance is for it to stay as it is... and in fact get worse - because we've and they've been so brainwashed in accepting their role and our role - as the rich and the poor.


    The thing is microcosmically we're just like that - we have little roles that we play... we have little opposing polarities that force us to swing back and forth - or to try and hold and grasp on to one end hoping you will never reach the other end.... that's what creates tension - thet's what creates resistance.


    If you want to be rich - you dont want to be poor - so you end up clinging to money sources in a constant struggle to stay away from poverty - this is a polarity of tension - this person would never be able to willfully manifest money without serious repercussions. You first need to bring all your inner tensions to neutrality before trying to manifest things that will have a powerfull 'ecological' effect (as in benefiting everyone!) because if you have any egoic tensions, then they'll manifest in your outer life too!

  16. Stumbled across this book as a folder of jpegs on Soulseek, but can't seem to download more than two pages of it.


    The Manuscript is a translation by Paul Andersen called "The Method of Holding the Three Ones - a manual of taoist meditation from the fourth century ad".


    Anyone of you got it? It is a typewritten manuscript with the accurate chinese signs drawn above the translation. The manuscript was printed by Curzon Press, London in 1980.


    It looks very similar to the Liu He Ba Fa classic "5 word song" found elsewhere on the net.


    All clues are welcome. :)

  17. http://www.daoistmagic.com

    The director of which, recently took this training:



    Talking about the religious taoist sects/orders and the fact that now for some reason the veil seems to be lifted yet more. Here are some resources:


    Here's an interesting site that I found yesterday.


    This guy comes from Western Heaven Upper Sect. Here's his blog on talismans. http://taoisttalisman.blogspot.com/

    This guy have books in the pipeline that obviously are going to blow of the roof of some of the lineage secrets that up until now have been reserved for initiated taoist priests. For what reasons I asked myself? Maybe the time is ripe now to release this kind of material to the world as we wenture further and further into kali yuga.

    Don't like how thin the line seems to be between right and left hand path practices within "religious taoism".

    Wouldn't mind checking out his book on mudras when it comes out though.


    Here's another dodgy website selling books on taoist magic. I get a dodgy feel from this although the index have some extremely interesting headings. I mean, what kind of vibe do you portray when you call the subtitle of you book "The art of getting even"?! Check at your own risk.



    Furthermore, this guy seems also to have opened a door for initiation into one of the sects of religious daoism. http://wanderingtaoist.net/

  18. Jana Dixon is great. We keep in touch on the Integral Naked forum where she is active. She also invented the Cardio-Muscular-Release Technique that I've gotten a lot out of and I pasted the pitfalls on the path in an earlier post.




    Oops, I should be reading the threads more carefully. :rolleyes: Sorry for that, don't want to bring old news to the table. But I'm not surprised you found this already Sean, since it really seems to be down your alley. :)