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Everything posted by Bubbles

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    1.Don’t get caught by words, give your full attention to reality. Lying is lying, stealing is stealing, killing is killing etc whatever you choose to call these actions. Even if you choose to avoid the word “sin” for these actions, will it change anything to them? Everything we do has a multi-level impact on us: on our body (organs), our affectivity and our train of thoughts. This is not only about morality it is also about the impact such actions have on the very functioning of our being, physical, psychical and spiritual. Did you noticed that any negative action has an immediate consequence on your being (not even talking about the consequences to come later) ? In my experience, I am taxing myself when I commit any negative action, and to me at least, wording it as “karmic debt” is exactly spot on here. But again, the words are not important, but the reality of what is going on is. Let's say someone practice FP or SYG from stolen material (I mean material people get with the clear intention of avoiding paying for it). If you were that Goddess, would you find it right that such people benefit from these systems? Check it out for yourself. 2.Don’t get caught by the way some people choose to present their ideas. David Twicken is the author of the material you posted about Hun and Po. Be aware that Healing Tao (Mantak Chia, Michael Winn, David Twicken etc..) found its marketing niche by presenting the material they promote in such a way that people who had a problem with Christianity could become customers ( no morality system, promise of sexual fulfillment, rejection of the Christian Father like God etc…). But that doesn’t change anything to reality: everything we do has a multi-level impact on us: on our body (organs), our affectivity and our train of thoughs. Mantak Chia chose to erase any reference to a fixed set of moral values but do you think that Daoism could go without any reference to good and bad, whatever content you give to these ideas? If I was you, I would ask myself these questions: why could it be important to be pure or trying to be so when practicing such a yogic system like FP or SYG given their explicit aim? If the story of the Goddess is true, why did she insist that FP system should be taught only to the right people? Why should it be different with any other system? I am just throwing here my 2 cts. Good luck in your search. Please forgive me, Sifu Terry and fellow followers of this thread. If you feel that this post is inappropriate to this thread, I will happily delete my post if you ask me.
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sifu Garry, I don't practice yoga. Every system has requirements and an order to follow. That's what I was saying. Best,
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Eugene, The following is extracted from the Patanjali's Yoga-Sutra : please look at verses 46 and 49. स्थिरसुखमासनम् ॥४६॥sthira-sukham-āsanam ||46|| Practicing yoga with strength and in a relaxed manner gives rise to harmony with the physical body (asana). ||46|| प्रयत्नशैथिल्यानन्तसमापत्तिभ्याम् ॥४७॥prayatna-śaithilya-ananta-samāpatti-bhyām ||47|| The key to success in this regard is practice with effort, which becomes progressively easier, combined with deep contemplation (samapatti). ||47|| ततो द्वङ्द्वानभिघातः ॥४८॥tato dvaṅdva-an-abhighātaḥ ||48|| This results in a victory over the duality of life. ||48|| तस्मिन् सति श्वासप्रश्वास्योर्गतिविच्छेदः प्राणायामः ॥४९॥tasmin sati śvāsa-praśvāsyor-gati-vicchedaḥ prāṇāyāmaḥ ||49|| Once harmony with the physical body has been achieved, through interruption of the movement engendered by inhaling and exhaling you attempt to harmonize your energy (pranayama). ||49|| Best
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Eugene, I am not Steve, but from what I know, pranayama should be practiced only after years of asana practice because the body, the nadis, chakras have to be prepared for this powerful practice otherwise it may lead to problems. Pranayama requires being able to be very attentive, internally still, and able to control very well your diaphram muscle, having a very good posture etc..Also, traditional practice of yoga means leading a life according to the yamas and niyamas. Feeling agitated is a sign that you may not be ready for pranayama. But this is my opinion only.
  5. *

    Hi cat, Imo, if you want to improve the FS of your bedroom, an analysis based on some measurments and calculations is required, such as the magnetic orientation of your dwelling and the things like the date of construction of it. A detailed floorplan is also needed.
  6. Moderator Dictatorship

    I am sorry mum Can I still play on my Xbox before going to bed? Pleeaase...
  7. Moderator Dictatorship

    Look, I just saw in the Tech forum that it was against the rules to post a member's personal email. I am really disappointed to see how this board is being ruled: I can't freely attack or insult any member, I can't feely share any nazi opinion, any antisemitic view,etc.. I can freely say what I think; I can't speak my mind because people here are just confused about what the Tao is. Tao means the way of nature, hey! my mind is just that, the way of nature! it's just natural for me to think and believe I'am f..g right just because I am thinking it. Holy crap! rules are for tight asses who think spirituality has something to do with morality. Old shmucks you are, I am not an angry child, I am a f..g anarchist, I am free man! I don't need your help. I help myself. OK? edited : this post should be read in conjunction with post #34
  8. Moderator Dictatorship

    You said it all. Thanks
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sifu Terry Thanks for your words. As for the reminder about healing with the FP energy, I am far away from being able heal anyone with FP energy. If someday it happens, I will take it as a gift from Sifu (you) and a grace from the triune God. Best wishes and Happy Pentecost
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Sorry, my mistake. I first thought it could have been Ashram renamed on youtube before I saw it was a Swiss documentary. Seeing Rajneesh grinding his thumb on the forehead on his followers at 9:51, I prematurely took it that it was the right movie.
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi Sifu Terry, I think I have found part of the movie you are reffering to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4e6wDDFm-_A at 9:51, you can watch the initiation. Thank you Best wishes
  12. Primordial qigong aka Tai Chi for Enlightenment

    It is not the same set although one or two movements seem similar. It is a slower and somewhat simpler set than GM Feng Zhiqiang's Hun Yuan Qigong. Also Tseng Yun Xiang 's dvd has a sitting exercise part.
  13. Taiji Quan in San Francisco

    Hi Lin, Your friend could go there: http://www.chenfamilytaiji.com/index.html best
  14. Lily Of The Day

    To add to Marblehead's walk into the garden
  15. Suspension

    Just to bump it. Bold parts are mine. Thanks.
  16. Suspension

    I'll give you a toothpick so that you can burst my nonsense bubbles. Without fair-play there is no play.
  17. I know the History of Christianity. And this doesn't really answer my post. The lenses of history actually confirm that Christianity is just a religion among others. The spiritual enslavement is not more important in Christianity than it was before Abrahamic religions. People who have no religious education or background whatsoever are not less prone to belief systems than others. In our Saha world, it takes more than the mass extinction of some religious institutions to free people's heart from the mind/senses. It seems a little naive to think otherwise. But if you really want that, I won't oppose this.
  18. Suspension

    You're not getting away with that anyway. Apple is historically a problematic fruit, I bet you'll get in trouble sooner than later with that fruit. Besides, she will have some stuck between the teeth and will curse you for that very reason. So I 'll bring her a toothpick everyday. Don't scratch your head, man, I am just the best.
  19. Suspension

    LOL not really. I just like the sponatneous relation she has with her new TTB status. But I also understand how jealous you can be not having made this gracious remark before I did,
  20. Christianity has not a monopole over beliefs, so your intolerance of Christianity is a very specific one. We don't hear much from you about how Hinduism (more than 1 billion of followers) is diverting people from their direct experience, nor about how political sets of beliefs are diverting people from their direct experience, nor how a basic belief like " I would be much better off if my partner would accept me as I am" is diverting people from their direct experience. Your compassionate intolerance of people's belief is very much anti-Christianity but there is a lot to do with non christians and non religious people clinging to their set of belief too. Numerically they are far much than the christians and we could also find a good number of them in Buddhism. edited to add some words and to underline
  21. Suspension

    Don't change -K-, you are perfect
  22. Suspension

    Congrats to viator ! Who is the other new one? -K-, right ? Congrats -K-!
  23. Spirituality could aslo be manifested into some compassion towards people, including Popes and christians instead of mocking them. Just saying.
  24. Kuan Yin Magnetic Qigong

    To my knowledge, Laoxie's school functions like any traditional one. There are closed door disciples, who receive special transmission. The DVDs are obviously very useful in so many ways and offers some kind of real deal look at Trunk, spiraltao, zerostao's posts about DGS but there is also a inner circle, like often Edited for spelling
  25. Suspension

    Perhaps it is not censorship, ralis. He may have hidden it himself. It you look at mine, you should see no way to send me a PM. Nevertheless, you can use the Personal Messenger function from the Control Panel of your profile and compose a message from there to Aaron. Hope you see what I mean.