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Everything posted by Eric23

  1. Is my body forgetting to breathe

    Your body will get oxygen no matter what (unless of course someone is strangling you or you're drowning ). The question I have for you is how are you breathing? Before one gets into the timing of the breath, one should learn belly breathing imo. Learn to relax the diaphram and breath deeply into the belly first.
  2. Thanks Carson, I'm fortunate to live in a city where we have a few yoga studios that offer Yin classes. I studied with a teacher (who took a workshop with Grilley) for about a year before my job was cut to part time and funds became an issue. I continue to do the practice at home every morning and get to a class for a refresher every now and again. I bought Bernie Clark's excellent book to have for reference. My understanding is that Yin Yoga works the facia and the goal is to open the meridians that pass through. I've introduced mantra and mudra to the practice. Overall each yin asana turns out to be a nice 4-5 minute meditation. I've experienced some very profound moments of transformation while doing the practice. I do sprinkle in a few yang asanas to balance things out. Like all of us, I have a few tight muscle groups that need lots of work. Would still like to learn more about the principles of alignment for those yang asanas. Thanks. Eric
  3. Carson Zi, Really enjoy your posts, thank you. I would really like to know more about the inner and out spirals that you described in the AYP thread. I've been practicing Yin yoga for quite a while now and am always looking for way to take it to higher level. Thanks. Eric
  4. Amazing TAO te CHING!

    I've been enjoying Sam Hamill's translation for several years now.
  5. How to find a master?

    I thought the teacher was supposed to find you. Never the less, I'm sure there are a multitude of very good tai chi and yoga teachers in Columbus. Find someone close by with a schedule that works for you and just get started. Learn the basics. Once you get going and build up a network of people in your area, fellow students will fill you in on where to find the best systems. For now, my path is yoga. I've yet to walk out of a class not learning something, no matter who was teaching.
  7. Pain around Rib cage/Liver

    Self massage is good. Just be gentle. Have had good results with Unwinding the Belly, a self massage method that starts at the belly button and works out to include the elemental organs.
  8. zhan zhaung, standing qi gong/meditation. About as simple as one could find and very, very effective.
  9. Happy Birthday Vajrasattva (Santi)

    Me too! Happy Birthday Santi. Thanks for all you've done. Have a great day
  10. I Ching Digest

    I would simply ask the I Ching "what do I need to learn today?" Throw the coins or cast the sticks and study the hexagram. Eventually you'll get to all of them
  11. Sayings of past spiritual teachers!

    I found this a few years ago somewhere on Have not researched the author, don't know anything about her. Give up the world; give up self; finally, give up God. Find god in rhododendrons and rocks, passers-by, your cat. Pare your beliefs, your absolutes. Make it simple; make it clean. No carry-on luggage allowed. Examine all you have with a loving and critical eye, then throw away some more. Repeat. Repeat. Keep this and only this: what your heart beats loudly for what feels heavy and full in your gut. There will only be one or two things you will keep, and they will fit lightly in your pocket. ~ Sheri Hostetler ~
  12. I Ching Digest

    I have Wu Wei's translation of the I Ching. He has a very nice introduction to the work and discusses methods. He is a strong advocate of yarrow sticks. His reasons are that they require an input from the seeker when the pile is first broken. Also yarrow sticks take more time so you have more time to meditate on your question. Being a traditionalist, he strongly advises against coins.
  13. Any outdoorsmen (or women) here?

    Lots of hiking. Got into fly fishing for a while.
  14. Sense Pleasures

    Every now and again the universe gives you a gift of a beautiful sunset, a mind blowing orgasm or a nice day enjoying the company of good friends; enjoy it, accept it and be sure to give thanks for it!!! Just don't get caught up in the thought process that every day or every moment has to be perfectly blissful.
  15. An excellent candidate would be the Learner. However he is on the playa for the time being, probably unwired. Agree with Trunk, Mal and Pietro. Would also throw Rain's hat in the ring. edit: I support Stigweard, he has my utmost respect.
  16. Well that will just take all the fun out of yoga class. Looking good there Mal!
  17. Thanks for the great link!!
  18. Burning Man happening Aug 31 to Sept 7

    Know a few people who have gone. Don't underestimate the extremes in weather. Lots of friendly folks.
  19. Discarding the Maps

    I would hazard a guess that most of us on TTB's have read enough material to keep us occupied for several years if not lifetimes. Time to just do the work.
  20. The Nexus Titus

    There is a forum and a wiki on Lots of very cool people and good info. Give it a good study and you should be ok. The one piece of advice that I got and followed and will pass on; treat an Aneros session as a time of meditation and stillness. It won't work it's magic if you are forcing things, just relax, breath and be still, it will do all the work for you.
  21. The Nexus Titus

    I will confess to doing yoga on occasion while using the standard model Aneros. Makes for a very intense yoga session. My perspective on prostate massagers is that if you have never experienced a whole body, dry orgasm or don't know what one should feel like; they will take you to the promised land. You will have to get over any pre-conceived notions of homosexuality or issues with natural bodily functions. For the adventurous, it's one hell of a trip.
  22. In the Unwinding the Belly book the authors teach breathing into the lower abdomen first. Then they have you work on expanding the LDT out to the sides and then expanding the back outwards. Later on as you work on the intercostal muscles in the rib cage you then work on expanding the upper chest. Ultimately you literally breath into your entire body, starting low and ending high.
  23. I was at yoga class deep in an asana and realized that my breath had completely filled my body.